// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2001-2015 by Jozef Starosczyk // ixen@copyhandler.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License // (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // ============================================================================ #include "stdafx.h" #include "TLocalFilesystemFind.h" #include "TLocalFilesystem.h" #include "TFileInfo.h" namespace chcore { TLocalFilesystemFind::TLocalFilesystemFind(const TSmartPath& pathDir, const TSmartPath& pathMask) : m_pathDir(pathDir), m_pathMask(pathMask), m_hFind(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { } TLocalFilesystemFind::~TLocalFilesystemFind() { Close(); } bool TLocalFilesystemFind::FindNext(TFileInfoPtr& rspFileInfo) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; TSmartPath pathCurrent = m_pathDir + m_pathMask; // Iterate through dirs & files bool bContinue = true; if (m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bContinue = (FindNextFile(m_hFind, &wfd) != FALSE); else { m_hFind = FindFirstFileEx(TLocalFilesystem::PrependPathExtensionIfNeeded(pathCurrent).ToString(), FindExInfoStandard, &wfd, FindExSearchNameMatch, nullptr, 0); bContinue = (m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); } if (bContinue) { do { if (!(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { rspFileInfo->Init(m_pathDir + PathFromString(wfd.cFileName), wfd.dwFileAttributes, (((ULONGLONG)wfd.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + wfd.nFileSizeLow, wfd.ftCreationTime, wfd.ftLastAccessTime, wfd.ftLastWriteTime, 0); return true; } else if (wfd.cFileName[0] != _T('.') || (wfd.cFileName[1] != _T('\0') && (wfd.cFileName[1] != _T('.') || wfd.cFileName[2] != _T('\0')))) { // Add directory itself rspFileInfo->Init(m_pathDir + PathFromString(wfd.cFileName), wfd.dwFileAttributes, (((ULONGLONG)wfd.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + wfd.nFileSizeLow, wfd.ftCreationTime, wfd.ftLastAccessTime, wfd.ftLastWriteTime, 0); return true; } } while (m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && ::FindNextFile(m_hFind, &wfd)); // checking m_hFind in case other thread changed it (it shouldn't happen though) Close(); } return false; } void TLocalFilesystemFind::Close() { if (m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FindClose(m_hFind); m_hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }