#include "stdafx.h" #include "TSpeedTracker.h" #include #include #include "ErrorCodes.h" #include "TCoreException.h" #include "MathFunctions.h" #include #include "TStringArray.h" namespace chcore { TSpeedTracker::TSpeedTracker(unsigned long long ullTrackTime, unsigned long long ullSampleTime) : m_stRequiredSamples(ullSampleTime ? boost::numeric_cast(ullTrackTime / ullSampleTime) : 0), m_ullSampleTime(ullSampleTime), m_dSamplesPerSecond(ullSampleTime != 0 ? 1000.0 / ullSampleTime : 0.0), m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples(0), m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples(0), m_stNextSamplePos(0), m_ullLastTimestamp(std::numeric_limits::max()), m_ullZeroIntervalData(0) { if(ullSampleTime == 0) throw TCoreException(eErr_InvalidArgument, L"ullSampleTime", LOCATION); if(m_stRequiredSamples == 0) throw TCoreException(eErr_InvalidArgument, L"m_stRequiredSamples", LOCATION); std::fill_n(std::inserter(m_vSamples, m_vSamples.end()), m_stRequiredSamples, 0.0); } void TSpeedTracker::Clear() { m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples = 0; m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples = 0; m_stNextSamplePos = 0; m_ullLastTimestamp = std::numeric_limits::max(); m_ullZeroIntervalData = 0; std::fill(m_vSamples.begin(), m_vSamples.end(), 0.0); } void TSpeedTracker::AddSample(unsigned long long ullValue, unsigned long long ullTimestamp) { // if this is the first sample ever added (after construction or after clear) then // we don't have time interval yet - just remember the timestamp and ignore value if (m_ullLastTimestamp == std::numeric_limits::max()) { m_ullLastTimestamp = ullTimestamp; return; } // sanity check - make sure the data is valid if (ullTimestamp < m_ullLastTimestamp) throw TCoreException(eErr_InvalidArgument, L"ullTimestamp", LOCATION); // calculate the interval since the time last sample was added unsigned long long ullInterval = ullTimestamp - m_ullLastTimestamp; m_ullLastTimestamp = ullTimestamp; if (ullInterval == 0) // special case 0: if interval is 0 - put the data sample somewhere for future use { m_ullZeroIntervalData += ullValue; return; } else if (ullInterval >= m_ullSampleTime * m_stRequiredSamples) // special case 1: interval is bigger than what we track { m_stNextSamplePos = 0; m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples = 0.0; m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples = 0; m_ullZeroIntervalData = 0; double dSpeed = NormalizeValueByTime(ullValue, ullInterval, m_ullSampleTime); std::fill(m_vSamples.begin(), m_vSamples.end(), dSpeed); return; } else { // append the data from previous zero-interval samples ullValue += m_ullZeroIntervalData; m_ullZeroIntervalData = 0; } // calculate speed double dSpeed = NormalizeValueByTime(ullValue, ullInterval, m_ullSampleTime); // finalize the incomplete sample and adjust the input data FinalizeIncompleteSample(dSpeed, ullInterval); // deal with the full samples AddCompleteSamples(dSpeed, ullInterval); // and finally prepare the incomplete sample data for future use PrepareIncompleteSample(ullInterval, dSpeed); } double TSpeedTracker::GetSpeed() const { double dResult = 0.0; if (m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples != 0) { dResult = CalculateIncompleteSampleNormalizedSpeed(); for (size_t stIndex = 0; stIndex < m_vSamples.size(); ++stIndex) { if (stIndex != m_stNextSamplePos) dResult += m_vSamples[stIndex]; } } else dResult = std::accumulate(m_vSamples.begin(), m_vSamples.end(), 0.0); return dResult / m_vSamples.size() * m_dSamplesPerSecond; } size_t TSpeedTracker::GetNextSampleIndexAndIncrease() { size_t stResult = m_stNextSamplePos++; if (m_stNextSamplePos >= m_vSamples.size()) m_stNextSamplePos = 0; return stResult; } double TSpeedTracker::NormalizeValueByTime(unsigned long long ullValue, unsigned