/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 by Józef Starosczyk * * ixen@copyhandler.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License * * (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "ch.h" #include "PropertyListCtrl.h" #include "dialogs.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CComboButton CComboButton::CComboButton() { } CComboButton::~CComboButton() { // Delete the objects created delete m_pBkBrush; delete m_pBlackBrush; delete m_pBkPen; } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CComboButton, CButton) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CComboButton message handlers BOOL CComboButton::Create( CRect Rect, CWnd* pParent, UINT uID) { // Create the Brushes and Pens m_pBkBrush = new CBrush( GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); m_pBkPen = new CPen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); m_pBlackBrush = new CBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); // Create the CButton if( !CButton::Create(_T(""), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON|BS_OWNERDRAW, Rect, pParent, uID )) return FALSE; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw the Button void CComboButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct ) { CDC* prDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC); CRect buttonRect = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem; if(buttonRect.IsRectEmpty()) return; CMemDC dc(*prDC, buttonRect); // Fill the Background CBrush* pOldBrush = (CBrush*)dc.GetDC().SelectObject( m_pBkBrush ); CPen* pOldPen = (CPen*)dc.GetDC().SelectObject(m_pBkPen); dc.GetDC().Rectangle(buttonRect); // Draw the Correct Border if(lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { dc.GetDC().DrawEdge(buttonRect, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_RECT); buttonRect.left++; buttonRect.right++; buttonRect.bottom++; buttonRect.top++; } else dc.GetDC().DrawEdge(buttonRect, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT); // Draw the Triangle buttonRect.left += 3; buttonRect.right -= 4; buttonRect.top += 5; buttonRect.bottom -= 5; DrawTriangle(&dc.GetDC(), buttonRect); // Return what was used dc.GetDC().SelectObject( pOldPen ); dc.GetDC().SelectObject( pOldBrush ); } void CComboButton::DrawTriangle(CDC* pDC, CRect Rect) { POINT ptArray[3]; // Figure out the Top left ptArray[0].x = Rect.left; ptArray[0].y = Rect.top; ptArray[1].x = Rect.right; ptArray[1].y = Rect.top; ptArray[2].x = Rect.right - (Rect.Width() / 2); ptArray[2].y = Rect.bottom; // Select the Brush and Draw the triangle /*CBrush* pOldBrush = (CBrush*)*/pDC->SelectObject(m_pBlackBrush); pDC->Polygon(ptArray, 3 ); } void CComboButton::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT/* lpMeasureItemStruct*/) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPropertyListCtrl CPropertyListCtrl::CPropertyListCtrl() { m_crBorderColor = RGB(192,192,192); m_crBkColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); m_crPropertyBkColor = m_crBkColor; m_crTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); m_crPropertyTextColor = m_crTextColor; m_crHighlightColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); m_crTextHighlightColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); } CPropertyListCtrl::~CPropertyListCtrl() { if(m_bDeleteFont) delete m_pTextFont; if(m_pEditWnd) delete m_pEditWnd; if(m_pFontButton) delete m_pFontButton; if(m_pPathButton) delete m_pPathButton; if (m_pDirButton) delete m_pDirButton; if (m_pCustomButton) delete m_pCustomButton; if(m_pListBox) delete m_pListBox; if(m_pComboButton) delete m_pComboButton; if(m_pBkBrush) delete m_pBkBrush; if(m_pBkPropertyBrush) delete m_pBkPropertyBrush; if(m_pBkHighlightBrush) delete m_pBkHighlightBrush; if(m_pSelectedFont) delete m_pSelectedFont; if(m_pBorderPen) delete m_pBorderPen; // Clear items Reset(); } void CPropertyListCtrl::Reinit() { ResetContent(); // Clean up if(m_bDeleteFont) delete m_pTextFont; if(m_pEditWnd) delete m_pEditWnd; if(m_pFontButton) delete m_pFontButton; if(m_pPathButton) delete m_pPathButton; if (m_pDirButton) delete m_pDirButton; if (m_pCustomButton) delete m_pCustomButton; if(m_pListBox) delete m_pListBox; if(m_pComboButton) delete m_pComboButton; if(m_pBkBrush) delete m_pBkBrush; if(m_pBkPropertyBrush) delete