// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2001-2020 by Jozef Starosczyk // ixen {at} copyhandler [dot] com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License // (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // ============================================================================ #include "stdafx.h" #include "FeedbackHandler.h" #include "FeedbackReplaceDlg.h" #include "FeedbackFileErrorDlg.h" #include "FeedbackNotEnoughSpaceDlg.h" #include "ch.h" #include "mmsystem.h" #include "CfgProperties.h" #include "../libchengine/TConfigSerializers.h" using namespace chcore; using namespace chengine; using namespace string; chengine::EFeedbackResult CFeedbackHandler::FileError(const TString& strSrcPath, const TString& strDstPath, EFileError eOperationType, unsigned long ulError, FeedbackRules& rNewRules) { CFeedbackFileErrorDlg dlg(rNewRules, strSrcPath.c_str(), strDstPath.c_str(), eOperationType, ulError); EFeedbackResult eResult = (EFeedbackResult)dlg.DoModal(); if(dlg.GetRules().IsModified()) rNewRules = dlg.GetRules(); return eResult; } chengine::EFeedbackResult CFeedbackHandler::FileAlreadyExists(const TFileInfo& spSrcFileInfo, const TFileInfo& spDstFileInfo, TString& strRenameName, FeedbackRules& rNewRules) { rNewRules.ResetModifications(); CFeedbackReplaceDlg dlg(rNewRules, spSrcFileInfo, spDstFileInfo, strRenameName); EFeedbackResult eResult = (EFeedbackResult)dlg.DoModal(); if(eResult == eResult_Rename) strRenameName = dlg.GetNewName(); if(dlg.GetRules().IsModified()) rNewRules = dlg.GetRules(); return eResult; } chengine::EFeedbackResult CFeedbackHandler::NotEnoughSpace(const TString& strDstPath, unsigned long long ullRequiredSize, FeedbackRules& rNewRules) { CFeedbackNotEnoughSpaceDlg dlg(rNewRules, ullRequiredSize, strDstPath.c_str()); EFeedbackResult eResult = (EFeedbackResult) dlg.DoModal(); if(dlg.GetRules().IsModified()) rNewRules = dlg.GetRules(); return eResult; } chengine::EFeedbackResult CFeedbackHandler::OperationEvent(EOperationEvent eEvent, FeedbackRules&) { switch(eEvent) { case eOperationEvent_Finished: { if(GetPropValue(GetConfig())) { CString strPath = GetPropValue(GetConfig()); PlaySound(GetApp().ExpandPath(strPath), nullptr, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC); } break; } case eOperationEvent_Error: { if(GetPropValue(GetConfig())) { CString strPath = GetPropValue(GetConfig()); PlaySound(GetApp().ExpandPath(strPath), nullptr, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC); } break; } } return eResult_Unknown; }