Index: src/ch/help/english/131.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N -r5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28 -r56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3 --- src/ch/help/english/131.txt (.../131.txt) (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/english/131.txt (.../131.txt) (revision 56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3) @@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ .topic IDH_RESTART_ALL_BUTTON Restarts all the tasks from the task's list. -.topic IDH_ADVANCED_BUTTON -Shows the menu with the advanced options regarding one or more tasks in the task's list. - .topic IDH_STICK_BUTTON Causes this dialog box to be repositioned to the right-bottom corner of the screen. @@ -49,9 +46,6 @@ .topic IDH_SHOW_LOG_BUTTON Shows .log file associated with the currently selected task. -.topic IDH_ERRORS_EDIT -Displays information about an error if encountered any. - .topic IDH_ASSOCIATEDFILES__STATIC Shows the file paths which describes the currently selected task. .atd and .atp files remembers the current state of the task. The .log file contains log information generated by the selected task. Index: src/ch/help/english/149.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N -r5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28 -r56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3 --- src/ch/help/english/149.txt (.../149.txt) (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/english/149.txt (.../149.txt) (revision 56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3) @@ -34,9 +34,6 @@ .topic IDH_PRIORITY_COMBO Specifies priority level at which the task would run. Use with caution when using very fast storage media - ie. ram disk or other memory-based device. -.topic IDH_COUNT_EDIT -Specifies the count of copies (of the source files) that would be done in the destination location. Useful when copying one thing to the unreliable medias such as floppy disks. - .topic IDH_BUFFERSIZES_LIST Specifies the buffer sizes that will be used by the task. You can change them by clicking on the button on the right. Index: src/ch/help/english/162.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N --- src/ch/help/english/162.txt (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/english/162.txt (revision 0) @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -.topic 2 -Cancels the whole task. - -.topic IDH_MESSAGE_EDIT -Specifies the error description - the reason for which the file could not be opened. - -.topic IDH_FILENAME_EDIT -Specifies the name of the expected file. - -.topic IDH_FILESIZE_EDIT -Specifies the size of the expected file. - -.topic IDH_CREATETIME_EDIT -Specifies the creation date/time of the expected file. - -.topic IDH_MODIFY_TIME_EDIT -Specifies the last modification date/time of the expected file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILENAME_EDIT -Specifies the name of the file that has been found. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILESIZE_EDIT -Specifies the size of the file that has been found. - -.topic IDH_DEST_CREATETIME_EDIT -Specifies the creation date/time of the file that has been found. - -.topic IDH_DEST_MODIFYTIME_EDIT -Specifies the last modification date/time of the file that has been found. - -.topic IDH_RETRY_BUTTON -Tries again to open the file. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON -Ignores this error and skips the file. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON -Ignores this error and skips copying the file. Also if the task will encounter any similar errors in the future - it will automatically ignore the error. - -.topic IDH_WAIT_BUTTON -Changes state of the task to an error. If the configuration option 'Auto resume on error' is set - the task will be resumed in a configured time. Index: src/ch/help/english/164.