/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 by Jozef Starosczyk * * ixen@copyhandler.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License * * (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __TASK_H__ #define __TASK_H__ #include "TWorkerThreadController.h" #include "FileInfo.h" #include "DataBuffer.h" #include "../libchcore/FeedbackHandlerBase.h" #include "FileFilter.h" #include "DestPath.h" class CDestPath; #define ST_NULL_STATUS 0x00000000 #define ST_WRITE_MASK 0x000fffff //------------------------------------ #define ST_STEP_MASK 0x000000ff #define ST_SEARCHING 0x00000001 #define ST_COPYING 0x00000002 #define ST_DELETING 0x00000003 #define ST_FINISHED 0x00000004 #define ST_CANCELLED 0x00000005 //------------------------------------ #define ST_OPERATION_MASK 0x00000f00 #define ST_COPY 0x00000100 // moving - delete after copying all files #define ST_MOVE 0x00000200 //------------------------------------ #define ST_SPECIAL_MASK 0x0000f000 // simultaneous flags #define ST_IGNORE_DIRS 0x00001000 #define ST_IGNORE_CONTENT 0x00002000 #define ST_FORCE_DIRS 0x00004000 //------------------------------------ #define ST_WORKING_MASK 0x000f0000 #define ST_ERROR 0x000C0000 #define ST_PAUSED 0x00080000 //------------------------------------ #define ST_WAITING_MASK 0x00f00000 #define ST_WAITING 0x00100000 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Exceptions #define E_KILL_REQUEST 0x00 #define E_ERROR 0x01 #define E_CANCEL 0x02 #define E_PAUSE 0x03 // special value representing no task #define NO_TASK_SESSION_UNIQUE_ID 0 // structure for getting status of a task struct TASK_DISPLAY_DATA { CString m_strFullFilePath; CString m_strFileName; //CFileInfoPtr m_spFileInfo; // fi at CurrIndex int m_iCurrentBufferIndex; size_t m_stIndex; size_t m_stSize; CDestPath* m_pdpDestPath; CFiltersArray* m_pafFilters; UINT m_uiStatus; const BUFFERSIZES* m_pbsSizes; int m_nPriority; ull_t m_ullProcessedSize; ull_t m_ullSizeAll; int m_nPercent; long m_lTimeElapsed; unsigned char m_ucCurrentCopy; unsigned char m_ucCopies; const CString* m_pstrUniqueName; // doesn't change from first setting TCHAR m_szStatusText[_MAX_PATH]; }; struct TASK_MINI_DISPLAY_DATA { CString m_strPath; // CFileInfoPtr m_spFileInfo; // fi at CurrIndex UINT m_uiStatus; int m_nPercent; }; struct CUSTOM_COPY_PARAMS { CFileInfoPtr spSrcFile; // CFileInfo - src file CString strDstFile; // dest path with filename CDataBuffer dbBuffer; // buffer handling bool bOnlyCreate; // flag from configuration - skips real copying - only create bool bProcessed; // has the element been processed ? (false if skipped) }; /// class encapsulates windows HANDLE, allowing automatic closing it in destructor. class TAutoFileHandle { public: // ============================================================================ /// TAutoFileHandle::TAutoFileHandle /// @date 2010/08/26 /// /// @brief Constructs the TAutoFileHandle object. // ============================================================================ TAutoFileHandle() : m_hHandle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { } // ============================================================================ /// TAutoFileHandle::TAutoFileHandle /// @date 2010/08/26 /// /// @brief Constructs the TAutoFileHandle object with specified handle. /// @param[in] hHandle - System handle to be managed by this class. // ============================================================================ TAutoFileHandle(HANDLE hHandle) : m_hHandle(hHandle) { } // ============================================================================ /// TAutoFileHandle::~TAutoFileHandle /// @date 2010/08/26 /// /// @brief