# Info section [Info] Lang Name=English Lang Code=1033 Base Language= Font Face=Tahoma Charset=1 Size=8 RTL reading order=0 Help name=english.chm Author=Józef Starosczyk Version=1.28 # Menu - IDR_ADVANCED_MENU [160] 32805=&Change paths... # Menu - IDR_POPUP_MENU [130] 32773=Show status... 32802=&Options... 32803=Show mini-status... 32804=Enter copy parametres... 32806=Monitor clipboard 32807=Shutdown after finished 32809=&Register shell extension dll 32810=&Unregister shell extension dll 32814=&Help... 57664=About... 57665=Exit # Menu - IDR_PRIORITY_MENU [135] 32774=Time critical 32775=Highest 32776=Above normal 32777=Normal 32778=Below normal 32779=Lowest 32780=Idle # Dialog box - IDD_BUFFERSIZE_DIALOG [137] 0=Buffer size settings 1=&OK 2=&Cancel 1145=Use only default buffer 1219=Default 1220=For copying inside one disk boundary 1221=For copying between two different disks 1222=For copying with CD-ROM use 1223=For copying with network use 1257=&Help # Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_DSTFILE_DIALOG [167] 0=Copy handler - error opening file 2=&Cancel 1097=&Ignore 1098=I&gnore all 1099=&Wait 1100=&Retry 1220=Cannot open file for writing: 1221=Error description: # Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_IGNOREWAITRETRY_DIALOG [162] 0=Copy handler - error opening file 2=&Cancel 1097=&Ignore 1098=I&gnore all 1099=&Wait 1100=&Retry 1219=Cannot open source file for reading - reason: 1220=Name: 1221=Size: 1222=Created: 1223=Last modified: 1224=Expected source file: 1226=Name: 1227=Size: 1228=Created: 1229=Last modified: 1230=Source file found: 1231=What would you like to do ? # Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_REPLACE_FILES_DIALOG [164] 0=Copy handler - smaller destination file found 2=&Cancel 1097=&Ignore 1098=I&gnore all 1103=Co&py rest 1104=R&ecopy 1106=Cop&y rest all 1107=Recopy &all 1220=Destination file exists and is smaller than source file.\nPossible reasons:\n- copying/moving source file wasn't finished (copy rest)\n- file being copied is in another version than destination file (recopy) 1221=Name: 1222=Size: 1223=Created: 1224=Last modified: 1225=Source file: 1226=Name: 1227=Size: 1228=Created: 1229=Last modified: 1230=Destination file: 1231=What would you like to do ? # Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_SMALL_REPLACE_FILES_DIALOG [165] 0=Copy handler - destination file found 2=&Cancel 1097=&Ignore 1098=I&gnore all 1104=R&ecopy 1107=Recopy &all 1220=Destination file exists and has equal or greater size than source file.\nPossible reasons:\n- file being copied is in another version than destination one (recopy/ignore)\n- source and destination files are identical (ignore) 1221=Name: 1222=Size: 1223=Created: 1224=Last modified: 1225=Source file: 1226=Name: 1227=Size: 1228=Created: 1229=Last modified: 1230=Destination file: 1231=What would you like to do ? # Dialog box - IDD_MINIVIEW_DIALOG [145] 0=Status # Dialog box - IDD_OPTIONS_DIALOG [144] 0=Options 1=&OK 2=&Cancel 1218=&Apply 1257=&Help # Dialog box - IDD_REPLACE_PATHS_DIALOG [161] 0=Partial replace of source paths 1=OK 2=&Cancel 1064=... 1219=Source paths: 1220=Change to: 1257=&Help # Dialog box - IDD_STATUS_DIALOG [131] 0=Status 1003=List1 1005=Progress1 1007=Progress2 1013=... 1016=> 1018=&Pause 1021=&Resume 1022=&Cancel 1027= 1028= 1029= 1030= 1031= 1033= 1034= 1035= 1036= 1037= 1038=&<< 1040= 1041=Resume/all 1042=&Restart 1043=&Remove 1044=Pause/all 1045=Restart/all 1046=Cancel/all 1047=Remove/all 1077=&Advanced > 1120=View log 1122= 1219=Operations list: 1220=Progress: 1221=Progress: 1222=Destination object: 1223=Source object: 1224=Buffer size: 1225=Thread priority: 1226=Comments: 1227=Operation: 1228=Transfer: 1229=Processed: 1230=Transfer: 1231=Processed: 1232=Global statistics 1233=Current selection statistics 1234= 1235= 1236= 1237= 1238=Time: 1239=Associated file: # Dialog box - IDD_FEEDBACK_NOTENOUGHPLACE_DIALOG [173] 0=Copy handler - not enough free space 2=&Cancel 1097=C&ontinue 1100=&Retry 1127= 1128= 1221=Required space: 1222=Space available: 1254= # Dialog box - IDD_SHUTDOWN_DIALOG [182] 0=Copy handler 2=&Cancel 1037= 1146=Progress1 1220=All copy/move operations were finished. Attempt to shut down the system will be performed in: # Dialog box - IDD_CUSTOM_COPY_DIALOG [149] 0=Copying/moving parameters 1=&OK 2=&Cancel 1002=Add &file(s)... 1004=&Delete 1008=... 1010=List2 1011=Add f&older... 