// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2001-2011 by Jozef Starosczyk // ixen@copyhandler.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License // (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // ============================================================================ /// @file TString.cpp /// @date 2011/06/05 /// @brief Contains implementation of TString class. // ============================================================================ #include "stdafx.h" #include "TString.h" #include #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // boost::split uses unsafe std::copy #include #pragma warning(pop) #include "TStringArray.h" #include "TStringException.h" /// Rounding up value to the nearest chunk multiplicity #define ROUNDUP(val,chunk) ((val + chunk - 1) & ~(chunk-1)) ///< Increment value for internal TString buffer #define CHUNK_INCSIZE 64 namespace string { /** Standard constructor - allocates the underlying data object */ TString::TString() : m_pszData(nullptr), m_stBufferSize(0) { } /** Constructor allocates the underlying data object and initializes it with * a given unicode TString. * \param[in] pszStr - source unicode TString */ TString::TString(const wchar_t* pszStr) : m_pszData(nullptr), m_stBufferSize(0) { SetString(pszStr); } TString::TString(const wchar_t* pszStart, const wchar_t* pszEnd, size_t stMaxStringSize) : m_pszData(nullptr), m_stBufferSize(0) { // we support either both arguments != nullptr or both == nullptr if (pszEnd != nullptr && pszStart == nullptr || pszEnd == nullptr && pszStart != nullptr) throw TStringException("End of string specified while start is nullptr"); // sanity check if (pszEnd < pszStart) throw TStringException("Paradox: string begins after its end"); size_t stCount = pszEnd - pszStart; if (stCount > stMaxStringSize) throw TStringException("Exceeded maximum expected string size"); SetString(pszStart, stCount); } TString::TString(const wchar_t* pszStart, size_t stCount) : m_pszData(nullptr), m_stBufferSize(0) { if (!pszStart) throw TStringException("String not specified"); if (stCount == 0) return; SetString(pszStart, stCount); } /** Constructor increases the reference count in the parameter's data object * and copies only the data object address. * \param[in] rSrc - source TString object */ TString::TString(const TString& rSrc) : m_pszData(nullptr), m_stBufferSize(0) { SetString(rSrc.m_pszData); } TString::TString(TString&& str) : m_pszData(str.m_pszData), m_stBufferSize(str.m_stBufferSize) { str.m_pszData = nullptr; str.m_stBufferSize = 0; } /** Destructor releases the underlying data object. */ TString::~TString() { delete[] m_pszData; m_pszData = nullptr; m_stBufferSize = 0; } TString& TString::operator=(const TString& rSrc) { if (this != &rSrc) SetString(rSrc.m_pszData); return *this; } /** Operator makes an own copy of underlying data object (if needed) and copy * there the given unicode TString. * \param[in] pszSrc - source unicode TString * \return A reference to the current TString object. */ const TString& TString::operator=(const wchar_t* pszSrc) { if (pszSrc != m_pszData) SetString(pszSrc); return *this; } TString& TString::operator=(TString&& src) { std::swap(m_pszData, src.m_pszData); std::swap(m_stBufferSize, src.m_stBufferSize); return *this; } /** Operator concatenates a given TString object with the current content of * this TString and returns a new TString object. * \param[in] src - TString object that will be appended * \return A new TString object with concatenated strings. */ TString TString::operator+(const TString& src) const { TString str(*this); str.Append(src); return str; } /** Operator concatenates a given unicode TString with the current content of * this TString and returns a new TString object. * \param[in] pszSrc - unicode TString that will be appended * \return A new TString object with concatenated strings. */ TString TString::operator+(const wchar_t* pszSrc) const { TString str(*this); str.Append(pszSrc); return str; } /** Operator appends a given TString object to own internal buffer. * \param[in] src - TString object that will be appended * \return A reference to this. */ const TString& TString::operator+=(const TString& src) { Append(src); return *this; } /** Operator appends a given unicode TString to own internal buffer. * \param[in] pszSrc - unicode TString that will be appended * \return A reference to this. */ const TString& TString::operator+=(const