.topic 1 Saves all the changes made in this dialog box and closes it. .topic 2 Discards all changes made in this dialog box. .topic IDH_HELP_BUTTON Displays help information for this dialog box. .topic IDH_SHORTCUT_LIST List of currently defined shortcuts. You can edit them by using the elements below. .topic IDH_UP_BUTTON Moves the selected shortcut(s) up by one position. .topic IDH_DOWN_BUTTON Moves the selected shortcut(s) down by one position. .topic IDH_NAME_EDIT Specifies name of the shortcut. .topic IDH_PATH_COMBOBOXEX Specifies path of the shortcut. You can enter the path manually or by using the '...' button on the right. .topic IDH_BROWSE_BUTTON Browses for a path that will be displayed in the window on the left. .topic IDH_ADD_BUTTON Adds the shortcut defined by the edit and combo box above to the shortcut's list. .topic IDH_CHANGE_BUTTON Changes the selected shortcut in the list with the one defined by the edit and combo box above. .topic IDH_DELETE_BUTTON Deletes selected shortcut from the list.