1014=Filtering 1015=Do not create destination directories - copy files loosely to destination folder 1017=Do not copy/move contents of files - only create it (empty) 1020=Create directory structure in destination folder (relatively to root directory) 1023=Advanced options 1024=&Change... 1025=+ 1026=- 1065=List1 1178=Spin1 1179= 1191=&Import... 1219=Source files/folders: 1220=Destination folder: 1221=Operation type: 1222=Priority: 1223=Count of copies: 1224=Buffer sizes: 1225=Standard options 1249= 1250= 1251= 1252= 1253= 1257=&Help # Dialog box - IDD_FILTER_DIALOG [195] 0=Filtering settings 1=&OK 2=&Cancel 1150=Include mask (separate by vertical lines ie. *.jpg|*.gif) 1151=Filtering by size 1155=Spin1 1159=Spin1 1160=and 1161=Filtering by date 1162=By attributes 1163=Archive 1164=Read only 1165=Hidden 1166=System 1169=DateTimePicker1 1170=DateTimePicker2 1171=and 1173=DateTimePicker1 1174=DateTimePicker2 1175=Directory 1177=Exclude mask 1219= 1257=&Help # Dialog box - IDD_SHORTCUTEDIT_DIALOG [208] 0=Shortcuts editing 1=&OK 2=&Cancel 1043=&Delete 1060=&Add 1064=... 1180=List1 1182= 1185=&Update 1192=Move up 1193=Move down 1219=Shortcuts: 1220=Name: 1221=Path: 1222=Shortcut properties 1257=&Help # Dialog box - IDD_RECENTEDIT_DIALOG [209] 0=Recent paths 1=&OK 2=&Cancel 1043=&Delete 1060=&Add 1064=... 1185=&Update 1190=List1 1219=Recently used paths: 1220=Path 1257=&Help # Dialog box - IDD_ABOUTBOX [100] 0=About ... 1=&OK 1199=Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Józef Starosczyk 1202=http://www.copyhandler.com|http://www.copyhandler.com 1206=ixen@copyhandler.com|mailto:ixen@copyhandler.com 1207=support@copyhandler.com|mailto:support@copyhandler.com 1263= 1264= 1265=Home page: 1266=Contact: 1267=This program is free software and may be distributed according to the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. 1268=Author: 1269=Support: # Dialog box - IDD_CRASH_DIALOG [212] 0=Application crashed 1= 1275= 1276= 1278= 1279= # String table [0] 5000=Copy Handler 5001=Time critical 5002=Highest 5003=Above normal 5004=Normal 5005=Below normal 5006=Lowest 5007=Idle 5008=Copy of %s 5009=Copy (%d) of %s 5010=File not found (doesn't exist) 5011=B 5012=kB 5013=MB 5014=GB 5015=TB 5016=PB 5017=< 5018=<= 5019== 5020=>= 5021=> 6000=Cannot run the second instance of this program 6001=Library chext.dll was registered successfully 6002=Encountered error while trying to register library chext.dll\nError #%lu (%s). 6003=Library chext.dll was unregistered successfully 6004=Encountered error while trying to unregister library chext.dll\nError #%lu (%s). 6005=Cannot open html help file:\n%s\n 6006=Copy Handler encountered an internal problem and will be closed.\n\nIf you want to help correct this problem in the future releases of program you can send the crash information to the author of this program. 7000=Searching for files... 7001=Source file/folder not found (clipboard) : %s 7002=Adding file/folder (clipboard) : %s ... 7003=Added folder %s 7004=Recursing folder %s 7005=Kill request while adding data to files array (RecurseDirectories) 7006=Added file %s 7007=Searching for files finished 7008=Deleting files (DeleteFiles)... 7009=Kill request while deleting files (Delete Files) 7010=Error #%lu (%s) while deleting file/folder %s 7011=Deleting files finished 7012=Cancel request while checking result of dialog before opening source file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7013=Error %err while opening source file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7014=Cancel request [error %err] while opening source file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7015=Wait request [error %err] while opening source file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7016=Retrying [error %err] to open source file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7017=Error %err while opening destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7018=Retrying [error %err] to open destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7019=Cancel request [error %err] while opening destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7020=Wait request [error %err] while opening destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7021=Error %err while moving file pointers of %s and %s to %I64u 7022=Error %err while restoring (moving to beginning) file pointers of %s and %s 7023=Error %err while setting size of file %s to 0 7024=Kill request while main copying file %s -> %s 7025=Changing buffer