Index: other/help/HTMLDefines.h =================================================================== diff -u -N --- other/help/HTMLDefines.h (revision 6472716fec44f80b223922d89f269e365aeaba60) +++ other/help/HTMLDefines.h (revision 0) @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ -// Help Map file generated from application's resource.h file. - -// Commands (ID_* and IDM_*) -#define HID_POPUP_SHOW_STATUS 0x8005 -#define HID_POPUP_TIME_CRITICAL 0x8006 -#define HID_POPUP_HIGHEST 0x8007 -#define HID_POPUP_ABOVE_NORMAL 0x8008 -#define HID_POPUP_NORMAL 0x8009 -#define HID_POPUP_BELOW_NORMAL 0x800A -#define HID_POPUP_LOWEST 0x800B -#define HID_POPUP_IDLE 0x800C -#define HID_POPUP_CUSTOM_BUFFERSIZE 0x8019 -#define HID_POPUP_OPTIONS 0x8022 -#define HID_SHOW_MINI_VIEW 0x8023 -#define HID_POPUP_CUSTOM_COPY 0x8024 -#define HID_POPUP_REPLACE_PATHS 0x8025 -#define HID_POPUP_MONITORING 0x8026 -#define HID_POPUP_SHUTAFTERFINISHED 0x8027 -#define HID_POPUP_REGISTERDLL 0x8029 -#define HID_POPUP_UNREGISTERDLL 0x802A -#define HID_POPUP_HELP 0x802E -#define HID_POPUP_TEMP 0x802F - -// Prompts (IDP_*) - -// Resources (IDR_*) -#define HIDR_MANIFEST 0x20001 -#define HIDR_MAINFRAME 0x20080 -#define HIDR_SYSTEMTYPE 0x20081 -#define HIDR_POPUP_MENU 0x20082 -#define HIDR_PRIORITY_MENU 0x20087 -#define HIDR_BUFFERSIZE_MENU 0x20088 -#define HIDR_PAUSE_LIST_MENU 0x2008A -#define HIDR_ADVANCED_MENU 0x200A0 -#define HIDR_POPUP_TOOLBAR 0x200AA -#define HIDR_THANKS_TEXT 0x200D3 - -// Dialogs (IDD_*) -#define HIDD_ABOUTBOX 0x20064 -#define HIDD_STATUS_DIALOG 0x20083 -#define HIDD_BUFFERSIZE_DIALOG 0x20089 -#define HIDD_OPTIONS_DIALOG 0x20090 -#define HIDD_MINIVIEW_DIALOG 0x20091 -#define HIDD_CUSTOM_COPY_DIALOG 0x20095 -#define HIDD_FOLDER_BROWSING_DIALOG 0x20096 -#define HIDD_NEW_FOLDER_DIALOG 0x20097 -#define HIDD_NEW_QUICK_ACCESS_DIALOG 0x20098 -#define HIDD_REPLACE_PATHS_DIALOG 0x200A1 -#define HIDD_FEEDBACK_IGNOREWAITRETRY_DIALOG 0x200A2 -#define HIDD_FEEDBACK_REPLACE_FILES_DIALOG 0x200A4 -#define HIDD_FEEDBACK_SMALL_REPLACE_FILES_DIALOG 0x200A5 -#define HIDD_FEEDBACK_DSTFILE_DIALOG 0x200A7 -#define HIDD_FEEDBACK_NOTENOUGHPLACE_DIALOG 0x200AD -#define HIDD_SHUTDOWN_DIALOG 0x200B6 -#define HIDD_FILTER_DIALOG 0x200C3 -#define HIDD_SHORTCUTEDIT_DIALOG 0x200D0 -#define HIDD_RECENTEDIT_DIALOG 0x200D1 - -// Frame Controls (IDW_*) - -// Controls (IDC_*) -#define IDH_ABOUTBOX 0xD2 -#define IDH_PROGRAM_STATIC 0x3E8 -#define IDH_ADDFILE_BUTTON 0x3EA -#define IDH_STATUS_LIST 0x3EB -#define IDH_REMOVEFILEFOLDER_BUTTON 0x3EC -#define IDH_ALL_PROGRESS 0x3ED -#define IDH_DESTPATH_EDIT 0x3EE -#define IDH_TASK_PROGRESS 0x3EF -#define IDH_DESTBROWSE_BUTTON 0x3F0 -#define IDH_OPERATION_COMBO 0x3F1 -#define IDH_FILTERS_LIST 0x3F2 -#define IDH_ADDDIR_BUTTON 0x3F3 -#define IDH_BUFFERSIZES_LIST 0x3F4 -#define IDH_SET_BUFFERSIZE_BUTTON 0x3F5 -#define IDH_FILTERS_CHECK 0x3F6 -#define IDH_IGNOREFOLDERS_CHECK 0x3F7 -#define IDH_SET_PRIORITY_BUTTON 0x3F8 -#define IDH_ONLYSTRUCTURE_CHECK 0x3F9 -#define IDH_PAUSE_BUTTON 0x3FA -#define IDH_STANDARD_CHECK 0x3FB -#define IDH_FORCEDIRECTORIES_CHECK 0x3FC -#define IDH_RESUME_BUTTON 0x3FD -#define IDH_CANCEL_BUTTON 0x3FE -#define IDH_ADVANCED_CHECK 0x3FF -#define IDH_BUFFERSIZES_BUTTON 0x400 -#define IDH_ADDFILTER_BUTTON 0x401 -#define IDH_REMOVEFILTER_BUTTON 0x402 -#define IDH_SOURCE_STATIC 0x403 -#define IDH_DESTINATION_STATIC 0x404 -#define IDH_OPERATION_STATIC 0x405 -#define IDH_BUFFERSIZE_STATIC 0x406 -#define IDH_PRIORITY_STATIC 0x407 -#define IDH_ERRORS_STATIC 0x408 -#define IDH_PROGRESS_STATIC 0x409 -#define IDH_TRANSFER_STATIC 0x40A -#define IDH_OVERALL_PROGRESS_STATIC 0x40B -#define IDH_OVERALL_TRANSFER_STATIC 0x40C -#define IDH_TIME_STATIC 