wchar_t* pszSrc) { Append(pszSrc); return *this; } /** Function counts the GetLength of a TString in characters (doesn't matter if the TString * is unicode or ansi). * \note All GetLength checks should be done through this function, because of possible future * update that will store the TString GetLength in the internal member. * \return The TString GetLength in characters, not including the terminating '\\0' */ size_t TString::GetLength() const { return m_pszData ? _tcslen(m_pszData) : 0; } /** Function makes own data object writable and clears it. Does not delete the * internal buffer - only sets the content to '\\0'. */ void TString::Clear() { if (m_pszData) m_pszData[0] = L'\0'; } /** Function checks if the TString is empty. * \return True if this TString is empty, false otherwise. */ bool TString::IsEmpty() const { return !m_pszData || m_pszData[0] == L'\0'; } /** Function merges the given unicode TString with the current content of an internal buffer. * \param[in] pszSrc - unicode TString to append */ void TString::Append(const wchar_t* pszSrc) { if (!pszSrc) return; size_t stAddLen = wcslen(pszSrc); size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); Reserve(stThisLen + stAddLen + 1); wcsncpy_s(m_pszData + stThisLen, m_stBufferSize - stThisLen, pszSrc, stAddLen + 1); } void TString::Append(const TString& rSrc) { if (rSrc.IsEmpty()) return; size_t stAddLen = rSrc.GetLength(); size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); Reserve(stThisLen + stAddLen + 1); wcsncpy_s(m_pszData + stThisLen, m_stBufferSize - stThisLen, rSrc.m_pszData, stAddLen + 1); } /** Returns a new TString object with the Left part of this TString object. * \param[in] tLen - count of characters to copy to the new TString object * \return The TString with the Left part of the current TString. */ TString TString::Left(size_t tLen) const { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (stThisLen == 0 || tLen == 0) return TString(); if (tLen >= stThisLen) return *this; return TString(m_pszData, tLen); } /** Returns a new TString object with the Right part of this TString object. * \param[in] tLen - count of characters to copy to the new TString object * \return The TString with the Right part of the current TString. */ TString TString::Right(size_t tLen) const { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (stThisLen == 0 || tLen == 0) return TString(); if (tLen >= stThisLen) return *this; return TString(m_pszData + stThisLen - tLen, tLen); } /** Returns a new TString object with the middle part of this TString object. * \param[in] tStart - position of the first character to copy * \param[in] tLen - count of chars to copy * \return The TString with the middle part of the current TString. */ TString TString::Mid(size_t tStart, size_t tLen) const { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (stThisLen == 0 || tLen == 0) return TString(); if (tStart >= stThisLen) return TString(); size_t stRealLength = std::min(tLen, stThisLen - tStart); TString strNew(m_pszData + tStart, stRealLength); return strNew; } TString TString::MidRange(size_t tStart, size_t stAfterEndPos) const { if (stAfterEndPos < tStart) return TString(); return Mid(tStart, stAfterEndPos - tStart); } void TString::LeftSelf(size_t tLen) { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); // nothing to do if nothing inside if (stThisLen == 0) return; if (tLen < stThisLen) // otherwise there is nothing to do m_pszData[tLen] = _T('\0'); } void TString::RightSelf(size_t tLen) { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); // nothing to do if nothing inside if (stThisLen == 0) return; if (tLen < stThisLen) // otherwise there is nothing to do wmemmove(m_pszData, m_pszData + stThisLen - tLen, tLen + 1); } void TString::MidSelf(size_t tStart, size_t tLen) { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (stThisLen == 0) return; if (tStart >= stThisLen) Clear(); else { size_t stRealNewLength = std::min(tLen, stThisLen - tStart); wmemmove(m_pszData, m_pszData + tStart, stRealNewLength); m_pszData[stRealNewLength] = _T('\0'); } } void TString::TrimRightSelf(const wchar_t* pszElements) { if (!pszElements || pszElements[0] == L'\0') return; size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (stThisLen == 0) return; size_t stLen = stThisLen; const wchar_t* pszElementsEnd = pszElements + wcslen(pszElements); while (stLen-- > 0) { if (std::find(pszElements, pszElementsEnd, m_pszData[stLen]) != pszElementsEnd) m_pszData[stLen] = _T('\0'); else