Destructs the TAutoFileHandle object and closes handle if not closed already. // ============================================================================ ~TAutoFileHandle() { _ASSERTE(m_hHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); Close(); } // ============================================================================ /// TAutoFileHandle::operator= /// @date 2010/08/26 /// /// @brief Assignment operator. /// @param[in] hHandle - Handle to be assigned. /// @return Reference to this object, // ============================================================================ TAutoFileHandle& operator=(HANDLE hHandle) { if(m_hHandle != hHandle) { VERIFY(Close()); m_hHandle = hHandle; } return *this; } // ============================================================================ /// TAutoFileHandle::operator HANDLE /// @date 2010/08/26 /// /// @brief Retrieves the system handle. /// @return HANDLE value. // ============================================================================ operator HANDLE() { return m_hHandle; } // ============================================================================ /// TAutoFileHandle::Close /// @date 2010/08/26 /// /// @brief Closes the internal handle if needed. /// @return Result of the CloseHandle() function. // ============================================================================ BOOL Close() { BOOL bResult = TRUE; if(m_hHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bResult = CloseHandle(m_hHandle); m_hHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return bResult; } private: HANDLE m_hHandle; ///< System handle }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TTasksGlobalStats class TTasksGlobalStats { public: TTasksGlobalStats(); ~TTasksGlobalStats(); void IncreaseGlobalTotalSize(unsigned long long ullModify); void DecreaseGlobalTotalSize(unsigned long long ullModify); unsigned long long GetGlobalTotalSize() const; void IncreaseGlobalProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullModify); void DecreaseGlobalProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullModify); unsigned long long GetGlobalProcessedSize() const; void IncreaseGlobalProgressData(unsigned long long ullTasksPosition, unsigned long long ullTasksSize); void DecreaseGlobalProgressData(unsigned long long ullTasksPosition, unsigned long long ullTasksSize); int GetProgressPercents() const; void IncreaseRunningTasks(); void DecreaseRunningTasks(); size_t GetRunningTasksCount() const; private: volatile unsigned long long m_ullGlobalTotalSize; volatile unsigned long long m_ullGlobalProcessedSize; volatile size_t m_stRunningTasks; // count of current operations mutable boost::shared_mutex m_lock; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TTaskLocalStats class TTaskLocalStats { public: TTaskLocalStats(); ~TTaskLocalStats(); void ConnectGlobalStats(TTasksGlobalStats& rtGlobalStats); void DisconnectGlobalStats(); void IncreaseProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullAdd); void DecreaseProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullSub); void SetProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullSet); unsigned long long GetProcessedSize() const; unsigned long long GetUnProcessedSize() const; void IncreaseTotalSize(unsigned long long ullAdd); void DecreaseTotalSize(unsigned long long ullSub); void SetTotalSize(unsigned long long ullSet); unsigned long long GetTotalSize() const; int GetProgressInPercent() const; void MarkTaskAsRunning(); void MarkTaskAsNotRunning(); bool IsRunning() const; private: volatile unsigned long long m_ullProcessedSize; volatile unsigned long long m_ullTotalSize; volatile