m_pBkPropertyBrush; if(m_pBkHighlightBrush) delete m_pBkHighlightBrush; if(m_pSelectedFont) delete m_pSelectedFont; if(m_pBorderPen) delete m_pBorderPen; // Clear items Reset(); m_nWidestItem = 0; m_bDeleteFont = TRUE; m_bBoldSelection = TRUE; m_pBkBrush = nullptr; m_pBkPropertyBrush = nullptr; m_pEditWnd = nullptr; m_pFontButton = nullptr; m_pPathButton = nullptr; m_pDirButton=nullptr; m_pCustomButton=nullptr; m_pComboButton = nullptr; m_pListBox = nullptr; m_pBkHighlightBrush = nullptr; m_pSelectedFont = nullptr; m_pBorderPen = nullptr; m_pCurItem = nullptr; m_pCurFont = nullptr; m_pCurDrawItem = nullptr; m_pTextFont = nullptr; m_pSelectedFont = nullptr; m_pBorderPen = nullptr; m_crBorderColor = RGB(192,192,192); m_crBkColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); m_crPropertyBkColor = m_crBkColor; m_crTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); m_crPropertyTextColor = m_crTextColor; m_crHighlightColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); m_crTextHighlightColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); Init(); } void CPropertyListCtrl::Reset() { // Clear the List POSITION Pos = m_Items.GetHeadPosition(); while(Pos) { m_pCurItem = (PROPERTYITEM*)m_Items.GetNext(Pos); if(m_pCurItem->pBrush) delete m_pCurItem->pBrush; delete m_pCurItem; } m_Items.RemoveAll(); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropertyListCtrl, CListBox) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPropertyListCtrl) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_CTLCOLOR_REFLECT() ON_CONTROL_REFLECT(LBN_SELCHANGE, OnSelchange) ON_WM_CTLCOLOR() ON_CONTROL_REFLECT(LBN_DBLCLK, OnDblclk) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS( ID_PROPERTY_TEXT, OnEditLostFocus ) ON_EN_CHANGE( ID_PROPERTY_TEXT, OnEditChange ) ON_BN_CLICKED( ID_PROPERTY_FONT, OnFontPropertyClick ) ON_BN_CLICKED( ID_PROPERTY_PATH, OnPathPropertyClick ) ON_BN_CLICKED( ID_PROPERTY_DIR, OnDirPropertyClick ) ON_BN_CLICKED( ID_PROPERTY_CUSTOM, OnCustomPropertyClick ) ON_BN_CLICKED( ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_BTN, OnComboBoxClick ) ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST, OnSelChange) ON_LBN_KILLFOCUS(ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST, OnListboxLostFocus) ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_VSCROLL() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPropertyListCtrl message handlers HBRUSH CPropertyListCtrl::CtlColor(CDC* /*pDC*/, UINT/* nCtlColor*/) { return (HBRUSH)m_pBkBrush->GetSafeHandle(); } HBRUSH CPropertyListCtrl::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) { HBRUSH hbr = CListBox::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor); /* if( nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_EDIT) { pDC->SetBkColor(m_crPropertyBkColor); pDC->SetTextColor(m_crPropertyTextColor); }*/ pDC->SetBkColor(m_crPropertyBkColor); pDC->SetTextColor(m_crPropertyTextColor); if(m_pBkPropertyBrush) return (HBRUSH)(m_pBkPropertyBrush->GetSafeHandle() ); return hbr; } void CPropertyListCtrl::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) { // Make sure its a valid item if( lpDrawItemStruct->itemID == LB_ERR ) return; // Obtain the text for this item m_csText.Empty(); GetText(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, m_csText); // Get the drawing DC CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC); // Set the Current member we are drawing m_pCurDrawItem = (PROPERTYITEM*)m_Items.GetAt(m_Items.FindIndex(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID)); // Obtain the Item Rect CRect ItemRect(lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem); // Draw This item DrawItem( pDC, ItemRect, lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED); } void CPropertyListCtrl::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT /*lpMeasureItemStruct*/) { } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnDblclk() { // Get the Course Position POINT pPoint; GetCursorPos(&pPoint); // Convert this rect to coordinates of the desktop CRect TempRect = m_CurRect; MapWindowPoints(GetDesktopWindow(), TempRect); if(!m_pCurItem) return; // Display the Correct Control switch(m_pCurItem->nType) { case ID_PROPERTY_BOOL: // Is the Mouse in this area if(TempRect.PtInRect(pPoint)) { // Reverse