break; } } bool TString::Delete(size_t stIndex, size_t stCount) { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (stIndex >= stThisLen || stCount == 0) return false; bool bResult = true; if (stIndex + stCount > stThisLen) // in case there is not enough data to delete, then we want to delete what we can, but return false bResult = false; size_t stCountToDelete = std::min(stThisLen - stIndex, stCount); // should also copy the terminating null character errno_t err = wmemmove_s(m_pszData + stIndex, stThisLen - stIndex + 1, m_pszData + stIndex + stCountToDelete, stThisLen - stIndex - stCountToDelete + 1); if (err != 0) throw TStringException("Failed to move memory"); return bResult; } void TString::Split(const wchar_t* pszSeparators, TStringArray& rStrings) const { rStrings.Clear(); size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (stThisLen == 0 || !pszSeparators) return; // ugly version - many reallocations due to the usage of stl wstrings std::vector vStrings; boost::split(vStrings, m_pszData, boost::is_any_of(pszSeparators)); for(const std::wstring& strPart : vStrings) { rStrings.Add(strPart.c_str()); } } /** Compares a TString with the given unicode TString. Comparison is case sensitive. * \param[in] psz - unicode TString to which the TString object will be compared * \return <0 if this TString object is "less" than psz, 0 if they are equal and >0 otherwise. */ int TString::Compare(const wchar_t* psz) const { return wcscmp(m_pszData ? m_pszData : L"", psz ? psz : L""); } /** Compares a TString with the given TString object. Comparison is case sensitive. * \param[in] str - TString object to which internal TString object will be compared * \return <0 if this TString object is "less" than psz, 0 if they are equal and >0 otherwise. */ int TString::Compare(const TString& str) const { return Compare(str.m_pszData); } /** Compares a TString with the given unicode TString. Comparison is case insensitive. * \param[in] psz - unicode TString to which internal TString object will be compared * \return <0 if this TString object is "less" than psz, 0 if they are equal and >0 otherwise. */ int TString::CompareNoCase(const wchar_t* psz) const { return _wcsicmp(m_pszData ? m_pszData : L"", psz ? psz : L""); } /** Compares a TString with the given TString object. Comparison is case insensitive. * \param[in] str - TString object to which internal TString object will be compared * \return <0 if this TString object is "less" than str, 0 if they are equal and >0 otherwise. */ int TString::CompareNoCase(const TString& str) const { return CompareNoCase(str.m_pszData); } bool TString::StartsWith(const wchar_t* pszText) const { if (!m_pszData || !pszText) return false; return boost::starts_with(m_pszData, pszText); } bool TString::StartsWithNoCase(const wchar_t* pszText) const { if (!m_pszData || !pszText) return false; return boost::istarts_with(m_pszData, pszText); } bool TString::EndsWith(const wchar_t* pszText) const { if (!m_pszData || !pszText) return false; return boost::ends_with(m_pszData, pszText); } bool TString::EndsWithNoCase(const wchar_t* pszText) const { if (!m_pszData || !pszText) return false; return boost::iends_with(m_pszData, pszText); } size_t TString::FindFirstOf(const wchar_t* pszChars, size_t stStartFromPos) const { if (!m_pszData || !pszChars) return npos; size_t stCurrentLength = GetLength(); for (size_t stIndex = stStartFromPos; stIndex < stCurrentLength; ++stIndex) { if (wcschr(pszChars, m_pszData[stIndex])) return stIndex; } return npos; } size_t TString::FindLastOf(const wchar_t* pszChars) const { if (!m_pszData || !pszChars) return npos; for (size_t stIndex = GetLength(); stIndex != 0; --stIndex) { if (wcschr(pszChars, m_pszData[stIndex - 1])) return stIndex - 1; } return npos; } size_t TString::Find(const wchar_t* pszFindText, size_t stStartPos) { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (!pszFindText || stThisLen == 0) return npos; size_t stFindTextLen = _tcslen(pszFindText); if (stFindTextLen > stThisLen) return TString::npos; if (stStartPos > stThisLen - stFindTextLen) return TString::npos; boost::iterator_range rangeText = boost::make_iterator_range(m_pszData + stStartPos, m_pszData + stThisLen); boost::iterator_range rangeFind = boost::find_first(rangeText, pszFindText); if (rangeFind.begin() != rangeText.end()) return rangeFind.begin() - rangeText.begin() + stStartPos; return TString::npos; } void TString::Replace(const wchar_t* pszWhat, const