Clone Tools
  • last updated a few minutes ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Rewritten part of the main processing thread method to not use exceptions to signalize pausing, cancelling, error and kill requests.

Reduced count of data stored in serialization files for destination path object.

Bugfix: Fixed potential problem with constant re-reading drive id.

Added missing serialization for the newly added operation type.

Separated operation type performed by task from the other flags.

Various cleanups - removed unneeded variables, cleaned up code.

Separated task state from other flags (i.e. subtask and task options).

Got rid of additional read request at the end of file when previous read gave info about EOF.

Removed 3 not implemented (anymore) configurations settings:

Small cleanups in code.

Rewritten part of the copy engine responsible directly for copying single file:

Removed configuration option "Create log file" - most of the logging was done without taking this option into consideration.

Extracted most of the basic file operations with feedback support from CustomCopyFile to separate methods.

Got rid of unneeded method.

Got rid of the last but one goto from code.

Uncommented line of code (commented out by mistake).

Reduced amount of information stored in the task description files.

Removed unused strings from the resources.

Removed storing/loading of total size and processed size of data to/from archive.

Task API improvements - added thread proc delegation function to avoid calling CTask methods with 'pTask->'.

Removed option 'auto-resume on error' - wasn't really used, did not work properly.

Removed functionality creating n copies of the original file - it made code more complicated, preventing core code from rewriting (hopefully nobody uses it).

Bugfix: 100% of a processor used by the clipboard monitoring thread.

Corrected code formatting.

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Extracted operation time tracking to a local stats object.

Re-used worker thread controller in clipboard monitoring functionality.

Got rid of unused error code/message field in status dialog.

Bugfix: wrong calculations of the processed/total size.

Removed unused code, made some order in methods' visibility (public/protected).

Changed thread management code to use events and thread waitability instead of volatile bool variables.

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