the Selection m_pCurItem->nPropertySelected = !m_pCurItem->nPropertySelected; // Redraw this item RedrawWindow(); // Send the message that a property has changed GetParent()->PostMessage(ID_PROPERTY_CHANGED, GetCurSel(), m_pCurItem->nType); } break; case ID_PROPERTY_FONT: m_pFontButton->SetFocus(); OnFontPropertyClick(); break; case ID_PROPERTY_PATH: m_pPathButton->SetFocus(); OnPathPropertyClick(); break; case ID_PROPERTY_DIR: m_pDirButton->SetFocus(); OnDirPropertyClick(); break; case ID_PROPERTY_CUSTOM: m_pCustomButton->SetFocus(); OnCustomPropertyClick(); break; case ID_PROPERTY_COLOR: LOGBRUSH lb; m_pCurItem->pBrush->GetLogBrush(&lb); CColorDialog ColorDialog(lb.lbColor, 0, GetParent()); if(ColorDialog.DoModal() != IDOK) return; // Destroy the Brush and create a new one if(m_pCurItem->pBrush) delete m_pCurItem->pBrush; m_pCurItem->pBrush = new CBrush(ColorDialog.GetColor()); // Redraw the Widow (Theres probably a better way) RedrawWindow(); // Send the message that a property has changed GetParent()->PostMessage(ID_PROPERTY_CHANGED, GetCurSel(), m_pCurItem->nType); break; } } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnSelchange() { HideControls(); // Display the Correct Control CRect TempRect = m_CurRect; TempRect.InflateRect(-1,-1); if(!m_pCurItem) return; switch(m_pCurItem->nType) { case ID_PROPERTY_TEXT: TempRect.left += 1; m_pEditWnd->SetWindowText(m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetAt(0)); m_pEditWnd->MoveWindow(TempRect); m_pEditWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); // m_pEditWnd->SetFocus(); // m_pEditWnd->SetSel(0,-1); break; case ID_PROPERTY_FONT: TempRect.left = TempRect.right - 17; m_pFontButton->MoveWindow(TempRect); m_pFontButton->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); break; case ID_PROPERTY_PATH: TempRect.left = TempRect.right - 17; m_pPathButton->MoveWindow(TempRect); m_pPathButton->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); break; case ID_PROPERTY_DIR: TempRect.left = TempRect.right - 17; m_pDirButton->MoveWindow(TempRect); m_pDirButton->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); break; case ID_PROPERTY_CUSTOM: TempRect.left = TempRect.right - 17; m_pCustomButton->MoveWindow(TempRect); m_pCustomButton->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); break; case ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST: TempRect.left = TempRect.right - 17; m_pComboButton->MoveWindow(TempRect); m_pComboButton->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); TempRect.left = m_CurRect.left + 2; TempRect.right -= 17; if(m_pCurItem->bComboEditable) { m_pEditWnd->SetWindowText(m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetAt(m_pCurItem->nPropertySelected)); // m_pEditWnd->SetFocus(); // m_pEditWnd->SetSel(0,-1); m_pEditWnd->MoveWindow(TempRect); m_pEditWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); } // Move the Lsit box // TempRect.left--; TempRect.right += 18; TempRect.top = TempRect.bottom; // Set the Bottom Height if(m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetSize() > 5) TempRect.bottom += GetItemHeight(0) * 5; else TempRect.bottom += GetItemHeight(0) * boost::numeric_cast(m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetSize()); // pobierz współrzędne tej kontrolki w stosunku do okna parenta // CRect rcThisParent; // GetWindowRect(&rcThisParent); // GetParent()->ScreenToClient(&rcThisParent); // TempRect.OffsetRect(rcThisParent.left+2, rcThisParent.top+2); m_pListBox->MoveWindow(TempRect); // Force the Expansion OnComboBoxClick(); break; } } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnEditLostFocus() { // Get the text CString csText; m_pEditWnd->GetWindowText(csText); // Is the current item a text item if(m_pCurItem->nType == ID_PROPERTY_TEXT) { // Did the text change if(!m_bChanged) return; m_pCurItem->csProperties.SetAt(0, csText); // Send the message that a property has changed GetParent()->PostMessage(ID_PROPERTY_CHANGED, GetCurSel(), m_pCurItem->nType); } else { // Get the window that has the focus now if(GetFocus() == m_pComboButton || !m_pListBox->GetCount()) return; // Did the text change if(!m_bChanged) return; // Send the message that a property has changed GetParent()->PostMessage(ID_PROPERTY_CHANGED, GetCurSel(), m_pCurItem->nType); // Look for