bool m_bTaskIsRunning; mutable boost::shared_mutex m_lock; TTasksGlobalStats* m_prtGlobalStats; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTask class CTask { public: CTask(chcore::IFeedbackHandler* piFeedbackHandler, size_t stSessionUniqueID); ~CTask(); // m_clipboard void AddClipboardData(const CClipboardEntryPtr& spEntry); CClipboardEntryPtr GetClipboardData(size_t stIndex); size_t GetClipboardDataSize(); int ReplaceClipboardStrings(CString strOld, CString strNew); // m_files int FilesAddDir(CString strDirName, size_t stSrcIndex, bool bRecurse, bool bIncludeDirs); void FilesAdd(const CFileInfoPtr& spFileInfo); CFileInfoPtr FilesGetAt(size_t stIndex); CFileInfoPtr FilesGetAtCurrentIndex(); void FilesRemoveAll(); size_t FilesGetSize(); // m_strDestPath void SetDestPath(LPCTSTR lpszPath); const CDestPath& GetDestPath(); int GetDestDriveNumber(); // m_nStatus void SetStatus(UINT nStatus, UINT nMask); UINT GetStatus(UINT nMask = 0xffffffff); // m_nBufferSize void SetBufferSizes(const BUFFERSIZES* bsSizes); const BUFFERSIZES* GetBufferSizes(); int GetCurrentBufferIndex(); // m_pThread // m_nPriority int GetPriority(); void SetPriority(int nPriority); // m_strUniqueName CString GetUniqueName(); void Load(const CString& strPath, bool bData); void Store(bool bData); void BeginProcessing(); void PauseProcessing(); // pause void ResumeProcessing(); // resume bool RetryProcessing(bool bOnlyErrors=false, UINT uiInterval=0); // retry void RestartProcessing(); // from beginning void CancelProcessing(); // cancel void GetSnapshot(TASK_DISPLAY_DATA *pData); void GetMiniSnapshot(TASK_MINI_DISPLAY_DATA *pData); void SetFilters(const CFiltersArray* pFilters); void SetCopies(unsigned char ucCopies); unsigned char GetCopies(); void SetCurrentCopy(unsigned char ucCopy); unsigned char GetCurrentCopy(); CClipboardArray* GetClipboard() { return &m_clipboard; }; void SetTaskPath(const tchar_t* pszDir); const tchar_t* GetTaskPath() const; chcore::IFeedbackHandler* GetFeedbackHandler() const { return m_piFeedbackHandler; } void SetForceFlag(bool bFlag = true); bool GetForceFlag(); size_t GetSessionUniqueID() const { return m_stSessionUniqueID; } protected: static DWORD WINAPI ThrdProc(LPVOID pParam); // methods are called when task is being added or removed from the global task array void OnRegisterTask(TTasksGlobalStats& rtGlobalStats); void OnUnregisterTask(); void OnBeginOperation(); void OnEndOperation(); void CheckForWaitState(); void ProcessFiles(); void CustomCopyFile(CUSTOM_COPY_PARAMS* pData); // Playground /* void CustomCopyFile2(CUSTOM_COPY_PARAMS* / *pData* /); HANDLE OpenSourceFile(const CString& strPath, bool bNoBuffering/ *, FeedbackSettings* /); HANDLE CreateNewDestinationFile(const CString& strPath, bool bNoBuffering/ *, FeedbackSettings* /); HANDLE OpenExistingDestinationFile(const CString& strPath, bool bNoBuffering/ *, FeedbackSettings* /); void SetEndOfFile(HANDLE hFile); void SeekToPosition(HANDLE hFile, unsigned long long ullPos); */ // End of playground void DeleteFiles(); void RecurseDirectories(); static bool SetFileDirectoryTime(LPCTSTR lpszName, const CFileInfoPtr& spFileInfo); // m_stCurrentIndex void IncreaseCurrentIndex(); size_t GetCurrentIndex(); void SetCurrentIndex(size_t stIndex); void IncreaseCurrentIndexNL(); size_t GetCurrentIndexNL(); void SetCurrentIndexNL(size_t stIndex); // m_strDestPath void SetDestPathNL(LPCTSTR lpszPath); const CDestPath& GetDestPathNL(); int GetDestDriveNumberNL(); // m_nStatus void SetStatusNL(UINT nStatus, UINT nMask); UINT GetStatusNL(UINT nMask = 0xffffffff); // m_nBufferSize void SetBufferSizesNL(const BUFFERSIZES* bsSizes); const