0x40D -#define IDH_ROLL_UNROLL_BUTTON 0x40E -#define IDH_SIZE_EDIT 0x40F -#define IDH_ASSOCIATEDFILES__STATIC 0x410 -#define IDH_START_ALL_BUTTON 0x411 -#define IDH_RESTART_BUTTON 0x412 -#define IDH_DELETE_BUTTON 0x413 -#define IDH_PAUSE_ALL_BUTTON 0x414 -#define IDH_RESTART_ALL_BUTTON 0x415 -#define IDH_CANCEL_ALL_BUTTON 0x416 -#define IDH_REMOVE_FINISHED_BUTTON 0x417 -#define IDH_PROPERTIES_LIST 0x418 -#define IDH_PROGRESS_LIST 0x419 -#define IDH_SOURCE_EDIT 0x41A -#define IDH_DESTINATION_EDIT 0x41B -#define IDH_DIRECTORY_TREE 0x41D -#define IDH_QUICK_ACCESS_LIST 0x41E -#define IDH_PATH_EDIT 0x41F -#define IDH_HEADER_TEXT_STATIC 0x420 -#define IDH_FIND_PATH_BUTTON 0x421 -#define IDH_NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON 0x422 -#define IDH_PATH_STATIC 0x423 -#define IDH_ADD_BUTTON 0x424 -#define IDH_REMOVE_BUTTON 0x425 -#define IDH_TITLE_EDIT 0x426 -#define IDH_BROWSE_BUTTON 0x428 -#define IDH_FILES_LIST 0x429 -#define IDH_ADD_DIRECTORY_BUTTON 0x42A -#define IDH_MASK_EDIT 0x42B -#define IDH_OPERATION_TYPE_COMBO 0x42C -#define IDH_ADD_FILES_BUTTON 0x42D -#define IDH_BUFFERSIZE_EDIT 0x42E -#define IDH_PRIORITY_COMBO 0x42F -#define IDH_IGNORE_FOLDERS_CHECK 0x431 -#define IDH_ONLY_CREATE_CHECK 0x432 -#define IDH_ADVANCED_BUTTON 0x435 -#define IDH_PATHS_LIST 0x436 -#define IDH_FILENAME_EDIT 0x440 -#define IDH_FILESIZE_EDIT 0x441 -#define IDH_DESTFILENAME_EDIT 0x442 -#define IDH_CREATETIME_EDIT 0x443 -#define IDH_MODIFY_TIME_EDIT 0x444 -#define IDH_DEST_FILENAME_EDIT 0x445 -#define IDH_DEST_FILESIZE_EDIT 0x446 -#define IDH_DEST_CREATETIME_EDIT 0x447 -#define IDH_DEST_MODIFYTIME_EDIT 0x448 -#define IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON 0x449 -#define IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON 0x44A -#define IDH_WAIT_BUTTON 0x44B -#define IDH_RETRY_BUTTON 0x44C -#define IDH_COPY_REST_BUTTON 0x44F -#define IDH_RECOPY_BUTTON 0x450 -#define IDH_COPY_REST_ALL_BUTTON 0x452 -#define IDH_RECOPY_ALL_BUTTON 0x453 -#define IDH_MESSAGE_EDIT 0x458 -#define IDH_COUNT_EDIT 0x45F -#define IDH_SHOW_LOG_BUTTON 0x460 -#define IDH_STICK_BUTTON 0x462 -#define IDH_FREESPACE_STATIC 0x463 -#define IDH_DISK_STATIC 0x464 -#define IDH_REQUIRED_STATIC 0x467 -#define IDH_AVAILABLE_STATIC 0x468 -#define IDH_TEST_BUTTON 0x469 -#define IDH_SOURCEFILENAME_EDIT 0x46A -#define IDH_YESALL_BUTTON 0x46B -#define IDH_NOALL_BUTTON 0x46C -#define IDH_DEFAULTMULTIPLIER_COMBO 0x46D -#define IDH_DEFAULTSIZE_EDIT 0x46E -#define IDH_ONEDISKSIZE_EDIT 0x46F -#define IDH_CHANGEBUFFER_BUTTON 0x471 -#define IDH_ONEDISKMULTIPLIER_COMBO 0x472 -#define IDH_TWODISKSSIZE_EDIT 0x473 -#define IDH_TWODISKSMULTIPLIER_COMBO 0x474 -#define IDH_CDROMSIZE_EDIT 0x475 -#define IDH_CDROMMULTIPLIER_COMBO 0x476 -#define IDH_LANSIZE_EDIT 0x477 -#define IDH_LANMULTIPLIER_COMBO 0x478 -#define IDH_ONLYDEFAULT_CHECK 0x479 -#define IDH_TIME_PROGRESS 0x47A -#define IDH_ERRORS_EDIT 0x47B -#define IDH_FILTER_COMBO 0x47D -#define IDH_FILTER_CHECK 0x47E -#define IDH_SIZE_CHECK 0x47F -#define IDH_SIZE1_EDIT 0x480 -#define IDH_SIZE1MULTI_COMBO 0x481 -#define IDH_SIZETYPE1_COMBO 0x482 -#define IDH_SIZE1_SPIN 0x483 -#define IDH_SIZE2_EDIT 0x484 -#define IDH_SIZE2MULTI_COMBO 0x485 -#define IDH_SIZETYPE2_COMBO 0x486 -#define IDH_SIZE2_SPIN 0x487 -#define IDH_SIZE2_CHECK 0x488 -#define IDH_DATE_CHECK 0x489 -#define IDH_ATTRIBUTES_CHECK 0x48A -#define IDH_ARCHIVE_CHECK 0x48B -#define IDH_READONLY_CHECK 0x48C -#define IDH_HIDDEN_CHECK 0x48D -#define IDH_SYSTEM_CHECK 0x48E -#define IDH_DATETYPE_COMBO 0x48F -#define IDH_DATE1TYPE_COMBO 0x490 -#define IDH_DATE1_DATETIMEPICKER 0x491 -#define IDH_TIME1_DATETIMEPICKER 0x492 -#define IDH_DATE2_CHECK 0x493 -#define IDH_DATE2TYPE_COMBO 0x494 -#define IDH_DATE2_DATETIMEPICKER 0x495 -#define IDH_TIME2_DATETIMEPICKER 0x496 -#define IDH_DIRECTORY_CHECK 0x497 -#define IDH_FILTEREXCLUDE_COMBO 0x498 -#define IDH_EXCLUDEMASK_CHECK 0x499 -#define IDH_COUNT_SPIN 0x49A -#define IDH_DESTPATH_COMBOBOXEX 0x49B -#define IDH_SHORTCUT_LIST 0x49C -#define IDH_NAME_EDIT 0x49D -#define IDH_PATH_COMBOBOXEX 0x49E -#define IDH_CHANGE_BUTTON 0x4A1 -#define IDH_RECENT_LIST 0x4A6 -#define IDH_IMPORT_BUTTON 0x4A7 -#define IDH_UP_BUTTON 0x4A8 -#define IDH_DOWN_BUTTON 0x4A9 -#define IDH_THANX_EDIT 0x4AE -#define IDH_COPYRIGHT_STATIC 0x4AF -#define IDH_FOLDER_TREE 0x4B0 -#define IDH_DISTRIBUTION_STATIC 0x4B0 -#define IDH_NEWFOLDER_BUTTON 0x4B1 -#define IDH_HOMEPAGE_STATIC 0x4B1 -#define IDH_TITLE_STATIC 0x4B2 -#define IDH_HOMEPAGELINK_STATIC 0x4B2 -#define IDH_LARGEICONS_BUTTON 0x4B3 -#define IDH_CONTACT_STATIC 0x4B3 -#define IDH_HOMEPAGELINK2_STATIC 0x4B3 -#define IDH_SMALLICONS_BUTTON 0x4B4 -#define IDH_GENFORUM_STATIC 0x4B4 -#define IDH_LIST_BUTTON 0x4B5 -#define IDH_DEVFORUM_STATIC 0x4B5 -#define IDH_REPORT_BUTTON 0x4B6 -#define IDH_CONTACT1LINK_STATIC 0x4B6 -#define IDH_CONTACT2LINK_STATIC 0x4B7 -#define IDH_GENFORUMPAGELINK_STATIC 0x4B8 -#define IDH_TOGGLE_BUTTON 0x4B9 -#define IDH_GENFORUMSUBSCRIBELINK_STATIC 0x4B9 -#define IDH_ADDSHORTCUT_BUTTON 0x4BA -#define IDH_GENFORUMUNSUBSCRIBELINK_STATIC 0x4BA -#define IDH_REMOVESHORTCUT_BUTTON 0x4BB -#define IDH_GENFORUMSENDLINK_STATIC 0x4BB -#define IDH_DEVFORUMPAGELINK_STATIC 0x4BC -#define IDH_DEVFORUMSUBSCRIBELINK_STATIC 0x4BD -#define IDH_DEVFORUMUNSUBSCRIBELINK_STATIC 0x4BE -#define IDH_DEVFORUMSENDLINK_STATIC 0x4BF -#define IDH_THANX_STATIC 0x4C0 -#define IDH_UPX_STATIC 0x4C1 -#define IDH_CONTACT3LINK_STATIC 0x4C1 -#define IDH_APPLY_BUTTON 0x4C2 -#define IDH_001_STATIC 0x4C3 -#define IDH_002_STATIC 0x4C4 -#define IDH_003_STATIC 0x4C5 -#define IDH_004_STATIC 0x4C6 -#define IDH_005_STATIC 0x4C7 -#define IDH_006_STATIC 0x4C8 -#define IDH_007_STATIC 0x4C9 -#define IDH_008_STATIC 0x4CA -#define IDH_009_STATIC 0x4CB -#define IDH_010_STATIC 0x4CC -#define IDH_011_STATIC 0x4CD -#define IDH_012_STATIC 0x4CE -#define IDH_013_STATIC 0x4CF -#define IDH_014_STATIC 0x4D0 -#define IDH_015_STATIC 0x4D1 -#define IDH_016_STATIC 0x4D2 -#define IDH_017_STATIC 0x4D3 -#define IDH_018_STATIC 0x4D4 -#define IDH_019_STATIC 0x4D5 -#define IDH_020_STATIC 0x4D6 -#define IDH_021_STATIC 0x4D7 -#define IDH_022_STATIC 0x4D8 -#define IDH_023_STATIC 0x4D9 -#define IDH_024_STATIC 0x4DA -#define IDH_025_STATIC 0x4DB -#define IDH_026_STATIC 0x4DC -#define IDH_027_STATIC 0x4DD -#define IDH_028_STATIC 0x4DE -#define IDH_029_STATIC 0x4DF -#define IDH_030_STATIC 0x4E0 -#define IDH_BAR1_STATIC 0x4E1 -#define IDH_BAR2_STATIC 0x4E2 -#define IDH_BAR3_STATIC 0x4E3 -#define IDH_BAR4_STATIC 0x4E4 -#define IDH_BAR5_STATIC 0x4E5 -#define IDH_HEADER_STATIC 0x4E6 -#define IDH_HOSTLINK_STATIC 0x4E7 -#define IDH_HELP_BUTTON 0x4E9 -#define IDH_PROGRAM_STATICEX 0x4EF -#define IDH_FULLVERSION_STATICEX 0x4F0 -#define IDH_HOMEPAGE_STATICEX 0x4F1 -#define IDH_CONTACT_STATICEX 0x4F2 -#define IDH_LICENSE_STATICEX 0x4F3 -#define IDH_CONTACTAUTHOR_STATICEX 0x4F4 -#define IDH_CONTACTSUPPORT_STATICEX 0x4F5 Index: other/langs/english.lng =================================================================== diff -u -N --- other/langs/english.lng (revision 8de412e22bd023e3f2a146ea3921eeaef0f5f1bd) +++ other/langs/english.lng (revision 0) @@ -1,668 +0,0 @@ -# Info section -[Info] -Lang Name=English -Lang Code=1033 -Base Language= -Font Face=Tahoma -Charset=1 -Size=8 -RTL reading order=0 -Help name=english.chm -Author=J�zef Starosczyk -Version=1.28 - -# Menu - IDR_ADVANCED_MENU -[160] -32805=&Change paths... - -# Menu - IDR_POPUP_MENU -[130] -32773=Show status... -32802=&Options... -32803=Show mini-status... -32804=Enter copy parametres... -32806=Monitor clipboard -32807=Shutdown after finished -32809=&Register shell extension dll -32810=&Unregister shell extension dll -32814=&Help... -57664=About... -57665=Exit - -# Menu - IDR_PRIORITY_MENU -[135] -32774=Time critical -32775=Highest -32776=Above normal -32777=Normal -32778=Below normal -32779=Lowest -32780=Idle - -# Dialog box - IDD_BUFFERSIZE_DIALOG -[137] -0=Buffer size settings -1=&OK -2=&Cancel -1145=Use only default buffer -1219=Default -1220=For copying inside one disk boundary -1221=For copying between two different disks -1222=For copying with CD-ROM use -1223=For copying with network use -1257=&Help - -# Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_DSTFILE_DIALOG -[167] -0=Copy handler - error opening file -2=&Cancel -1097=&Ignore -1098=I&gnore all -1099=&Wait -1100=&Retry -1220=Cannot open file for writing: -1221=Error description: - -# Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_IGNOREWAITRETRY_DIALOG -[162] -0=Copy handler - error opening file -2=&Cancel -1097=&Ignore -1098=I&gnore all -1099=&Wait -1100=&Retry -1219=Cannot open source file for reading - reason: -1220=Name: -1221=Size: -1222=Created: -1223=Last modified: -1224=Expected source file: -1226=Name: -1227=Size: -1228=Created: -1229=Last modified: -1230=Source file found: -1231=What would you like to do ? - -# Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_REPLACE_FILES_DIALOG -[164] -0=Copy handler - smaller destination file found -2=&Cancel -1097=&Ignore -1098=I&gnore all -1103=Co&py rest -1104=R&ecopy -1106=Cop&y rest all -1107=Recopy &all -1220=Destination file exists and is smaller than source file.\nPossible reasons:\n- copying/moving source file wasn't finished (copy rest)\n- file being copied is in another version than destination file (recopy) -1221=Name: -1222=Size: -1223=Created: -1224=Last modified: -1225=Source file: -1226=Name: -1227=Size: -1228=Created: -1229=Last modified: -1230=Destination file: -1231=What would you like to do ? - -# Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_SMALL_REPLACE_FILES_DIALOG -[165] -0=Copy handler - destination file found -2=&Cancel -1097=&Ignore -1098=I&gnore all -1104=R&ecopy -1107=Recopy &all -1220=Destination file exists and has equal or greater size than source file.\nPossible reasons:\n- file being copied is in another version than destination one (recopy/ignore)\n- source and destination files are identical (ignore) -1221=Name: -1222=Size: -1223=Created: -1224=Last modified: -1225=Source file: -1226=Name: -1227=Size: -1228=Created: -1229=Last modified: -1230=Destination file: -1231=What would you like to do ? - -# Dialog box - IDD_MINIVIEW_DIALOG -[145] -0=Status - -# Dialog box - IDD_OPTIONS_DIALOG -[144] -0=Options -1=&OK -2=&Cancel -1218=&Apply -1257=&Help - -# Dialog box - IDD_REPLACE_PATHS_DIALOG -[161] -0=Partial replace of source paths -1=OK -2=&Cancel -1064=... -1219=Source paths: -1220=Change to: -1257=&Help - -# Dialog box - IDD_STATUS_DIALOG -[131] -0=Status -1003=List1 -1005=Progress1 -1007=Progress2 -1013=... -1016=> -1018=&Pause -1021=&Resume -1022=&Cancel -1027= -1028= -1029= -1030= -1031= -1033= -1034= -1035= -1036= -1037= -1038=&<< -1040= -1041=Resume/all -1042=&Restart -1043=&Remove -1044=Pause/all -1045=Restart/all -1046=Cancel/all -1047=Remove/all -1077=&Advanced > -1120=View log -1122= -1219=Operations list: -1220=Progress: -1221=Progress: -1222=Destination object: -1223=Source object: -1224=Buffer size: -1225=Thread priority: -1226=Comments: -1227=Operation: -1228=Transfer: -1229=Processed: -1230=Transfer: -1231=Processed: -1232=Global