this text m_bChanged = FALSE; if( m_pListBox->FindStringExact(-1,csText) != LB_ERR) return; // Add it and select it m_pCurItem->nPropertySelected = boost::numeric_cast(m_pCurItem->csProperties.Add(csText)); } } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnEditChange() { m_bChanged = TRUE; } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnFontPropertyClick() { // Show the Dialog CFontDialog FontDialog(&m_pCurItem->LogFont); if(FontDialog.DoModal() != IDOK) return; // Set the Font data FontDialog.GetCurrentFont(&m_pCurItem->LogFont); // Redraw RedrawWindow(); // Send the message that a property has changed GetParent()->PostMessage(ID_PROPERTY_CHANGED, GetCurSel(), m_pCurItem->nType); } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnPathPropertyClick() { // Look for a ending tag CString csExt = "*"; CString csPath = m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetAt(0); int nPos = csPath.ReverseFind('.'); if(nPos) csExt = csPath.Right(csPath.GetLength() - nPos - 1); // Show the Dialog CFileDialog QuizFileDlg(TRUE, _T("*"), _T("*.") + csExt, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetAt(1) ); QuizFileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = csPath; if(QuizFileDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; // Obtain the Path they selected m_pCurItem->csProperties.SetAt(0, QuizFileDlg.GetPathName()); // Redraw RedrawWindow(); // Send the message that a property has changed GetParent()->PostMessage(ID_PROPERTY_CHANGED, GetCurSel(), m_pCurItem->nType); } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnDirPropertyClick() { CString strPath; if (BrowseForFolder(m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetAt(1), &strPath)) { m_pCurItem->csProperties.SetAt(0, strPath); RedrawWindow(); // Send the message that a property has changed GetParent()->PostMessage(ID_PROPERTY_CHANGED, GetCurSel(), m_pCurItem->nType); } } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnCustomPropertyClick() { m_pCurItem->pfnCallback(m_pCurItem->lpParam, m_pCurItem->iParam, &m_Items, GetCurSel()); RedrawWindow(); } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnComboBoxClick() { // Add the items m_pListBox->ResetContent(); // Loop for all items for( int nItem = 0; nItem < m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetSize(); nItem++) m_pListBox->AddString(m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetAt(nItem)); // Select the correct item m_pListBox->SetCurSel(m_pCurItem->nPropertySelected); m_pListBox->SetTopIndex(m_pCurItem->nPropertySelected); // Show the List box m_pListBox->ShowWindow(SW_NORMAL); } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnSelChange() { // Set the new current item m_pCurItem->nPropertySelected = m_pListBox->GetCurSel(); // Hide the Windows m_pListBox->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if(m_pCurItem->bComboEditable) m_pEditWnd->SetWindowText(m_pCurItem->csProperties.GetAt(m_pCurItem->nPropertySelected)); else RedrawWindow(); // Send the message that a property has changed GetParent()->PostMessage(ID_PROPERTY_CHANGED, GetCurSel(), m_pCurItem->nType); m_pComboButton->SetFocus(); } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnListboxLostFocus() { m_pListBox->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // is there an item at this point BOOL bOutside; /*UINT uItem =*/ ItemFromPoint(point, bOutside); // Is this outside the client if(bOutside) HideControls(); CListBox::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CPropertyListCtrl::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar) { // Hide the Controls HideControls(); CListBox::OnVScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI User Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CPropertyListCtrl::Init() { // utwórz czcionkę bazowaną na czcionce okna LOGFONT lf; GetFont()->GetLogFont(&lf); if(m_pTextFont) delete m_pTextFont; if(m_pSelectedFont) delete m_pSelectedFont; m_pTextFont=new CFont(); m_pTextFont->CreateFontIndirect(&lf); lf.lfWeight=FW_BOLD; m_pSelectedFont=new CFont(); m_pSelectedFont->CreateFontIndirect(&lf); m_bDeleteFont=TRUE; // Create the Border Pen m_pBorderPen = new CPen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_crBorderColor); // Create the Selected Background brush m_pBkHighlightBrush = new