size from [Def:%lu, One:%lu, Two:%lu, CD:%lu, LAN:%lu] to [Def:%lu, One:%lu, Two:%lu, CD:%lu, LAN:%lu] wile copying %s -> %s (CustomCopyFile) 7026=Error %err while trying to read %d bytes from source file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7027=Error %err while trying to write %d bytes to destination file %s (CustomCopyFile) 7028=Caught exception in CustomCopyFile [last error: %err] (at time %lu) 7029=Processing files/folders (ProcessFiles) 7030=Processing files/folders (ProcessFiles):\r\n\tOnlyCreate: %d\r\n\tBufferSize: [Def:%lu, One:%lu, Two:%lu, CD:%lu, LAN:%lu]\r\n\tFiles/folders count: %lu\r\n\tCopies count: %d\r\n\tIgnore Folders: %d\r\n\tDest path: %s\r\n\tCurrent pass (0-based): %d\r\n\tCurrent index (0-based): %d 7031=Kill request while processing file in ProcessFiles 7032=Error %err while calling MoveFile %s -> %s (ProcessFiles) 7033=Error %err while calling CreateDirectory %s (ProcessFiles) 7034=Finished processing in ProcessFiles 7035=\r\n# COPYING THREAD STARTED #\r\nBegan processing data (dd:mm:yyyy) %02d.%02d.%4d at %02d:%02d.%02d 7036=Finished waiting for begin permission 7037=Kill request while waiting for begin permission (wait state) 7038=Finished processing data (dd:mm:yyyy) %02d.%02d.%4d at %02d:%02d.%02d 7039=Caught exception in ThrdProc [last error: %err, type: %d] 7040=Checking for free space on destination disk... 7041=Not enough free space on disk - needed %I64d bytes for data, available: %I64d bytes. 7042=Cancel request while checking for free space on disk. 7043=Retrying to read drive's free space... 7044=Ignored warning about not enough place on disk to copy data. 7047=Cancel request while calling MoveFileEx %s -> %s (ProcessFiles) 8000=Program 8001=Clipboard monitoring 8002=Scan clipboard every ... [ms] 8003=Run program with system 8004=Shutdown system after copying finishes 8005=Autosave every ... [ms] 8006=Folder for temporary data 8007=Status window 8008=Refresh status every ... [ms] 8009=Show details in status window 8010=Automatically remove finished tasks 8011=Miniview 8012=Show file names 8013=Show single tasks 8014=Refresh status every ... [ms] 8015=Show at program startup 8016=Hide when empty 8017=Copying/moving thread 8018=Auto "copy-rest" of files 8019=Set attributes of destination files 8020=Set date/time of destination files 8021=Protect read-only files 8022=Limit maximum operations running simultaneously ... 8023=Show visual confirmation dialogs 8024=Use timed confirmation dialogs 8025=Time of showing confirmation dialogs 8026=Auto resume on error 8027=Auto resume every ... [ms] 8028=Default thread priority 8029=Use only default buffer 8030=Default buffer size 8031=Don't delete files before copying finishes (moving) 8032=Create .log files 8033=Sounds 8034=Playing sounds 8035=Sound on error 8036=Sound on copying finished 8037=Language 8038=Read tasks size before blocking 8039=Disable buffering for large files 8040=Minimum file size for which buffering should be turned off 8041=Buffer 8042=Buffer size for copying inside one physical disk boundary 8043=Buffer size for copying between two different disks 8044=Buffer size for copying from CD-ROM 8045=Buffer size for copying over a network 8046=Wait ... [ms] before shutdown 8047=Type of shutdown 8048=Use smooth progress bars 8049=Choose folder dialog 8050=Show extended view 8051=Dialog width [pixels] 8052=Dialog height [pixels] 8053=Shortcuts' list style 8054=Ignore additional shell dialogs 8055=Show 'Copy' command in drag&drop menu 8056=Show 'Move' command in drag&drop menu 8057=Show 'Copy/move special' command in drag&drop menu 8058=Show 'Paste' command in context menu 8059=Show 'Paste special' command in context menu 8060=Show 'Copy to' command in context menu 8061=Show 'Move to' command in context menu 8062=Show 'Copy/move special to' command in context menu 8063=Show free space with shortcuts' names 8064=Show icons with shortcuts (experimental) 8065=Intercept drag&drop operation by left mouse button (experimental) 8066=Shortcuts 8067=Recently used paths 8068=Shell 8069=Defined shortcuts' count 8070=Count of recent paths 8071=Default action for dragging by left mouse button 8072=Application's priority class 8073=Disable priority boosting 8074=No!Yes 8075=!Choose temporary folder 8076=Disabled!Normal!Heavy 8077=!Sound files (.wav)|*.wav|| 8079=Normal!Force 8080=Large icons!Small icons!List!Report 8081=Idle!Normal!High!Real-time 8082=Copy!Move!Special operation!Autodetect 8083=Folder with plugins 8084=!Choose folder with plugins 8085=Main log file 8086=Enable logging 8087=Use log file size limit 8088=Maximum size of the limited log file 8089=Use precise limiting of a log file 8090=Truncate buffer size 8091=Directory with help files 8092=!Choose folder with program's help files 8093=Directory with language files 8094=!Choose folder with language files 9000=(CH) Copy here 9001=(CH) Move here 9002=(CH) Copy/move special... 