statistics -1233=Current selection statistics -1234= -1235= -1236= -1237= -1238=Time: -1239=Associated file: - -# Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_NOTENOUGHPLACE_DIALOG -[173] -0=Copy handler - not enough free space -2=&Cancel -1097=C&ontinue -1100=&Retry -1127= -1128= -1221=Required space: -1222=Space available: -1254= - -# Dialog box - IDD_SHUTDOWN_DIALOG -[182] -0=Copy handler -2=&Cancel -1037= -1146=Progress1 -1220=All copy/move operations were finished. Attempt to shut down the system will be performed in: - -# Dialog box - IDD_CUSTOM_COPY_DIALOG -[149] -0=Copying/moving parameters -1=&OK -2=&Cancel -1002=Add &file(s)... -1004=&Delete -1008=... -1010=List2 -1011=Add f&older... -1014=Filtering -1015=Do not create destination directories - copy files loosely to destination folder -1017=Do not copy/move contents of files - only create it (empty) -1020=Create directory structure in destination folder (relatively to root directory) -1023=Advanced options -1024=&Change... -1025=+ -1026=- -1065=List1 -1178=Spin1 -1179= -1191=&Import... -1219=Source files/folders: -1220=Destination folder: -1221=Operation type: -1222=Priority: -1223=Count of copies: -1224=Buffer sizes: -1225=Standard options -1249= -1250= -1251= -1252= -1253= -1257=&Help - -# Dialog box - IDD_FILTER_DIALOG -[195] -0=Filtering settings -1=&OK -2=&Cancel -1150=Include mask (separate by vertical lines ie. *.jpg|*.gif) -1151=Filtering by size -1155=Spin1 -1159=Spin1 -1160=and -1161=Filtering by date -1162=By attributes -1163=Archive -1164=Read only -1165=Hidden -1166=System -1169=DateTimePicker1 -1170=DateTimePicker2 -1171=and -1173=DateTimePicker1 -1174=DateTimePicker2 -1175=Directory -1177=Exclude mask -1219= -1257=&Help - -# Dialog box - IDD_SHORTCUTEDIT_DIALOG -[208] -0=Shortcuts editing -1=&OK -2=&Cancel -1043=&Delete -1060=&Add -1064=... -1180=List1 -1182= -1185=&Update -1192=Move up -1193=Move down -1219=Shortcuts: -1220=Name: -1221=Path: -1222=Shortcut properties -1257=&Help - -# Dialog box - IDD_RECENTEDIT_DIALOG -[209] -0=Recent paths -1=&OK -2=&Cancel -1043=&Delete -1060=&Add -1064=... -1185=&Update -1190=List1 -1219=Recently used paths: -1220=Path -1257=&Help - -# Dialog box - IDD_ABOUTBOX -[100] -0=About ... -1=&OK -1199=Copyright (C) 2001-2004 J�zef Starosczyk -1202=| -1203=| -1204=General discussion forum: -1205=Developers' discussion forum:|| -1208=Page| -1209=Subscribe| -1210=Unsubscribe| -1211=Send message| -1212=Page| -1213=Subscribe| -1214=Unsubscribe| -1215=Send message| -1216=Special thanks list:| -1263= -1264= -1265=Home page: -1266=Contact: -1267=This program is free software and may be distributed according to the terms of the GNU General Public License. -1268=Author: -1269=Support: - -# String table -[0] -211=[Program]\r\nEl Magico\t\t\t\t\tgreat ideas, beta-tests, ...\r\n\r\n[Home page]\r\nTomas S. Refsland\t\t\tpage hosting, other help\r\nBarnaba\t\t\t\t\twebmaster\r\n\r\n[Language packs]\r\n%s\r\n\r\n[Additional software]\r\nMarkus Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar\t\tUPX software\r\nAntonio Tejada Lacaci\t\t\tCFileInfoArray\r\nKeith Rule\t\t\t\tCMemDC\r\nBrett R. Mitchell\t\t\t\tCPropertyListCtrl\r\n\r\n[Other]\r\nThanks for anybody that helped in any way... -5000=Copy Handler -5001=Time critical -5002=Highest -5003=Above normal -5004=Normal -5005=Below normal -5006=Lowest -5007=Idle -5008=Copy of %s -5009=Copy (%d) of %s -5010=File not found (doesn't exist) -5011=B -5012=kB -5013=MB -5014=GB -5015=TB -5016=PB -5017=< -5018=<= -5019== -5020=>= -5021=> -6000=Cannot run the second instance of this program -6001=Library chext.dll was registered successfully -6002=Encountered error while trying to register