wchar_t* pszWithWhat) { size_t stThisLen = GetLength(); if (stThisLen == 0) return; if (!pszWhat || !pszWithWhat) return; // find all occurrences of pszWhat in this string, so we can calculate new required size of the string size_t stWhatLen = _tcslen(pszWhat); size_t stWithWhatLen = _tcslen(pszWithWhat); size_t stNewLen = stThisLen; // resize internal string if needed if (stWithWhatLen > stWhatLen) { size_t stStartPos = 0; size_t stFindPos = 0; size_t stSizeDiff = 0; while ((stFindPos = Find(pszWhat, stStartPos)) != npos) { stSizeDiff += stWithWhatLen - stWhatLen; stStartPos = stFindPos + stWhatLen; // offset by what_len because we don't replace anything at this point } if (stSizeDiff > 0) stNewLen = stThisLen + stSizeDiff + 1; } Reserve(stNewLen); // replace size_t stStartPos = 0; size_t stFindPos = 0; while ((stFindPos = Find(pszWhat, stStartPos)) != npos) { // Sample string "ABCdddb" (len:6), searching for "dd" (len 2) to replace with "x" (len 1) // found string pos is: [stFindPos, stFindPos + stWhatLen) -- sample ref: [3, 3 + 2) // we need to // - move string from position [stFindPos + stWhatLen, stCurrentLength) to position [stFindPos + stWithWhatLen, stCurrentLength + stWithWhatLen - stWhatLen] -- sample ref: [3+2, 6) to [3+1, 5) size_t stCountToCopy = stThisLen - stFindPos - stWhatLen + 1; memmove_s((void*)(m_pszData + stFindPos + stWithWhatLen), stCountToCopy * sizeof(wchar_t), (void*)(m_pszData + stFindPos + stWhatLen), stCountToCopy * sizeof(wchar_t)); // - copy pszWithWhat to position (stFindPos + stWhatLen) memcpy_s((void*)(m_pszData + stFindPos), stWithWhatLen * sizeof(wchar_t), pszWithWhat, stWithWhatLen * sizeof(wchar_t)); stStartPos = stFindPos + stWithWhatLen; // offset by stWithWhatLen because we replaced text } } /** Returns a character at a given position. Function is very slow (needs to recalc the size of the TString * and make a few comparisons), but quite safe - if the index is out of range then -1 is returned. * Make sure to interpret the returned character according to unicode flag. If the TString is unicode, then the * character returned is also unicode (and vice versa). * \param[in] tPos - index of the character to return. * \return Character code of character on a specified position, or -1 if out of range. */ bool TString::GetAt(size_t tPos, wchar_t& wch) const { if (tPos < GetLength()) { wch = m_pszData[tPos]; return true; } wch = L'\0'; return false; } wchar_t TString::GetAt(size_t tPos) const { if (tPos < GetLength()) return m_pszData[tPos]; return L'\0'; } /** Returns a pointer to the unicode internal buffer. If the buffer is in ansi format * then nullptr value is returned. Internal buffer is resized to the specified value * if currently smaller than requested (if -1 is specified as tMinSize then the buffer * is not resized, and the return value could be nullptr). * \param[in] tMinSize - requested minimal size of the internal buffer (-1 if the size of the TString should not be changed) * \return Pointer to the internal unicode buffer. */ wchar_t* TString::GetBuffer(size_t tMinSize) { Reserve(tMinSize + 1); return m_pszData; } /** Releases buffer got by user by calling get_bufferx functions. The current * job of this function is to make sure the TString will terminate with null * character at the end of the buffer. */ void TString::ReleaseBuffer() { m_pszData[m_stBufferSize - 1] = L'\0'; } void TString::ReleaseBufferSetLength(size_t tSize) { Reserve(tSize + 1); m_pszData[tSize] = L'\0'; } void TString::SetString(const wchar_t* pszStart, size_t stCount) { if (!pszStart || stCount == 0) Clear(); else { Reserve(stCount + 1); wcsncpy_s(m_pszData, m_stBufferSize, pszStart, stCount); m_pszData[stCount] = _T('\0'); } } void TString::SetString(const wchar_t* pszString) { if (!pszString) Clear(); else { size_t stLen = _tcslen(pszString); SetString(pszString, stLen); } } void TString::Reserve(size_t stLen) { if (!m_pszData || m_stBufferSize < stLen) { size_t stNewLen = stLen;//ROUNDUP(stLen, CHUNK_INCSIZE); wchar_t* pszNewBuffer = new wchar_t[stNewLen]; if (m_pszData && m_pszData[0] != L'\0') _tcsncpy_s(pszNewBuffer, stNewLen, m_pszData, GetLength() + 1); else pszNewBuffer[0] = _T('\0'); delete[] m_pszData; m_pszData = pszNewBuffer; m_stBufferSize = stNewLen; } } const wchar_t* TString::c_str() const { return m_pszData ? m_pszData : L""; } } string::TString operator+(const wchar_t* pszString, const string::TString& str) { string::TString strNew(pszString); strNew += str; return strNew; }