#include "stdafx.h" #include "TStringPattern.h" #include "TCoreException.h" #include "ErrorCodes.h" #include namespace chcore { namespace { bool _tcicmp(TCHAR c1, TCHAR c2) { TCHAR ch1[2] = { c1, 0 }, ch2[2] = { c2, 0 }; return (_tcsicmp(ch1, ch2) == 0); } } TStringPattern::TStringPattern(EPatternType ePatternType) : m_ePatternType(ePatternType) { } TStringPattern::TStringPattern(const TString& strPattern, EPatternType ePatternType) : m_ePatternType(ePatternType), m_strPattern(strPattern) { } TString TStringPattern::ToSerializedString() const { TString strPrefix; switch (m_ePatternType) { case EPatternType::eType_Wildcard: strPrefix = L"WC;"; break; default: THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_UnhandledCase); } return TString(strPrefix + m_strPattern); } void TStringPattern::FromSerializedString(const TString& strSerializedPattern) { if (strSerializedPattern.StartsWith(L"WC;")) { m_ePatternType = EPatternType::eType_Wildcard; m_strPattern = strSerializedPattern.Mid(3); } else THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_UnhandledCase); } TStringPattern TStringPattern::CreateFromSerializedString(const TString& strSerializedPattern) { TStringPattern pattern; pattern.FromSerializedString(strSerializedPattern); return pattern; } bool TStringPattern::MatchMask(LPCTSTR lpszMask, LPCTSTR lpszString) const { bool bMatch = 1; //iterate and delete '?' and '*' one by one while (*lpszMask != _T('\0') && bMatch && *lpszString != _T('\0')) { if (*lpszMask == _T('?')) lpszString++; else if (*lpszMask == _T('*')) { bMatch = Scan(lpszMask, lpszString); lpszMask--; } else { bMatch = _tcicmp(*lpszMask, *lpszString); lpszString++; } lpszMask++; } while (*lpszMask == _T('*') && bMatch) lpszMask++; return bMatch && *lpszString == _T('\0') && *lpszMask == _T('\0'); } // scan '?' and '*' bool TStringPattern::Scan(LPCTSTR& lpszMask, LPCTSTR& lpszString) const { // remove the '?' and '*' for (lpszMask++; *lpszString != _T('\0') && (*lpszMask == _T('?') || *lpszMask == _T('*')); lpszMask++) if (*lpszMask == _T('?')) lpszString++; while (*lpszMask == _T('*')) lpszMask++; // if lpszString is empty and lpszMask has more characters or, // lpszMask is empty, return if (*lpszString == _T('\0') && *lpszMask != _T('\0')) return false; if (*lpszString == _T('\0') && *lpszMask == _T('\0')) return true; // else search substring else { LPCTSTR wdsCopy = lpszMask; LPCTSTR lpszStringCopy = lpszString; bool bMatch = true; do { if (!MatchMask(lpszMask, lpszString)) lpszStringCopy++; lpszMask = wdsCopy; lpszString = lpszStringCopy; while (!(_tcicmp(*lpszMask, *lpszString)) && (*lpszString != '\0')) lpszString++; wdsCopy = lpszMask; lpszStringCopy = lpszString; } while ((*lpszString != _T('\0')) ? !MatchMask(lpszMask, lpszString) : (bMatch = false) != false); if (*lpszString == _T('\0') && *lpszMask == _T('\0')) return true; return bMatch; } } bool TStringPattern::Matches(const TString& strTextToMatch) const { return MatchMask(m_strPattern.c_str(), strTextToMatch.c_str()); } void TStringPattern::SetPattern(const TString& strPattern, EPatternType ePatternType) { m_ePatternType = ePatternType; m_strPattern = strPattern; } }