Index: src/libictranslate/LanguageDialog.cpp
diff -u -rfc2dc311c930b1a5fccd92d749b57220d3713c9c -r579a3dc9b73a32cf58e8ce7786e7154db4a8787e
--- src/libictranslate/LanguageDialog.cpp (.../LanguageDialog.cpp) (revision fc2dc311c930b1a5fccd92d749b57220d3713c9c)
+++ src/libictranslate/LanguageDialog.cpp (.../LanguageDialog.cpp) (revision 579a3dc9b73a32cf58e8ce7786e7154db4a8787e)
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpszTemplateName))
- m_uiResID=(WORD)lpszTemplateName;
+ m_uiResID=(WORD)(ULONG_PTR)lpszTemplateName;
Index: src/libictranslate/ResourceManager.cpp
diff -u -r3f9f8af037199406b260eee3f6acb5cd6a588960 -r579a3dc9b73a32cf58e8ce7786e7154db4a8787e
--- src/libictranslate/ResourceManager.cpp (.../ResourceManager.cpp) (revision 3f9f8af037199406b260eee3f6acb5cd6a588960)
+++ src/libictranslate/ResourceManager.cpp (.../ResourceManager.cpp) (revision 579a3dc9b73a32cf58e8ce7786e7154db4a8787e)
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@
HMENU hMenu=::LoadMenu(m_hRes, pszName);
if (hMenu && IS_INTRESOURCE(pszName))
- UpdateMenu(hMenu, (WORD)pszName);
+ UpdateMenu(hMenu, (WORD)(ULONG_PTR)pszName);
return hMenu;
Index: src/libictranslate/libictranslate.vc140.vcxproj
diff -u
--- src/libictranslate/libictranslate.vc140.vcxproj (revision 0)
+++ src/libictranslate/libictranslate.vc140.vcxproj (revision 579a3dc9b73a32cf58e8ce7786e7154db4a8787e)
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Release
+ x64
+ Testing Debug
+ Win32
+ Testing Debug
+ x64
+ Testing Release
+ Win32
+ Testing Release
+ x64
+ libictranslate
+ {DD1F3242-7EE4-4F41-8B8D-D833300C445F}
+ libictranslate
+ 8.1
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v140_xp
+ Dynamic
+ Unicode
+ true
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v140_xp
+ Dynamic
+ Unicode
+ true
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v140_xp
+ Dynamic
+ Unicode
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v140_xp
+ Dynamic
+ Unicode
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v140_xp
+ Dynamic
+ Unicode
+ true
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v140_xp
+ Dynamic
+ Unicode
+ true
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v140_xp
+ Dynamic
+ Unicode
+ DynamicLibrary
+ v140_xp
+ Dynamic
+ Unicode
+ <_ProjectFileVersion>11.0.51106.1
+ $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\
+ $(SolutionDir)intermediate\$(PlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)\
+ true
+ $(ProjectName)32ud
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0\lib-$(VisualStudioVersion)\x32\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\
+ $(SolutionDir)intermediate\$(PlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)\
+ true
+ $(ProjectName)32ud
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0\lib-$(VisualStudioVersion)\x32\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\
+ $(SolutionDir)intermediate\$(PlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)\
+ true
+ $(ProjectName)64ud
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0\lib-$(VisualStudioVersion)\x64\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\
+ $(SolutionDir)intermediate\$(PlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)\
+ true
+ $(ProjectName)64ud
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0\lib-$(VisualStudioVersion)\x64\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\
+ $(SolutionDir)intermediate\$(PlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)\
+ false
+ $(ProjectName)32u
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0\lib-$(VisualStudioVersion)\x32\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\
+ $(SolutionDir)intermediate\$(PlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)\
+ false
+ $(ProjectName)32u
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0\lib-$(VisualStudioVersion)\x32\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\
+ $(SolutionDir)intermediate\$(PlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)\
+ false
+ $(ProjectName)64u
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0\lib-$(VisualStudioVersion)\x64\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ $(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\
+ $(SolutionDir)intermediate\$(PlatformToolset)\$(Platform)\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)\
+ false
+ $(ProjectName)64u
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0;$(IncludePath)
+ C:\dev\boost_1_58_0\lib-$(VisualStudioVersion)\x64\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ false
+ Disabled
+ true
+ EnableFastChecks
+ MultiThreadedDebugDLL
+ Use
+ Level4
+ true
+ EditAndContinue
+ true
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ 0x0409
+ $(IntDir);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ "$(OutDir)"
+ true
+ Windows
+ MachineX86
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ false
+ Disabled
+ true
+ EnableFastChecks
+ MultiThreadedDebugDLL
+ Use
+ Level4
+ true
+ EditAndContinue
+ true
+ ..\..\ext\gmock\include
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ 0x0409
+ $(IntDir);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ "$(OutDir)"
+ true
+ Windows
+ MachineX86
+ gmock32d.lib
+ cd "$(TargetDir)"
+if "$(PlatformName)" EQU "x64" goto x64
+if "$(Configuration)" EQU "Testing Release" goto x32rel