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N --- src/ch/help/english/164.txt (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/english/164.txt (revision 0) @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -.topic 2 -Cancels the whole task. - -.topic IDH_FILENAME_EDIT -Name of the source file. - -.topic IDH_FILESIZE_EDIT -Size of the source file. - -.topic IDH_CREATETIME_EDIT -Creation date/time of the source file. - -.topic IDH_MODIFY_TIME_EDIT -Last mofification date/time of the source file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILENAME_EDIT -Name of the destination file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILESIZE_EDIT -Size of the destination file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_CREATETIME_EDIT -Creation date/time of the destination file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_MODIFYTIME_EDIT -Last modification date/time of the destination file. - -.topic IDH_COPY_REST_ALL_BUTTON -Copies the rest of a file (only appends the missing part). Also if the task will encounter any similar situations in the future - it will automatically copy the rest of the file. - -.topic IDH_COPY_REST_BUTTON -Copies the rest of a file (only appends the missing part). - -.topic IDH_RECOPY_ALL_BUTTON -Copies file from the beginning. Also if the task will encounter any similar situations in the future - it will automatically recopy the file. - -.topic IDH_RECOPY_BUTTON -Copies file from the beginning. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON -Ignores this error and skips the file. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON -Ignores this error and skips copying the file. Also if the task will encounter any similar errors in the future - it will automatically ignore the error. Index: src/ch/help/english/165.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N --- src/ch/help/english/165.txt (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/english/165.txt (revision 0) @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -.topic 2 -Cancels the whole task. - -.topic IDH_FILENAME_EDIT -Name of the source file. - -.topic IDH_FILESIZE_EDIT -Size of the source file. - -.topic IDH_CREATETIME_EDIT -Creation date/time of the source file. - -.topic IDH_MODIFY_TIME_EDIT -Last mofification date/time of the source file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILENAME_EDIT -Name of the destination file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILESIZE_EDIT -Size of the destination file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_CREATETIME_EDIT -Creation date/time of the destination file. - -.topic IDH_DEST_MODIFYTIME_EDIT -Last modification date/time of the destination file. - -.topic IDH_RECOPY_ALL_BUTTON -Copies file from the beginning. Also if the task will encounter any similar situations in the future - it will automatically recopy the file. - -.topic IDH_RECOPY_BUTTON -Copies file from the beginning. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON -Ignores this error and skips the file. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON -Ignores this error and skips copying the file. Also if the task will encounter any similar errors in the future - it will automatically ignore the error. Index: src/ch/help/english/167.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N -r5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28 -r56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3 --- src/ch/help/english/167.txt (.../167.txt) (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/english/167.txt (.../167.txt) (revision 56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3) @@ -1,20 +1,8 @@ .topic 2 Cancels the whole task. -.topic IDH_FILENAME_EDIT -Specifies the name of the file that could not be opened. - -.topic IDH_MESSAGE_EDIT -Specifies the error description - the reason for which the file could not be opened. - .topic IDH_RETRY_BUTTON Retries the opening operation. .topic IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON Ignores the error and skips copying the file. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON -Ignores the error and skips copying the file. Also if the task will encounter any similar errors in the future - it will automatically ignore the error. - -.topic IDH_WAIT_BUTTON -Changes state of the task to an error. If the configuration option 'Auto resume on error' is set - the task will be resumed in a configured time. Index: src/ch/help/english/help.hhp =================================================================== diff -u -N -r91b82b6b0688d7e6fea3d55fe3384bf773618312 -r56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3 --- src/ch/help/english/help.hhp (.../help.hhp) (revision 91b82b6b0688d7e6fea3d55fe3384bf773618312) +++ src/ch/help/english/help.hhp (.../help.hhp) (revision 56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3) @@ -77,9 +77,6 @@ 145.txt 149.txt 161.txt -162.txt -164.txt -165.txt 167.txt 173.txt 182.txt Index: src/ch/help/polish/131.