@echo off rem Mark the changes as local ones setlocal if [%1] == [] ( echo "Usage: symsrv.bat package_path symsrv_path" goto end ) if [%2] == [] ( echo "Usage: symsrv.bat package_path symsrv_path" goto end ) echo --- Initializing ----------------------------------------------- echo * Reading configuration... call config.bat if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo * Preparing environment... call internal\prepare_env.bat if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo --- Processing files -------------------------------------------- echo * Extracting files... SET OutDir=%TmpDir%\symbols if exist "%OutDir%" ( rmdir /S /Q "%OutDir%" >nul if exist "%OutDir%" ( echo ERROR: Deleting the temporary folder failed. exit /b 1 ) ) mkdir "%OutDir%" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary directory failed. goto error ) rem Unpack archive 7z x -o%OutDir% %1 >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Unpacking archive failed. goto error ) echo * Adding files to symbol server directory... symstore add /r /f "%OutDir%" /s "%~2" /t "Copy Handler" /v "%~1" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Storing symbols failed. goto error ) echo * Cleaning up files... rmdir /S /Q "%OutDir%" echo * Done goto end :error echo * Error processing files. :end