// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2001-2013 by Jozef Starosczyk // ixen@copyhandler.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License // (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // ============================================================================ #include "stdafx.h" #include "TSQLiteSerializer.h" #include "TSQLiteSerializerContainer.h" #include "TCoreException.h" #include "ErrorCodes.h" #include "TSQLiteTransaction.h" #include "TSimpleTimer.h" #include "SerializerTrace.h" namespace chcore { using namespace sqlite; TSQLiteSerializer::TSQLiteSerializer(const TSmartPath& pathDB, const ISerializerSchemaPtr& spSchema) : m_spDatabase(new TSQLiteDatabase(pathDB)), m_spSchema(spSchema) { if(!m_spDatabase) throw TCoreException(eErr_InvalidArgument, L"m_spDatabase", LOCATION); if(!m_spSchema) throw TCoreException(eErr_InvalidArgument, L"m_spSchema", LOCATION); // initialize db params SetupDBOptions(); m_spSchema->Setup(m_spDatabase); } TSQLiteSerializer::~TSQLiteSerializer() { // clear the containers first, so that we can safely get rid of the strings pool m_mapContainers.clear(); m_poolStrings.Clear(false); } ISerializerContainerPtr TSQLiteSerializer::GetContainer(const TString& strContainerName) { ContainerMap::iterator iterMap = m_mapContainers.find(strContainerName); if (iterMap == m_mapContainers.end()) iterMap = m_mapContainers.insert(std::make_pair( strContainerName, std::make_shared(strContainerName, m_spDatabase, m_poolStrings))).first; return iterMap->second; } TSmartPath TSQLiteSerializer::GetLocation() const { return m_spDatabase->GetLocation(); } void TSQLiteSerializer::Flush() { DBTRACE0(_T(" ## Serializer::Flush() - started\n")); TSQLiteTransaction tran(m_spDatabase); TSimpleTimer timer(true); for (ContainerMap::iterator iterContainer = m_mapContainers.begin(); iterContainer != m_mapContainers.end(); ++iterContainer) { iterContainer->second->Flush(); } unsigned long long ullFlushGatherTime = timer.Checkpoint(); ullFlushGatherTime; tran.Commit(); unsigned long long ullFlushCommitTime = timer.Checkpoint(); ullFlushCommitTime; DBTRACE2(_T(" ## Serializer::Flush() - container flushes: %I64u ms, transaction commit: %I64u ms\n"), ullFlushGatherTime, ullFlushCommitTime); m_mapContainers.clear(); m_poolStrings.Clear(); unsigned long long ullFlushClearTime = timer.Checkpoint(); ullFlushClearTime; DBTRACE1(_T(" ## Serializer::Flush() - container clearing: %I64u ms\n"), ullFlushClearTime); } void TSQLiteSerializer::SetupDBOptions() { /* TSQLiteStatement tStatement(m_spDatabase); tStatement.Prepare(_T("PRAGMA JOURNAL_MODE=WAL")); TSQLiteStatement::EStepResult eResult = tStatement.Step(); if(eResult != TSQLiteStatement::eStep_HasRow) throw TCoreException(eErr_CannotSetDatabaseOptions, L"Failed to set database options", LOCATION); TString strResult = tStatement.GetText(0); if(strResult != _T("wal")) throw TCoreException(eErr_CannotSetDatabaseOptions, L"Failed to set database options", LOCATION);*/ } }