/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 by Jozef Starosczyk * * ixen@copyhandler.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License * * (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __TASK_H__ #define __TASK_H__ #include "libchcore.h" #include "TWorkerThreadController.h" #include "FeedbackHandlerBase.h" #include "TTaskDefinition.h" #include "TTaskConfigTracker.h" #include "TBasePathData.h" #include "TSubTaskBase.h" #include "TTaskLocalStats.h" #include "..\libicpf\log.h" #include "TLocalFilesystem.h" #include "TFileInfoArray.h" #include "TSubTaskArray.h" #include "TSubTaskContext.h" #include "TTaskStatsSnapshot.h" BEGIN_CHCORE_NAMESPACE class TBufferSizes; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TTask class LIBCHCORE_API TTask { public: enum EPathType { ePathType_TaskDefinition, ePathType_TaskRarelyChangingState, ePathType_TaskOftenChangingState, ePathType_TaskLogFile, }; public: ~TTask(); const TTaskDefinition& GetTaskDefinition() const { return m_tTaskDefinition; } void SetTaskState(ETaskCurrentState eTaskState); ETaskCurrentState GetTaskState() const; bool IsRunning() const; // m_nBufferSize void SetBufferSizes(const TBufferSizes& bsSizes); void GetBufferSizes(TBufferSizes& bsSizes); // thread void SetPriority(int nPriority); void Load(const TSmartPath& strPath); void Store(); void BeginProcessing(); void PauseProcessing(); // pause void ResumeProcessing(); // resume bool RetryProcessing(); // retry void RestartProcessing(); // from beginning void CancelProcessing(); // cancel void GetStatsSnapshot(TTaskStatsSnapshotPtr& spSnapshot); void SetTaskDirectory(const TSmartPath& strDir); TSmartPath GetTaskDirectory() const; void SetForceFlag(bool bFlag = true); bool GetForceFlag(); size_t GetSessionUniqueID() const { return m_stSessionUniqueID; } TSmartPath GetRelatedPath(EPathType ePathType); private: TTask(IFeedbackHandler* piFeedbackHandler, size_t stSessionUniqueID); void SetTaskDefinition(const TTaskDefinition& rTaskDefinition); // methods are called when task is being added or removed from the global task array /// Method is called when this task is being added to a TTaskManager object void OnRegisterTask(); /// Method is called when task is being removed from the TTaskManager object void OnUnregisterTask(); /// Method is called when processing is being started void OnBeginOperation(); /// Method is called when processing is being ended void OnEndOperation(); /// Thread function that delegates call to the TTask::ThrdProc static DWORD WINAPI DelegateThreadProc(LPVOID pParam); /// Main function for the task processing thread DWORD WINAPI ThrdProc(); TSubTaskBase::ESubOperationResult CheckForWaitState(); // m_nStatus void SetStatusNL(UINT nStatus, UINT nMask); UINT GetStatusNL(UINT nMask = 0xffffffff); void DeleteProgress(); void SetForceFlagNL(bool bFlag = true); bool GetForceFlagNL(); void SetContinueFlag(bool bFlag = true); bool GetContinueFlag(); void SetContinueFlagNL(bool bFlag = true); bool GetContinueFlagNL(); bool CanBegin(); void KillThread(); void RequestStopThread(); TSmartPath GetRelatedPathNL(EPathType ePathType); static void OnCfgOptionChanged(const TStringSet& rsetChanges, void* pParam); private: // task initial information (needed to start a task); might be a bit processed. TTaskDefinition m_tTaskDefinition; TSubTasksArray m_tSubTasksArray; TSubTaskContext m_tSubTaskContext; TTaskConfigTracker m_cfgTracker; TBasePathDataContainer m_arrSourcePathsInfo; // current task state (derivatives of the task initial information) // changing slowly or only partially TFileInfoArray m_files; // list of files/directories found during operating on the task input data (filled by search for files) // changing fast volatile ETaskCurrentState m_eCurrentState; // current state of processing this task represents // task settings TFileFiltersArray m_afFilters; // filtering settings for files (will be filtered according to the rules inside when searching for files) bool m_bForce; // if the continuation of tasks should be independent of max concurrently running task limit bool m_bContinue; // allows task to continue TSmartPath m_strTaskDirectory; // base path at which the files will be stored TSmartPath m_strFilePath; // exact filename with path to the task definition file bool m_bRareStateModified; // rarely changing state has been modified bool m_bOftenStateModified; // rarely changing state has been modified size_t m_stSessionUniqueID; ///< Per-session unique ID for this task // other helpers icpf::log_file m_log; ///< Log file where task information will be stored // Local filesystem access TLocalFilesystem m_fsLocal; /// Thread controlling object TWorkerThreadController m_workerThread; /// Mutex for locking concurrent access to members of this class #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4251) TTaskLocalStatsInfo m_tLocalStats; // local statistics mutable boost::shared_mutex m_lock; #pragma warning(pop) /// Pointer to the feedback handler, providing responses to feedback requests IFeedbackHandler* m_piFeedbackHandler; friend class TTaskManager; }; typedef boost::shared_ptr TTaskPtr; END_CHCORE_NAMESPACE #endif