9003=(CH) Paste 9004=(CH) Paste special... 9005=(CH) Copy to 9006=(CH) Move to 9007=(CH) Copy/move special to... 9008=Copies data here with Copy Handler 9009=Moves data here with Copy Handler 9010=Copies/moves data with additional settings 9011=Pastes files/folders from clipboard here 9012=Pastes files/folders from clipboard here with additional settings 9013=Copies selected data into specified folder 9014=Moves selected data into specified folder 9015=Copies/moves selected data into specified folder with additional settings 13000=Choose path 13001=Remote name: 13002=Local name: 13003=Type: 13004=Network type: 13005=Description: 13006=Free space: 13007=Capacity: 13008=&OK 13009=&Cancel 13010=Cannot create the folder 13011=Entered path doesn't exist 13012=Name 13013=Path 13014=Path: 13015=>> 13016=<< 13017=You haven't entered the path for this shortcut 13018=Create new folder 13019=Large icons 13020=Small icons 13021=List 13022=Report 13023=Details 13024=Add to shortcut's list 13025=Remove from shortcut's list 13026=Domain/Workgroup 13027=Server 13028=Share 13029=File 13030=Group 13031=Network 13032=Root 13033=Administration share 13034=Directory 13035=Tree 13036=NDS Container 13500=Copying... 13501=Moving... 13502=Unknown operation type - this shouldn't happen 13503=Enter destination path for:\n 14001=Compilation: %s 14002=Code= 14003=Version= 14500=Cannot operate with buffer of 0 size 15000=All files (*)|*|| 15001=Choose destination folder 15002=You didn't fill destination path or source file.\nProgram cannot continue 15003=Copy 15004=Move 15005=Default: %s 15006=One Disk: %s 15007=Two disks: %s 15008=CD: %s 15009=LAN: %s 15010=Include mask 15011=Size 15012=Date 15013=Attributes included 15014= and 15015=none 15016=any 15017=any 15018=Exclude mask 15019=Attributes excluded 15020=none 15021=None of filtering options were selected 15022=All files (*.*)|*.*|| 15023=Imported %lu path(s) 16500=There is not enough room in %s to copy or move: 18000=Date of creation 18001=Date of last write 18002=Date of last access 18500=All: 20000=You didn't enter source text 20500=Shortcut's name 20501=Path 21000=Cannot shutdown this operating system.\nEncountered error #%lu. 21500=Status 21501=File 21502=To: 21503=Progress 21504=None of tasks selected 21505=empty 21506=empty 21507=unknown 21508=unknown 21509=empty 21510=empty 21511=unknown 21512=00:00 / 00:00 21513=pass: 21514=avg: 21515=Status 21516=Changed:\n%d paths primarily got from clipboard 21517=Selected task isn't paused 21518=Task not selected 21519=(waiting...) 21520= copies 21521= copies 21522=Searching 21523=Copying 21524=Moving 21525=Finished 21526=Error 21527=Paused 21528=Deleting 21529=Unknown 21530=Cancelled 21531=Waiting 21532=Only files 21533=Without contents 21534=Error #%lu calling ShellExecute for file %s 21535=Default: 21536=One disk: 21537=Two disks: 21538=CD: 21539=LAN: 21540=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while deleting file %s 21541=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while trying to open source file %s 21542=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while trying to open destination file %s. Probably file has read-only attribute set, and 'Protect read-only files' flag in configuration is set (so the file cannot be open to write). 21543=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while restoring (moving to beginning) file pointers of %s and %s 21544=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while setting size of file %s to 0 21545=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while trying to read %d bytes from source file %s 21546=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while trying to write %d bytes to destination file %s 21547=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while calling MoveFile %s -> %s 21548=Error #%errnum (%errdesc) while calling CreateDirectory %s 21549=not associated 21550= [with filter] 21551=Selected task wasn't finished yet.\nDo you want to finish it now ?