CBrush(m_crHighlightColor); m_pBkBrush = new CBrush(m_crBkColor); // Set the row height - read text height CClientDC dc(this); dc.SelectObject(&m_pSelectedFont); TEXTMETRIC tm; dc.GetTextMetrics(&tm); SetItemHeight(-1, MulDiv(tm.tmHeight+tm.tmExternalLeading, dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), tm.tmDigitizedAspectY) ); } void CPropertyListCtrl::SetFont(CFont* pFont) { // Delete our font and set our font to theirs if(m_pTextFont) delete m_pTextFont; if(m_pSelectedFont) delete m_pSelectedFont; m_pTextFont = pFont; m_bDeleteFont = FALSE; // Figure out the text size LOGFONT lpLogFont; m_pTextFont->GetLogFont(&lpLogFont); // Set the font and redraw CWnd::SetFont(m_pTextFont, FALSE); // Create the heading font with the bold attribute lpLogFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; m_pSelectedFont = new CFont(); m_pSelectedFont->CreateFontIndirect(&lpLogFont); // Set the Row height CClientDC dc(this); dc.SelectObject(&m_pSelectedFont); TEXTMETRIC tm; dc.GetTextMetrics(&tm); SetItemHeight(-1, MulDiv(tm.tmHeight+tm.tmExternalLeading, dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), tm.tmDigitizedAspectY) ); // ** IMPLEMENT LATER ?? ** // Recalculate the Width Position } void CPropertyListCtrl::SetLineStyle(COLORREF crColor, int nStyle) { // Delete the old Pen if(m_pBorderPen) delete m_pBorderPen; // Create the brush m_pBorderPen = new CPen(nStyle, 1, crColor); m_crBorderColor = crColor; } void CPropertyListCtrl::SetBkColor(COLORREF crColor) { // Delete the old brush if(m_pBkBrush) delete m_pBkBrush; // Create the brush m_pBkBrush = new CBrush(crColor); m_crBkColor = crColor; } void CPropertyListCtrl::SetPropertyBkColor(COLORREF crColor) { // Delete the old brush if(m_pBkPropertyBrush) delete m_pBkPropertyBrush; // Create the brush m_pBkPropertyBrush = new CBrush(crColor); m_crPropertyBkColor = crColor; } void CPropertyListCtrl::SetHighlightColor(COLORREF crColor) { // Delete the old brush if(m_pBkHighlightBrush) delete m_pBkHighlightBrush; // Create the brush m_pBkHighlightBrush = new CBrush(crColor); m_crHighlightColor = crColor; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add Properties Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(CString csText) { // Call our function (assume its a text Item) return AddString(csText, ID_PROPERTY_STATIC, _T("")); } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(UINT nIDString) { return AddString(GetResManager().LoadString(nIDString)); } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(UINT nIDString, int nType, CString csData, void (*pfnCallback)(LPVOID, int, CPtrList*, int), LPVOID lpParam, int iParam, int nPropertySelected, int nAlignment, BOOL bComboEditable) { // Is this a valid Control type if(nType > ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST) return FALSE; // load string const TCHAR *pszText=GetResManager().LoadString(nIDString); // Create a new Structure to hold it PROPERTYITEM* pNewItem = new PROPERTYITEM; pNewItem->nType = nType; pNewItem->nAlignment = nAlignment; pNewItem->pBrush = nullptr; pNewItem->bComboEditable = bComboEditable; pNewItem->pfnCallback=pfnCallback; pNewItem->iParam=iParam; pNewItem->lpParam=lpParam; // Calculate the Width of the string based on the font set CDC* pDC = GetDC(); pDC->SelectObject(m_pSelectedFont); CSize Size = pDC->GetTextExtent(pszText); if(Size.cx + 10 > m_nWidestItem) m_nWidestItem = Size.cx + 10; ReleaseDC(pDC); pNewItem->nWidth = Size.cx; pNewItem->nPropertySelected = nPropertySelected; // Set Property if(!SetProperty(pNewItem, nType, csData)) { delete pNewItem; return FALSE; } // Is the item set bigger than the number of properties if(pNewItem->nPropertySelected > pNewItem->csProperties.GetSize()) { delete pNewItem; return FALSE; } // Add to the list m_Items.AddTail(pNewItem); // Add the string to the list box /*int nPos =*/ CListBox::AddString(pszText); // Create the Control if Needed CreateControl(nType); return TRUE; } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(CString csText, int nType, CString csData, int nPropertySelected, int nAlignment, BOOL bComboEditable) { // Is this a valid Control type if(nType > ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST) return FALSE; // Create a new Structure to hold it PROPERTYITEM* pNewItem = new PROPERTYITEM; pNewItem->nType = nType; pNewItem->nAlignment = nAlignment; pNewItem->pBrush = nullptr; pNewItem->bComboEditable = bComboEditable; // Calculate the Width of the string based on the font set CDC* pDC = GetDC(); pDC->SelectObject(m_pSelectedFont); CSize Size = pDC->GetTextExtent(csText); if(Size.cx + 10 > m_nWidestItem) m_nWidestItem = Size.cx + 10; ReleaseDC(pDC); pNewItem->nWidth = Size.cx; pNewItem->nPropertySelected = nPropertySelected; // Set Property if(!SetProperty(pNewItem, nType, csData)) { delete pNewItem; return FALSE; } // Is the item set bigger than the number of properties if(pNewItem->nPropertySelected > pNewItem->csProperties.GetSize()) { delete pNewItem; return FALSE; } // Add to the list m_Items.AddTail(pNewItem); // Add the string to the list box /*int nPos =*/ CListBox::AddString(csText); // Create the Control if Needed CreateControl(nType); return TRUE; } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(UINT nIDString, int nType, UINT nIDData, int nPropertySelected, int nAlignment, BOOL bComboEditable) { return AddString(GetResManager().LoadString(nIDString), nType, GetResManager().LoadString(nIDData), nPropertySelected, nAlignment, bComboEditable); } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(UINT nIDString, int nType, CString csData, int nPropertySelected, int nAlignment, BOOL bComboEditable) { return AddString(GetResManager().LoadString(nIDString), nType, csData, nPropertySelected, nAlignment, bComboEditable); } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(CString csText, COLORREF crColor, int nAlignment) { // Create a new brush based on this color m_pCurBrush = new CBrush(crColor); // Call the other functions return AddString(csText, ID_PROPERTY_COLOR, _T(""), 0, nAlignment); } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(UINT nIDString, COLORREF crColor, int nAlignment) { return AddString(GetResManager().LoadString(nIDString), crColor, nAlignment); } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(CString csText, CFont* pFont, int nAlignment) { // Safe the Font m_pCurFont = pFont; // Call the other functions return AddString(csText, ID_PROPERTY_FONT, _T(""), 0, nAlignment); } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::AddString(UINT nIDString, CFont* pFont, int nAlignment) { return AddString(GetResManager().LoadString(nIDString), pFont, nAlignment); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CPropertyListCtrl::DrawItem(CDC* pDC, CRect ItemRect, BOOL bSelected) { if (m_pCurDrawItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_STATIC) { ///////////////////////////////////////// // Paint the Background rectangle (Property Value) if(m_pCurDrawItem->nType == ID_PROPERTY_COLOR) pDC->SelectObject(m_pCurDrawItem->pBrush); else pDC->SelectObject(m_pBkBrush); pDC->SelectObject(m_pBorderPen); // Draw the Rectangle ItemRect.left = m_nWidestItem - 1; ItemRect.top--; ItemRect.right++; pDC->Rectangle(ItemRect); CRect OrginalRect = ItemRect; ///////////////////////////////////////// // Draw the Property Text pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); pDC->SelectObject(m_pBkBrush); pDC->SelectObject(m_pTextFont); pDC->SetTextColor(m_crTextColor); DrawPropertyText(pDC, ItemRect); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Paint the Background rectangle (Property Name) if( bSelected ) pDC->SelectObject(m_pBkHighlightBrush); // Draw the Rectangle ItemRect.right = m_nWidestItem; ItemRect.left = -1; pDC->Rectangle(ItemRect); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Paint the Property name Text // Is this item selected? if( bSelected ) { if(m_bBoldSelection) pDC->SelectObject(m_pSelectedFont); pDC->SetTextColor(m_crTextHighlightColor); m_pCurItem = m_pCurDrawItem; m_CurRect = OrginalRect; } // Draw the Text ItemRect.left += 6; ItemRect.right -= 5; pDC->DrawText( m_csText, m_csText.GetLength(), ItemRect, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_NOPREFIX|m_pCurDrawItem->nAlignment); } else { ///////////////////////////////////////// // Paint the Background rectangle (Property Value) pDC->SelectObject(m_pBkHighlightBrush); pDC->SelectObject(m_pBorderPen); pDC->SelectObject(m_pSelectedFont); // Draw the Rectangle pDC->Rectangle(ItemRect); CRect OrginalRect = ItemRect; ///////////////////////////////////////// // Draw pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); pDC->SetTextColor(m_crTextHighlightColor); if (bSelected) { m_pCurItem = m_pCurDrawItem; m_CurRect = OrginalRect; } // Draw the Text pDC->DrawText( m_csText, m_csText.GetLength(), ItemRect, DT_NOPREFIX|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_CENTER); } } void CPropertyListCtrl::DrawPropertyText(CDC* pDC, CRect ItemRect) { ItemRect.left += 5; switch(m_pCurDrawItem->nType) { case ID_PROPERTY_BOOL: case ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST: { CString strText; INT_PTR iCount = m_pCurDrawItem->csProperties.GetCount(); if(m_pCurDrawItem->nPropertySelected >= 0 && m_pCurDrawItem->nPropertySelected < iCount) strText = m_pCurDrawItem->csProperties.GetAt(m_pCurDrawItem->nPropertySelected); pDC->DrawText( strText, strText.GetLength(), ItemRect, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_LEFT|DT_NOPREFIX); break; } case ID_PROPERTY_TEXT: case ID_PROPERTY_PATH: case ID_PROPERTY_DIR: case ID_PROPERTY_CUSTOM: case ID_PROPERTY_STATIC: { CString strText; INT_PTR iCount = m_pCurDrawItem->csProperties.GetCount(); if(iCount > 0) strText = m_pCurDrawItem->csProperties.GetAt(0); pDC->DrawText( strText, strText.GetLength(), ItemRect, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_LEFT|DT_NOPREFIX); break; } case ID_PROPERTY_FONT: if(m_pCurDrawItem->LogFont.lfHeight) pDC->DrawText( m_pCurDrawItem->LogFont.lfFaceName, boost::numeric_cast(_tcslen(m_pCurDrawItem->LogFont.lfFaceName)), ItemRect, DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_LEFT|DT_NOPREFIX); break; } } void CPropertyListCtrl::CreateControl(int nType) { switch(nType) { // Edit Window case ID_PROPERTY_TEXT: if(!m_pEditWnd) { m_pEditWnd = new CEdit(); m_pEditWnd->Create(WS_CHILD|ES_AUTOHSCROLL|ES_LEFT, CRect(0,0,100,100), this, ID_PROPERTY_TEXT); m_pEditWnd->SetFont(m_pTextFont); } break; // Font Button case ID_PROPERTY_FONT: if(!m_pFontButton) { m_pFontButton = new CButton(); m_pFontButton->Create(_T("..."), WS_CHILD|BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(0,0,100,100), this, ID_PROPERTY_FONT); m_pFontButton->SetFont(m_pTextFont); } break; case ID_PROPERTY_PATH: if(!m_pPathButton) { m_pPathButton = new CButton(); m_pPathButton->Create(_T("..."), WS_CHILD|BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(0,0,100,100), this, ID_PROPERTY_PATH); m_pPathButton->SetFont(m_pTextFont); } break; case ID_PROPERTY_DIR: if(!m_pDirButton) { m_pDirButton = new CButton(); m_pDirButton->Create(_T("..."), WS_CHILD|BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(0,0,100,100), this, ID_PROPERTY_DIR); m_pDirButton->SetFont(m_pTextFont); } break; case ID_PROPERTY_CUSTOM: if(!m_pCustomButton) { m_pCustomButton = new CButton(); m_pCustomButton->Create(_T("..."), WS_CHILD|BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(0,0,100,100), this, ID_PROPERTY_CUSTOM); m_pCustomButton->SetFont(m_pTextFont); } break; case ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST: if(!m_pEditWnd) { m_pEditWnd = new CEdit(); m_pEditWnd->Create(WS_CHILD|ES_AUTOHSCROLL|ES_LEFT, CRect(0,0,100,100), this, ID_PROPERTY_TEXT); m_pEditWnd->SetFont(m_pTextFont); } if(!m_pListBox) { m_pListBox = new CListBox(); m_pListBox->Create(WS_CHILD|WS_BORDER|LBS_NOTIFY|WS_VSCROLL|LBS_HASSTRINGS, CRect(0,0,100,100), this, ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST); m_pListBox->SetFont(m_pTextFont); m_pComboButton = new CComboButton(); m_pComboButton->Create(CRect(0,0,0,0), this, ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_BTN ); } break; } } BOOL CPropertyListCtrl::SetProperty(PROPERTYITEM* pPropertyItem, int nType, CString csData) { switch(nType) { case ID_PROPERTY_BOOL: case ID_PROPERTY_PATH: case ID_PROPERTY_DIR: ParseProperties(pPropertyItem, csData); // Is the item selected more than items in the array? if(pPropertyItem->csProperties.GetSize() != 2 ) return FALSE; break; case ID_PROPERTY_TEXT: case ID_PROPERTY_STATIC: case ID_PROPERTY_CUSTOM: pPropertyItem->csProperties.Add(csData); break; case ID_PROPERTY_FONT: memset(&pPropertyItem->LogFont, 0, sizeof(pPropertyItem->LogFont)); if(m_pCurFont) { m_pCurFont->GetLogFont(&pPropertyItem->LogFont); m_pCurFont = nullptr; } break; case ID_PROPERTY_COLOR: pPropertyItem->pBrush = m_pCurBrush; break; case ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST: ParseProperties(pPropertyItem, csData); break; } return TRUE; } void CPropertyListCtrl::ParseProperties(PROPERTYITEM* pPropertyItem, CString csData) { // Parse the Items TCHAR* pText = csData.GetBuffer( csData.GetLength() ); TCHAR* pWord; TCHAR Separations[] = _T("!"); // Establish string and get the first token: pWord = _tcstok( pText, Separations); while( pWord != nullptr ) { // Add this to the Array pPropertyItem->csProperties.Add(pWord); // Get next token pWord = _tcstok( nullptr, Separations ); } // Release the buffer csData.ReleaseBuffer(); } void CPropertyListCtrl::HideControls() { // Hide the controls if(m_pEditWnd) m_pEditWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if(m_pFontButton) m_pFontButton->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if(m_pPathButton) m_pPathButton->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if (m_pDirButton) m_pDirButton->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if (m_pCustomButton) m_pCustomButton->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if(m_pListBox) m_pListBox->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if(m_pComboButton) m_pComboButton->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Properties Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CPropertyListCtrl::GetProperty(int nItem, CString* pText) { // is the item to high if(nItem + 1 > GetCount()) return false; // Make sure this item is the correct type PROPERTYITEM* pItem; pItem = (PROPERTYITEM*)m_Items.GetAt(m_Items.FindIndex(nItem)); if(pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_TEXT && pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_PATH && pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_DIR && pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_STATIC && pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_CUSTOM) return false; // Copy the item *pText = pItem->csProperties.GetAt(0); return true; } bool CPropertyListCtrl::GetProperty(int nItem, bool* bValue) { // is the item to high if(nItem + 1 > GetCount()) return false; // Make sure this item is the correct type PROPERTYITEM* pItem; pItem = (PROPERTYITEM*)m_Items.GetAt(m_Items.FindIndex(nItem)); if(pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_BOOL) return false; // Copy the item *bValue = pItem->nPropertySelected != 0; return true; } bool CPropertyListCtrl::GetProperty(int nItem, COLORREF* crColor) { // is the item to high if(nItem + 1 > GetCount()) return false; // Make sure this item is the correct type PROPERTYITEM* pItem; pItem = (PROPERTYITEM*)m_Items.GetAt(m_Items.FindIndex(nItem)); if(pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_COLOR) return false; // Copy the item LOGBRUSH LogBrush; pItem->pBrush->GetLogBrush(&LogBrush); *crColor = LogBrush.lbColor; return true; } bool CPropertyListCtrl::GetProperty(int nItem, LOGFONT* LogFont) { // is the item to high if(nItem + 1 > GetCount()) return false; // Make sure this item is the correct type PROPERTYITEM* pItem; pItem = (PROPERTYITEM*)m_Items.GetAt(m_Items.FindIndex(nItem)); if(pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_FONT) return false; // Copy the item *LogFont = pItem->LogFont; return true; } bool CPropertyListCtrl::GetProperty(int nItem, CStringArray* pArray, int* /*SelectedItem*/) { // is the item to high if(nItem + 1 > GetCount()) return false; // Make sure this item is the correct type PROPERTYITEM* pItem; pItem = (PROPERTYITEM*)m_Items.GetAt(m_Items.FindIndex(nItem)); if(pItem->nType != ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST) return false; // I do NOT want to send them a pointer to my array so I loop through and copy the item to thiers for( int nString = 0; nString < pItem->csProperties.GetSize(); nString++) pArray->Add(pItem->csProperties.GetAt(nString)); return true; } bool CPropertyListCtrl::GetProperty(int nItem, int* SelectedItem, CString* pText) { // is the item to high if(nItem + 1 > GetCount()) return false; // Make sure this item is the correct type PROPERTYITEM* pItem; pItem = (PROPERTYITEM*)m_Items.GetAt(m_Items.FindIndex(nItem)); // Copy the item *SelectedItem = pItem->nPropertySelected; // Do they want the text if(pText != nullptr && pItem->nType == ID_PROPERTY_COMBO_LIST) *pText = pItem->csProperties.GetAt(pItem->nPropertySelected); return true; }