library chext.dll\nError #%lu (%s). -6003=Library chext.dll was unregistered successfully -6004=Encountered error while trying to unregister library chext.dll\nError #%lu (%s). -6005=Cannot open html help file:\n%s\n -7000=Searching for files... -7001=Source file/folder not found (clipboard) : %s -7002=Adding file/folder (clipboard) : %s ... -7003=Added folder %s -7004=Recursing folder %s -7005=Kill request while adding data to files array (RecurseDirectories) -7006=Added file %s -7007=Searching for files finished -7008=Deleting files (DeleteFiles)... -7009=Kill request while deleting files (Delete Files) -7010=Error #%lu (%s) while deleting file/folder %s -7011=Deleting files finished -7012=Cancel request while checking result of dialog before opening source file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7013=Error %err while opening source file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7014=Cancel request [error %err] while opening source file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7015=Wait request [error %err] while opening source file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7016=Retrying [error %err] to open source file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7017=Error %err while opening destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7018=Retrying [error %err] to open destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7019=Cancel request [error %err] while opening destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7020=Wait request [error %err] while opening destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7021=Error %err while moving file pointers of %s and %s to %I64u -7022=Error %err while restoring (moving to beginning) file pointers of %s and %s -7023=Error %err while setting size of file %s to 0 -7024=Kill request while main copying file %s -> %s -7025=Changing buffer size from [Def:%lu, One:%lu, Two:%lu, CD:%lu, LAN:%lu] to [Def:%lu, One:%lu, Two:%lu, CD:%lu, LAN:%lu] wile copying %s -> %s (CustomCopyFile) -7026=Error %err while trying to read %d bytes from source file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7027=Error %err while trying to write %d bytes to destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) -7028=Caught exception in CustomCopyFile [last error: %err] (at time %lu) -7029=Processing files/folders (ProcessFiles) -7030=Processing files/folders (ProcessFiles):\r\n\tOnlyCreate: %d\r\n\tBufferSize: [Def:%lu, One:%lu, Two:%lu, CD:%lu, LAN:%lu]\r\n\tFiles/folders count: %lu\r\n\tCopies count: %d\r\n\tIgnore Folders: %d\r\n\tDest path: %s\r\n\tCurrent pass (0-based): %d\r\n\tCurrent index (0-based): %d -7031=Kill request while processing file in ProcessFiles -7032=Error %err while calling MoveFile %s -> %s (ProcessFiles) -7033=Error %err while calling CreateDirectory %s (ProcessFiles) -7034=Finished processing in ProcessFiles -7035=\r\n# COPYING THREAD STARTED #\r\nBegan processing data (dd:mm:yyyy) %02d.%02d.%4d at %02d:%02d.%02d -7036=Finished waiting for begin permission -7037=Kill request while waiting for begin permission (wait state) -7038=Finished processing data (dd:mm:yyyy) %02d.%02d.%4d at %02d:%02d.