/************************************************************************ Copy Handler 1.x - program for copying data in Microsoft Windows systems. Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Ixen Gerthannes (ixen@interia.pl) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "ResourceManager.h" #include "../libicpf/cfg.h" #include #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #define EMPTY_STRING _t("") CLangData::CLangData() : m_pszFilename(NULL), m_pszLngName(NULL), m_pszBaseFile(NULL), m_pszFontFace(NULL), m_pszHelpName(NULL), m_pszAuthor(NULL), m_pszVersion(NULL), m_uiSectionID(0) { } CLangData::~CLangData() { delete [] m_pszFilename; delete [] m_pszLngName; delete [] m_pszBaseFile; delete [] m_pszFontFace; delete [] m_pszHelpName; delete [] m_pszAuthor; delete [] m_pszVersion; for(strings_map::iterator it = m_mStrings.begin(); it != m_mStrings.end(); it++) { delete [] (*it).second; } } void CLangData::Clear() { delete [] m_pszFilename; m_pszFilename = NULL; delete [] m_pszLngName; m_pszLngName = NULL; delete [] m_pszBaseFile; m_pszBaseFile = NULL; delete [] m_pszFontFace; m_pszFontFace = NULL; delete [] m_pszHelpName; m_pszHelpName = NULL; delete [] m_pszAuthor; m_pszAuthor = NULL; delete [] m_pszVersion; m_pszVersion = NULL; for(strings_map::iterator it = m_mStrings.begin(); it != m_mStrings.end(); it++) { delete [] (*it).second; } m_mStrings.clear(); } CLangData::CLangData(const CLangData& ld) : m_pszFilename(NULL), m_pszLngName(NULL), m_pszBaseFile(NULL), m_pszFontFace(NULL), m_pszHelpName(NULL), m_pszAuthor(NULL), m_pszVersion(NULL) { SetFilename(ld.GetFilename(true)); SetLangName(ld.GetLangName()); SetLangCode(ld.GetLangCode()); SetFontFace(ld.GetFontFace()); SetCharset(ld.GetCharset()); SetPointSize(ld.GetPointSize()); SetDirection(ld.GetDirection()); SetHelpName(ld.GetHelpName()); SetAuthor(ld.GetAuthor()); SetVersion(ld.GetVersion()); } bool CLangData::ReadInfo(PCTSTR pszFile) { try { icpf::config cfg(icpf::config::eIni); const uint_t uiLangName = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Lang Name"), _t("")); const uint_t uiLangCode = cfg.register_signed_num(_T("Info/Lang Code"), 0, 0, 0xffff); const uint_t uiBaseLanguage = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Base Language"), _T("")); const uint_t uiFontFace = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Font Face"), _T("")); const uint_t uiCharset = cfg.register_signed_num(_T("Info/Charset"), 0, 0, 0xffff); const uint_t uiSize = cfg.register_signed_num(_T("Info/Size"), 0, 0, 0xffff); const uint_t uiRTL = cfg.register_bool(_T("Info/RTL reading order"), false); const uint_t uiHelpName = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Help name"), _T("")); const uint_t uiAuthor = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Author"), _T("")); const uint_t uiVersion = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Version"), _T("")); cfg.read(pszFile); const tchar_t* psz = cfg.get_string(uiLangName); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetLangName(psz); ll_t ll = cfg.get_signed_num(uiLangCode); if(ll == 0) return false; SetLangCode((WORD)ll); psz = cfg.get_string(uiBaseLanguage); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetBaseFile(psz); psz = cfg.get_string(uiFontFace); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetFontFace(psz); ll = cfg.get_signed_num(uiCharset); if(ll == 0) return false; SetCharset((BYTE)ll); ll = cfg.get_signed_num(uiSize); if(ll == 0) return false; SetPointSize((WORD)ll); SetDirection(cfg.get_bool(uiRTL)); psz = cfg.get_string(uiHelpName); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetHelpName(psz); psz = cfg.get_string(uiAuthor); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetAuthor(psz); psz = cfg.get_string(uiVersion); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetVersion(psz); SetFilename(pszFile); return true; } catch(...) { return false; } } void CLangData::EnumAttributesCallback(bool bGroup, const tchar_t* pszName, const tchar_t* pszValue, ptr_t pData) { CLangData* pLangData = (CLangData*)pData; assert(pLangData); assert(pszName); if(!pLangData || !pszName) return; if(bGroup && _tcsicmp(pszName, _t("Info")) == 0) return; if(bGroup) { // new section - remember in member pLangData->m_uiSectionID = _ttoi(pszName); } else { uint_t uiVal = _ttoi(pszName); if(pLangData->m_bUpdating) { // check if the entry already exists strings_map::iterator it = pLangData->m_mStrings.find(pLangData->m_uiSectionID << 16 | uiVal); if(it != pLangData->m_mStrings.end()) return; } size_t stLen = _tcslen(pszValue); tchar_t* pszStr = new tchar_t[stLen + 1]; _tcscpy(pszStr, pszValue); // convert escape strings into escape sequences CLangData::UnescapeString(pszStr); pLangData->m_mStrings.insert(strings_map::value_type(pLangData->m_uiSectionID << 16 | uiVal, pszStr)); } } void CLangData::UnescapeString(tchar_t* pszData) { tchar_t* pszOut = pszData; while (*pszData != 0) { if (*pszData == _T('\\')) { pszData++; switch(*pszData++) { case _T('t'): *pszOut++ = _T('\t'); break; case _T('r'): *pszOut++ = _T('\r'); break; case _T('n'): *pszOut++ = _T('\n'); break; default: *pszOut++ = _T('\\'); } } else *pszOut++ = *pszData++; } *pszOut = _T('\0'); } bool CLangData::ReadTranslation(PCTSTR pszFile, bool bUpdate) { try { if(!bUpdate) Clear(); // load data from file icpf::config cfg(icpf::config::eIni); const uint_t uiLangName = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Lang Name"), _t("")); const uint_t uiLangCode = cfg.register_signed_num(_T("Info/Lang Code"), 0, 0, 0xffff); const uint_t uiBaseLanguage = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Base Language"), _T("")); const uint_t uiFontFace = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Font Face"), _T("")); const uint_t uiCharset = cfg.register_signed_num(_T("Info/Charset"), 0, 0, 0xffff); const uint_t uiSize = cfg.register_signed_num(_T("Info/Size"), 0, 0, 0xffff); const uint_t uiRTL = cfg.register_bool(_T("Info/RTL reading order"), false); const uint_t uiHelpName = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Help name"), _T("")); const uint_t uiAuthor = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Author"), _T("")); const uint_t uiVersion = cfg.register_string(_T("Info/Version"), _T("")); cfg.read(pszFile); TCHAR szData[512]; if(!bUpdate) { const tchar_t* psz = cfg.get_string(uiLangName); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetLangName(psz); ll_t ll = cfg.get_signed_num(uiLangCode); if(ll == 0) return false; SetLangCode((WORD)ll); psz = cfg.get_string(uiBaseLanguage); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetBaseFile(psz); psz = cfg.get_string(uiFontFace); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetFontFace(psz); ll = cfg.get_signed_num(uiCharset); if(ll == 0) return false; SetCharset((BYTE)ll); ll = cfg.get_signed_num(uiSize); if(ll == 0) return false; SetPointSize((WORD)ll); SetDirection(cfg.get_bool(uiRTL)); psz = cfg.get_string(uiHelpName); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetHelpName(psz); psz = cfg.get_string(uiAuthor); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetAuthor(psz); psz = cfg.get_string(uiVersion); if(!psz || psz[0] == _t('\0')) return false; SetVersion(psz); } m_bUpdating = bUpdate; m_uiSectionID = 0; if(!cfg.enum_properties(_t("*"), EnumAttributesCallback, this)) { m_bUpdating = false; return false; } m_bUpdating = false; if(!bUpdate) { // remember the filename SetFilename(pszFile); // establish path to the base file if (_tcslen(GetBaseFile()) != 0) { const TCHAR* pszName=_tcsrchr(pszFile, _T('\\')); if (pszName) { _tcsncpy(szData, pszFile, pszName-pszFile+1); _tcscpy(szData+(pszName-pszFile+1), GetBaseFile()); TRACE(_t("Base (update) path=%s\n"), szData); ReadTranslation(szData, true); } } } return true; } catch(...) { return false; } } PCTSTR CLangData::GetString(WORD wHiID, WORD wLoID) { strings_map::iterator it=m_mStrings.find((wHiID << 16) | wLoID); if (it != m_mStrings.end()) return (*it).second; else return EMPTY_STRING; } void CLangData::SetFilename(PCTSTR psz) { if (m_pszFilename) delete [] m_pszFilename; // copy m_pszFilename=new TCHAR[_tcslen(psz)+1]; _tcscpy(m_pszFilename, psz); } PCTSTR CLangData::GetFilename(bool bFullPath) const { if (bFullPath) return m_pszFilename; else { TCHAR *pszFnd=_tcsrchr(m_pszFilename, _T('\\')); if (pszFnd) return pszFnd+1; else return m_pszFilename; } } void CLangData::SetFnameData(PTSTR *ppszDst, PCTSTR pszSrc) { if (*ppszDst) delete [] (*ppszDst); const TCHAR* pszLast=NULL; if ( (pszLast=_tcsrchr(pszSrc, _T('\\'))) != NULL) pszLast++; else pszLast=pszSrc; // copy *ppszDst=new TCHAR[_tcslen(pszLast)+1]; _tcscpy(*ppszDst, pszLast); } // requires the param with ending '\\' void CResourceManager::Scan(LPCTSTR pszFolder, vector* pvData) { assert(pszFolder); assert(pvData); if(!pszFolder || !pvData) return; TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szPath, pszFolder); _tcscat(szPath, _T("*.lng")); WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE hFind=::FindFirstFile(szPath, &wfd); BOOL bFound=TRUE; CLangData ld; while (bFound && hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { _tcscpy(szPath, pszFolder); _tcscat(szPath, wfd.cFileName); if (ld.ReadInfo(szPath)) pvData->push_back(ld); } bFound=::FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd); } if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::FindClose(hFind); } bool CResourceManager::SetLanguage(PCTSTR pszPath) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); WORD wOldLang=m_ld.GetLangCode(); bool bRet=m_ld.ReadTranslation(pszPath); WORD wNewLang=m_ld.GetLangCode(); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); if (!bRet) return false; // update registered dialog boxes list::iterator it=m_lhDialogs.begin(); while (it != m_lhDialogs.end()) { if (::IsWindow((*it)->m_hWnd)) (*it)->PostMessage(WM_RMNOTIFY, RMNT_LANGCHANGE, (LPARAM)(wOldLang << 16 | wNewLang)); it++; } // send the notification stuff to the others if (m_pfnCallback) (*m_pfnCallback)(ROT_EVERYWHERE, WM_RMNOTIFY, RMNT_LANGCHANGE, (LPARAM)(wOldLang << 16 | wNewLang)); return bRet; } HGLOBAL CResourceManager::LoadResource(LPCTSTR pszType, LPCTSTR pszName) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); // find resource HGLOBAL hRet=NULL; HRSRC hr=FindResource(m_hRes, pszName, pszType); if (hr) hRet=::LoadResource(m_hRes, hr); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); return hRet; } HACCEL CResourceManager::LoadAccelerators(LPCTSTR pszName) { return ::LoadAccelerators(m_hRes, pszName); } HBITMAP CResourceManager::LoadBitmap(LPCTSTR pszName) { return ::LoadBitmap(m_hRes, pszName); } HCURSOR CResourceManager::LoadCursor(LPCTSTR pszName) { return ::LoadCursor(m_hRes, pszName); } HICON CResourceManager::LoadIcon(LPCTSTR pszName) { return ::LoadIcon(m_hRes, pszName); } void CResourceManager::UpdateMenu(HMENU hMenu, WORD wMenuID) { // change the strings inside the menu to the one from txt res file int iCount=::GetMenuItemCount(hMenu); MENUITEMINFO mif; WORD wLoID; TCHAR szItem[1024]; memset(szItem, 0, 1024); for (int i=0;i