@echo off rem Mark the changes as local ones setlocal rem Check input parameter if [%1] == [] ( echo Usage: make_package.bat beta^|final exit /b 1 ) echo --- Initializing ----------------------------------------------- echo * Reading configuration... call config.bat if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo * Preparing environment... call internal\prepare_env.bat if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo --- Detecting version numbers ---------------------------------- call internal\detect_version.bat %1 if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo --- Checking if current trunk is already tagged ---------------- svn --depth empty co "%ReposCH%/tags/%TrunkTextVersion%" "%MainProjectDir%" >nul 2>nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo * Tag not found. Will tag. ) else ( echo * Tag %TrunkTextVersion% already found. Skipping tagging. SET TextVersion=%TrunkTextVersion% SET SVNVersion=%TrunkSVNVersion% goto make_existing ) echo --- Tagging the release ---------------------------------------- call internal\svntag.bat %TextVersion% if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) :make_existing call make_existing_release.bat %TextVersion% if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) goto cleanup :error call internal\clear_env.bat /skip_create exit /b 1 :cleanup call internal\clear_env.bat /skip_create :end exit /b 0