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N -r5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28 -r56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3 --- src/ch/help/polish/131.txt (.../131.txt) (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/polish/131.txt (.../131.txt) (revision 56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3) @@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ .topic IDH_RESTART_ALL_BUTTON Uruchamia ponownie wszystkie zaplanowane zadania z listy operacji. -.topic IDH_ADVANCED_BUTTON -Pokazuje menu z zaawansowanymi ustawieniami odno�nie pojedynczego lub wi�kszej ilo�ci zada� z listy operacji. - .topic IDH_STICK_BUTTON Powoduje 'przyklejenie' okna statusu do prawego, dolnego rogu ekranu. @@ -49,9 +46,6 @@ .topic IDH_SHOW_LOG_BUTTON Pokazuje pliki .log (dziennika) powi�zane z aktualnie zaznaczonym zadaniem. -.topic IDH_ERRORS_EDIT -Wy�wietla informacje o b��dzie, je�eli jaki� zostanie znaleziony. - .topic IDH_ASSOCIATEDFILES__STATIC Pokazuje �cie�ki do plik�w, kt�re opisuj� obecnie zaznaczone zadanie. Pliki .atd i .atp zapami�tuj� obecny stan zadania. Plik .log zawiera dziennik z informacjami generowanymi przez zaznaczone zadanie. Index: src/ch/help/polish/149.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N -r5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28 -r56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3 --- src/ch/help/polish/149.txt (.../149.txt) (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/polish/149.txt (.../149.txt) (revision 56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3) @@ -34,9 +34,6 @@ .topic IDH_PRIORITY_COMBO Okre�la poziom priorytetu, z jakim b�dzie uruchomione zadanie. Zaleca si� u�ywanie go z rozwag� przy korzystaniu z bardzo szybkich pami�ci masowych (np. ram dysk�w lub innych tego typu urz�dze�). -.topic IDH_COUNT_EDIT -Okre�la liczb� kopii (plik�w �r�d�owych), kt�re zostan� utworzone w katalogu docelowym. U�yteczne, gdy kopiowane s� ma�e ilo�ci danych na pami�� �atwo podatn� na zniszczenie, np. na dyskietk�. - .topic IDH_BUFFERSIZES_LIST Okre�la rozmiary bufora, kt�ry b�dzie u�yty przy wykonywaniu zadaniu. Mo�na go zmieni�, klikaj�c na przycisk po prawej stronie. Index: src/ch/help/polish/162.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N --- src/ch/help/polish/162.txt (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/polish/162.txt (revision 0) @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -.topic 2 -Anuluje ca�e zadanie. - -.topic IDH_MESSAGE_EDIT -Okre�la opis b��du - pow�d, przez kt�ry plik nie m�g� zosta� otwarty. - -.topic IDH_FILENAME_EDIT -Okre�la nazw� oczekiwanego pliku. - -.topic IDH_FILESIZE_EDIT -Okre�la rozmiar oczekiwanego pliku. - -.topic IDH_CREATETIME_EDIT -Okre�la czas/dat� utworzenia oczekiwanego pliku. - -.topic IDH_MODIFY_TIME_EDIT -Okre�la ostatni czas/dat� modyfikacji oczekiwanego pliku. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILENAME_EDIT -Okre�la nazw� pliku, kt�ry zosta� znaleziony. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILESIZE_EDIT -Okre�la rozmiar pliku, kt�ry zosta� znaleziony. - -.topic IDH_DEST_CREATETIME_EDIT -Okre�la czas/dat� utworzenia pliku, kt�ry zosta� znaleziony. - -.topic IDH_DEST_MODIFYTIME_EDIT -Okre�la ostatni czas/dat� modyfikacji pliku, kt�ry zosta� znaleziony. - -.topic IDH_RETRY_BUTTON -Ponawia pr�b� otwarcia pliku. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON -Ignoruje b��d i pomija plik. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON -Ignoruje b��d i pomija kopiowany plik. Je�eli w przysz�o�ci zadanie napotka na podobny b��d - automatycznie go zignoruje. - -.topic IDH_WAIT_BUTTON -Zmienia stan zadania, gdy napotka b��d. Je�eli opcja 'Wznawiaj automatycznie' jest w��czona - zadanie b�dzie przywr�cone po ustalonym czasie oczekiwania. \ No newline at end of file Index: src/ch/help/polish/164.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N --- src/ch/help/polish/164.txt (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/polish/164.txt (revision 0) @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -.topic 2 -Anuluje ca�e zadanie. - -.topic IDH_FILENAME_EDIT -Nazwa pliku �r�d�owego. - -.topic IDH_FILESIZE_EDIT -Rozmiar pliku �r�d�owego. - -.topic IDH_CREATETIME_EDIT -Data/czas utworzenia pliku �r�d�owego. - -.topic IDH_MODIFY_TIME_EDIT -Data/czas ostatniej modyfikacji pliku �r�d�owego. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILENAME_EDIT -Nazwa pliku docelowego. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILESIZE_EDIT -Rozmiar pliku docelowego. - -.topic IDH_DEST_CREATETIME_EDIT -Data/czas utworzenia pliku docelowego. - -.topic IDH_DEST_MODIFYTIME_EDIT -Data/czas ostatniej modyfikacji pliku docelowego. - -.topic IDH_COPY_REST_ALL_BUTTON -Dokopiowuje reszt� pliku (tylko do��cza brakuj�c� cz��). Je�eli w przysz�o�ci zadanie napotka na podobn� sytuacj� - automatycznie dokopiuje reszt� pliku. - -.topic IDH_COPY_REST_BUTTON -Dokopiowuje reszt� pliku (tylko do��cza brakuj�c� cz��). - -.topic IDH_RECOPY_ALL_BUTTON -Kopiuje plik od pocz�tku. Je�eli w przysz�o�ci zadanie napotka na podobn� sytuacj� - automatycznie ponowi kopiowanie pliku. - -.topic IDH_RECOPY_BUTTON -Kopiuje plik od pocz�tku. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON -Ignoruje ten b��d i pomija plik. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON -Ignoruje ten b��d i pomija kopiowany plik. Je�eli w przysz�o�ci zadanie napotka na podobn� sytuacj� - automatycznie zignoruje b��d. \ No newline at end of file Index: src/ch/help/polish/165.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N --- src/ch/help/polish/165.txt (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/polish/165.txt (revision 0) @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -.topic 2 -Anuluje ca�e zadanie. - -.topic IDH_FILENAME_EDIT -Nazwa pliku �r�d�owego. - -.topic IDH_FILESIZE_EDIT -Rozmiar pliku �r�d�owego. - -.topic IDH_CREATETIME_EDIT -Data/czas utworzenia pliku �r�d�owego. - -.topic IDH_MODIFY_TIME_EDIT -Data/czas ostatniej modyfikacji pliku �r�d�owego. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILENAME_EDIT -Nazwa pliku docelowego. - -.topic IDH_DEST_FILESIZE_EDIT -Rozmiar pliku docelowego. - -.topic IDH_DEST_CREATETIME_EDIT -Data/czas utworzenia pliku docelowego. - -.topic IDH_DEST_MODIFYTIME_EDIT -Data/czas ostatniej modyfikacji pliku docelowego. - -.topic IDH_RECOPY_ALL_BUTTON -Kopiuje plik od pocz�tku. Je�eli w przysz�o�ci zadanie napotka na podobn� sytuacj� - automatycznie ponowi kopiowanie pliku. - -.topic IDH_RECOPY_BUTTON -Kopiuje plik od pocz�tku. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON -Ignoruje ten b��d i pomija plik. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON -Ignoruje ten b��d i pomija kopiowany plik. Je�eli w przysz�o�ci zadanie napotka na podobny� sytuacj� - automatycznie zignoruje b��d. \ No newline at end of file Index: src/ch/help/polish/167.txt =================================================================== diff -u -N -r5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28 -r56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3 --- src/ch/help/polish/167.txt (.../167.txt) (revision 5f4ef9387368390412ff8852b54067b1f7dc8a28) +++ src/ch/help/polish/167.txt (.../167.txt) (revision 56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3) @@ -1,20 +1,8 @@ .topic 2 Anuluje ca�e zadanie. -.topic IDH_FILENAME_EDIT -Okre�la nazw� pliku, kt�ry nie m�g� zosta� otwarty. - -.topic IDH_MESSAGE_EDIT -Okre�la opis b��du - pow�d, przez kt�ry plik nie m�g� zosta� otwarty. - .topic IDH_RETRY_BUTTON Ponawia pr�b� otwarcia pliku. .topic IDH_IGNORE_BUTTON Ignoruje b��d i pomija kopiowany plik. - -.topic IDH_IGNORE_ALL_BUTTON -Ignoruje b��d i pomija kopiowany plik. Je�eli w przysz�o�ci zadanie napotka na podobn� sytuacj� - automatycznie zignoruje b��d. - -.topic IDH_WAIT_BUTTON -Zmienia stan zadania, gdy napotka b��d. Je�eli opcja 'Wznawiaj automatycznie' jest w��czona - zadanie b�dzie przywr�cone po ustalonym czasie oczekiwania. \ No newline at end of file Index: src/ch/help/polish/help.hhp =================================================================== diff -u -N -r91b82b6b0688d7e6fea3d55fe3384bf773618312 -r56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3 --- src/ch/help/polish/help.hhp (.../help.hhp) (revision 91b82b6b0688d7e6fea3d55fe3384bf773618312) +++ src/ch/help/polish/help.hhp (.../help.hhp) (revision 56798bef9ee6e6508d55da07477d044f78a6d8c3) @@ -76,9 +76,6 @@ 145.txt 149.txt 161.txt -162.txt -164.txt -165.txt 167.txt 173.txt 182.txt