BUFFERSIZES* GetBufferSizesNL(); int GetCurrentBufferIndexNL(); // m_pThread // m_nPriority int GetPriorityNL(); void SetPriorityNL(int nPriority); void CalculateTotalSize(); void CalculateTotalSizeNL(); void DeleteProgress(LPCTSTR lpszDirectory); void CalculateProcessedSize(); void KillThread(); void CleanupAfterKill(); void CleanupAfterKillNL(); void UpdateTime(); void UpdateTimeNL(); CString GetUniqueNameNL(); void SetForceFlagNL(bool bFlag = true); bool GetForceFlagNL(); void SetContinueFlag(bool bFlag = true); bool GetContinueFlag(); void SetContinueFlagNL(bool bFlag = true); bool GetContinueFlagNL(); bool GetRequiredFreeSpace(ull_t *pi64Needed, ull_t *pi64Available); bool CanBegin(); void RequestStopThread(); private: icpf::log_file m_log; mutable boost::shared_mutex m_lock; // protection for this class UINT m_uiResumeInterval; // works only if the thread is off // time long m_lTimeElapsed; // store long m_lLastTime; // not store // feedback chcore::IFeedbackHandler* m_piFeedbackHandler; // ptr to count of currently started tasks bool m_bForce; // if the continuation of tasks should be independent of limitation bool m_bContinue; // used by ClipboardMonitorProc CClipboardArray m_clipboard; CFileInfoArray m_files; volatile size_t m_stCurrentIndex; CDestPath m_dpDestPath; volatile UINT m_nStatus; // buffers BUFFERSIZES m_bsSizes; TWorkerThreadController m_workerThread; int m_nPriority; // other stuff CString m_strUniqueName; // mask (filter) CFiltersArray m_afFilters; // copies count unsigned char m_ucCopies; unsigned char m_ucCurrentCopy; tstring_t m_strTaskBasePath; // base path at which the files will be stored bool m_bSaved; // has the state been saved ('til next modification) size_t m_stSessionUniqueID; TTaskLocalStats m_localStats; friend class CTaskArray; }; typedef boost::shared_ptr CTaskPtr; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CProcessingException class CProcessingException { public: CProcessingException(int iType) { m_iType=iType; m_dwError=0; }; CProcessingException(int iType, UINT uiFmtID, DWORD dwError, ...); CProcessingException(int iType, DWORD dwError, const tchar_t* pszDesc); // Implementation public: int m_iType; // kill request, error, ... CString m_strErrorDesc; DWORD m_dwError; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTaskArray class CTaskArray { public: CTaskArray(); ~CTaskArray(); void Create(chcore::IFeedbackHandlerFactory* piFeedbackHandlerFactory); CTaskPtr CreateTask(); size_t GetSize() const; CTaskPtr GetAt(size_t stIndex) const; CTaskPtr GetTaskBySessionUniqueID(size_t stSessionUniqueID) const; size_t Add(const CTaskPtr& spNewTask); void RemoveAt(size_t stIndex, size_t stCount = 1); void RemoveAll(); void RemoveAllFinished(); void RemoveFinished(const CTaskPtr& spSelTask); void ResumeWaitingTasks(size_t stMaxRunningTasks); void StopAllTasks(); void SaveData(); void SaveProgress(); void LoadDataProgress(); void TasksBeginProcessing(); void TasksPauseProcessing(); void TasksResumeProcessing(); void TasksRestartProcessing(); bool TasksRetryProcessing(bool bOnlyErrors=false, UINT uiInterval=0); void TasksCancelProcessing(); ull_t GetPosition(); ull_t GetRange(); int GetPercent(); bool AreAllFinished(); void SetTasksDir(const tchar_t* pszPath); protected: void StopAllTasksNL(); public: tstring_t m_strTasksDir; mutable boost::shared_mutex m_lock; private: std::vector m_vTasks; // vector with tasks objects TTasksGlobalStats m_globalStats; // global stats for all tasks size_t m_stNextSessionUniqueID; // global counter for providing unique ids for tasks per session (launch of the program) protected: chcore::IFeedbackHandlerFactory* m_piFeedbackFactory; }; #endif