%02d -7039=Caught exception in ThrdProc [last error: %err, type: %d] -7040=Checking for free space on destination disk... -7041=Not enough free space on disk - needed %I64d bytes for data, available: %I64d bytes. -7042=Cancel request while checking for free space on disk. -7043=Retrying to read drive's free space... -7044=Ignored warning about not enough place on disk to copy data. -7047=Cancel request while calling MoveFileEx %s -> %s (ProcessFiles) -8000=Program -8001=Clipboard monitoring -8002=Scan clipboard every ... [ms] -8003=Run program with system -8004=Shutdown system after copying finishes -8005=Autosave every ... [ms] -8006=Folder for temporary data -8007=Status window -8008=Refresh status every ... [ms] -8009=Show details in status window -8010=Automatically remove finished tasks -8011=Miniview -8012=Show file names -8013=Show single tasks -8014=Refresh status every ... [ms] -8015=Show at program startup -8016=Hide when empty -8017=Copying/moving thread -8018=Auto "copy-rest" of files -8019=Set attributes of destination files -8020=Set date/time of destination files -8021=Protect read-only files -8022=Limit maximum operations running simultaneously ... -8023=Show visual confirmation dialogs -8024=Use timed confirmation dialogs -8025=Time of showing confirmation dialogs -8026=Auto resume on error -8027=Auto resume every ... [ms] -8028=Default thread priority -8029=Use only default buffer -8030=Default buffer size -8031=Don't delete files before copying finishes (moving) -8032=Create .log files -8033=Sounds -8034=Playing sounds -8035=Sound on error -8036=Sound on copying finished -8037=Language -8038=Read tasks size before blocking -8039=Disable buffering for large files -8040=Minimum file size for which buffering should be turned off -8041=Buffer -8042=Buffer size for copying inside one physical disk boundary -8043=Buffer size for copying between two different disks -8044=Buffer size for copying from CD-ROM -8045=Buffer size for copying over a network -8046=Wait ... [ms] before shutdown -8047=Type of shutdown -8048=Use smooth progress bars -8049=Choose folder dialog -8050=Show extended view -8051=Dialog width [pixels] -8052=Dialog height [pixels] -8053=Shortcuts' list style -8054=Ignore additional shell dialogs -8055=Show 'Copy' command in drag&drop menu -8056=Show 'Move' command in drag&drop menu -8057=Show 'Copy/move special' command in drag&drop menu -8058=Show 'Paste' command in context menu -8059=Show 'Paste special' command in context menu -8060=Show 'Copy to' command in context menu -8061=Show 'Move to' command in context menu -8062=Show 'Copy/move special to' command in context menu -8063=Show free space with shortcuts' names -8064=Show icons with shortcuts (experimental) -8065=Intercept drag&drop operation by left mouse button (experimental) -8066=Shortcuts -8067=Recently used paths -8068=Shell -8069=Defined shortcuts' count -8070=Count of recent paths -8071=Default action for dragging by left mouse button -8072=Application's priority class -8073=Disable priority boosting -8074=No!Yes -8075=!Choose temporary folder -8076=Disabled!Normal!Heavy -8077=!Sound files (.wav)|*.wav|| -8079=Normal!Force -8080=Large icons!Small icons!List!Report -8081=Idle!Normal!High!Real-time -8082=Copy!Move!Special operation!Autodetect -8083=Folder with plugins -8084=!Choose folder with plugins -8085=Main log file -8086=Enable logging -8087=Use log file size limit -8088=Maximum size of the limited log file -8089=Use precise limiting of a log file -8090=Truncate buffer size -8091=Directory with help files -8092=!Choose folder with program's help files -8093=Directory with language files -8094=!Choose folder with language files -9000=(CH) Copy here -9001=(CH) Move here -9002=(CH) Copy/move special... -9003=(CH) Paste -9004=(CH) Paste special... -9005=(CH) Copy to -9006=(CH) Move to -9007=(CH) Copy/move special to... -9008=Copies data here with Copy Handler -9009=Moves data here with Copy Handler -9010=Copies/moves data with additional settings -9011=Pastes files/folders from clipboard here -9012=Pastes files/folders from clipboard here with additional settings -9013=Copies selected data into specified folder -9014=Moves selected data into specified folder -9015=Copies/moves selected data into specified folder with additional settings -13000=Choose path -13001=Remote name: -13002=Local name: -13003=Type: -13004=Network type: -13005=Description: -13006=Free space: -13007=Capacity: -13008=&OK -13009=&Cancel -13010=Cannot create the folder -13011=Entered path doesn't exist -13012=Name -13013=Path -13014=Path: -13015=>> -13016=<< -13017=You haven't entered the path for this shortcut -13018=Create new folder -13019=Large icons -13020=Small icons -13021=List -13022=Report -13023=Details -13024=Add to shortcut's list -13025=Remove from shortcut's list -13026=Domain/Workgroup -13027=Server -13028=Share -13029=File -13030=Group -13031=Network -13032=Root -13033=Administration share -13034=Directory -13035=Tree -13036=NDS Container -13500=Copying... -13501=Moving... -13502=Unknown operation type - this shouldn't happen -13503=Enter destination path for:\n -14001=Compilation: %s -14002=Code= -14003=Version= -14500=Cannot operate with buffer of 0 size -15000=All files (*)|*|| -15001=Choose destination folder -15002=You didn't fill destination path or source file.\nProgram cannot continue -15003=Copy -15004=Move -15005=Default: %s -15006=One Disk: %s -15007=Two disks: %s -15008=CD: %s -15009=LAN: %s -15010=Include mask -15011=Size -15012=Date -15013=Attributes included -15014= and -15015=none -15016=any -15017=any -15018=Exclude mask -15019=Attributes excluded -15020=none -15021=None of filtering options were selected -15022=All files (*.*)|*.*|| -15023=Imported %lu path(s) -16500=There is not enough room in %s to copy or move: -18000=Date of creation -18001=Date of last write -18002=Date of last access -18500=All: -20000=You didn't enter source text -20500=Shortcut's name -20501=Path -21000=Cannot shutdown this operating system.\nEncountered error #%lu. -21500=Status -21501=File -21502=To: -21503=Progress -21504=None of tasks selected -21505=empty -21506=empty -21507=unknown -21508=unknown -21509=empty -21510=empty -21511=unknown -21512=00:00 / 00:00 -21513=pass: -21514=avg: -21515=Status -21516=Changed:\n%d paths primarily got from clipboard -21517=Selected task isn't paused -21518=Task not selected -21519=(waiting...) -21520= copies -21521= copies -21522=Searching -21523=Copying -21524=Moving -21525=Finished -21526=Error -21527=Paused -21528=Deleting -21529=Unknown -21530=Cancelled -21531=Waiting -21532=Only files -21533=Without contents -21534=Error #%lu calling ShellExecute for file %s -21535=Default: -21536=One disk: -21537=Two disks: -21538=CD: -21539=LAN: -21540=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while deleting file %s -21541=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while trying to open source file %s -21542=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while trying to open destination file %s. Probably file has read-only attribute set, and 'Protect read-only files' flag in configuration is set (so the file cannot be open to write). -21543=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while restoring (moving to beginning) file pointers of %s and %s -21544=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while setting size of file %s to 0 -21545=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while trying to read %d bytes from source file %s -21546=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while trying to write %d bytes to destination file %s -21547=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while calling MoveFile %s -> %s -21548=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while calling CreateDirectory %s -21549=not associated -21550= [with filter] -21551=Selected task wasn't finished yet.\nDo you want to finish it now ?