long long ullTime, unsigned long long ullNormalizeTime) { return Math::Div64(ullNormalizeTime, ullTime) * ullValue; } void TSpeedTracker::FinalizeIncompleteSample(double dSpeed, unsigned long long& ullInterval) { if (m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples == 0 || m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples == 0.0 || ullInterval == 0) return; // how much data do we need? unsigned long long ullIntervalStillNeeded = m_ullSampleTime - m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples; if (ullInterval < ullIntervalStillNeeded) { // we can only add the next partial sample, but cannot finalize m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples += ullInterval; m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples += dSpeed * Math::Div64(ullInterval, m_ullSampleTime); ullInterval = 0; } else { // going to finalize sample m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples += dSpeed * Math::Div64(ullIntervalStillNeeded, m_ullSampleTime); m_vSamples[GetNextSampleIndexAndIncrease()] = m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples; ullInterval -= ullIntervalStillNeeded; m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples = 0.0; m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples = 0; } } void TSpeedTracker::AddCompleteSamples(double dSpeed, unsigned long long& ullInterval) { size_t stSamplesCount = boost::numeric_cast(std::min(ullInterval / m_ullSampleTime, (unsigned long long)m_stRequiredSamples)); // fill the container with full samples while (stSamplesCount--) { m_vSamples[GetNextSampleIndexAndIncrease()] = dSpeed; } ullInterval = ullInterval % m_ullSampleTime; } double TSpeedTracker::CalculateIncompleteSampleNormalizedSpeed() const { // get the speed for incomplete sample double dIncompleteSamplePercentage = Math::Div64(m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples, m_ullSampleTime); double dResult = m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples + (1.0 - dIncompleteSamplePercentage) * m_vSamples[m_stNextSamplePos]; return dResult; } void TSpeedTracker::PrepareIncompleteSample(unsigned long long ullInterval, double dSpeed) { if (ullInterval > 0) { // we can only add the next partial sample, but cannot finalize m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples = ullInterval; m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples = dSpeed * Math::Div64(ullInterval, m_ullSampleTime); } } TString TSpeedTracker::ToString() const { TString strData; strData += boost::lexical_cast(m_stNextSamplePos).c_str(); strData += _T(";"); strData += boost::lexical_cast(m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples).c_str(); strData += _T(";"); strData += boost::lexical_cast(m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples).c_str(); strData += _T(";"); strData += boost::lexical_cast(m_ullZeroIntervalData).c_str(); strData += _T(";"); BOOST_FOREACH(double dVal, m_vSamples) { strData += boost::lexical_cast(dVal).c_str(); strData += _T(";"); } strData.TrimRightSelf(_T(";")); return strData; } void TSpeedTracker::FromString(const TString& strData) { TStringArray arrStrings; strData.Split(_T(";"), arrStrings); const size_t SerializedMembers = 4; if (arrStrings.GetCount() != m_stRequiredSamples + SerializedMembers) throw TCoreException(eErr_InvalidArgument, L"strData", LOCATION); Clear(); m_stNextSamplePos = boost::lexical_cast(arrStrings.GetAt(0).c_str()); m_dPartialSpeedNotInSamples = boost::lexical_cast(arrStrings.GetAt(1).c_str()); m_ullTimeIntervalNotInSamples = boost::lexical_cast(arrStrings.GetAt(2).c_str()); m_ullZeroIntervalData = boost::lexical_cast((PCTSTR)arrStrings.GetAt(3).c_str()); for (size_t stIndex = 4; stIndex < arrStrings.GetCount(); ++stIndex) { m_vSamples[stIndex - 4] = boost::lexical_cast(arrStrings.GetAt(stIndex).c_str()); } } }