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner32.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner32.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+if "$(Configuration)" EQU "Testing Release" goto x64rel
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner64.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner64.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ false
+ X64
+ Disabled
+ true
+ EnableFastChecks
+ MultiThreadedDebugDLL
+ Use
+ Level4
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ true
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ 0x0409
+ $(IntDir);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ "$(OutDir)"
+ true
+ Windows
+ MachineX64
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ false
+ X64
+ Disabled
+ true
+ EnableFastChecks
+ MultiThreadedDebugDLL
+ Use
+ Level4
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ true
+ ..\..\ext\gmock\include
+ _DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ 0x0409
+ $(IntDir);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ "$(OutDir)"
+ true
+ Windows
+ MachineX64
+ gmock64d.lib
+ cd "$(TargetDir)"
+if "$(PlatformName)" EQU "x64" goto x64
+if "$(Configuration)" EQU "Testing Release" goto x32rel
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner32.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner32.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+if "$(Configuration)" EQU "Testing Release" goto x64rel
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner64.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner64.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ false
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ MultiThreadedDLL
+ true
+ Use
+ Level4
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ true
+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ 0x0409
+ $(IntDir);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ "$(OutDir)"
+ true
+ Windows
+ true
+ true
+ MachineX86
+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ false
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ MultiThreadedDLL
+ true
+ Use
+ Level4
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ true
+ ..\..\ext\gmock\include
+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ 0x0409
+ $(IntDir);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ "$(OutDir)"
+ true
+ Windows
+ true
+ true
+ MachineX86
+ gmock32.lib
+ cd "$(TargetDir)"
+if "$(PlatformName)" EQU "x64" goto x64
+if "$(Configuration)" EQU "Testing Release" goto x32rel
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner32.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner32.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+if "$(Configuration)" EQU "Testing Release" goto x64rel
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner64.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner64.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ false
+ X64
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ MultiThreadedDLL
+ true
+ Use
+ Level4
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ true
+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ 0x0409
+ $(IntDir);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ "$(OutDir)"
+ true
+ Windows
+ true
+ true
+ MachineX64
+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ false
+ X64
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ MultiThreadedDLL
+ true
+ Use
+ Level4
+ true
+ ProgramDatabase
+ true
+ ..\..\ext\gmock\include
+ NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
+ 0x0409
+ $(IntDir);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
+ "$(OutDir)"
+ true
+ Windows
+ true
+ true
+ MachineX64
+ gmock64.lib
+ cd "$(TargetDir)"
+if "$(PlatformName)" EQU "x64" goto x64
+if "$(Configuration)" EQU "Testing Release" goto x32rel
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner32.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner32.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+if "$(Configuration)" EQU "Testing Release" goto x64rel
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner64.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+"$(SolutionDir)tools\test_runner64.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
+goto end
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ NotUsing
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ Create
+ Create
+ Create
+ Create
+ Create
+ Create
+ Create
+ Create
+ {5510b933-046f-4f75-8b46-5e8279c8ccde}
\ No newline at end of file
Index: src/libictranslate/libictranslate.vc140.vcxproj.filters
diff -u
--- src/libictranslate/libictranslate.vc140.vcxproj.filters (revision 0)
+++ src/libictranslate/libictranslate.vc140.vcxproj.filters (revision 579a3dc9b73a32cf58e8ce7786e7154db4a8787e)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}
+ cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx
+ {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}
+ h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd
+ {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}
+ rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav
+ {5f24c877-aafc-40b9-b4c5-a80951ace0df}
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Source Files
+ Tests
+ Source Files
+ Resource Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Header Files
+ Resource Files
\ No newline at end of file