Show status...Shows status window which displays detailed info about tasks (in progress, finished, cancelled, ...).

Show mini-status...Shows mini-status window that shows simplified view of a tasks in progress.

Enter copy parameters...Shows custom copy parameters dialog that allows user to enter a source files and folders to be copied, destination folder and to specify needed additional options.

Register shell extension dllIf you have installed shell extension dll (when it is in a folder from which you have run the program) it allows to register it in system registry (this allows using additional commands in explorer context menus).

Unregister shell extension dllCommand allows to unregister shell extension dll (it will remove all commands in explorer context menus).

Monitor clipboardThis command is closely related to 'Clipboard monitoring' option ('program' section) in configuration. When you choose this command it is like you are changing the configuration option.

Shutdown after finishedCommand closely related to the 'Shutdown system after copying finishes' option ('program' section) in configuration. When you choose this command it is like you were changing the appropriate configuration option.

Options...Shows configuration dialog where you can fully configure and adjust program to your needs.

Help...Shows the help file.

About...Shows dialog with the info about this program.

ExitEnds working of this program.

See also: Status dialog, Mini status dialog, Custom copy dialog, Explorer's context menus, Configuration dialog