/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 by Jozef Starosczyk * * ixen@copyhandler.com * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License * * (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * * License along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "Stdafx.h" #include "task.h" #include "StringHelpers.h" #include "../common/FileSupport.h" #include "ch.h" #include "FeedbackHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include // assume max sectors of 4kB (for rounding) #define MAXSECTORSIZE 4096 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CProcessingException CProcessingException::CProcessingException(int iType, UINT uiFmtID, DWORD dwError, ...) { // std values m_iType=iType; m_dwError=dwError; // format some text CString strFormat = GetResManager().LoadString(uiFmtID); ExpandFormatString(&strFormat, dwError); // get param list va_list marker; va_start(marker, dwError); m_strErrorDesc.FormatV(strFormat, marker); va_end(marker); } CProcessingException::CProcessingException(int iType, DWORD dwError, const tchar_t* pszDesc) { // std values m_iType=iType; m_dwError=dwError; // format some text m_strErrorDesc = pszDesc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TTasksGlobalStats members TTasksGlobalStats::TTasksGlobalStats() : m_ullGlobalTotalSize(0), m_ullGlobalProcessedSize(0), m_stRunningTasks(0) { } TTasksGlobalStats::~TTasksGlobalStats() { } void TTasksGlobalStats::IncreaseGlobalTotalSize(unsigned long long ullModify) { m_lock.lock(); m_ullGlobalTotalSize += ullModify; m_lock.unlock(); } void TTasksGlobalStats::DecreaseGlobalTotalSize(unsigned long long ullModify) { m_lock.lock(); m_ullGlobalTotalSize -= ullModify; m_lock.unlock(); } unsigned long long TTasksGlobalStats::GetGlobalTotalSize() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_ullGlobalTotalSize; } void TTasksGlobalStats::IncreaseGlobalProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullModify) { m_lock.lock(); m_ullGlobalProcessedSize += ullModify; m_lock.unlock(); } void TTasksGlobalStats::DecreaseGlobalProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullModify) { m_lock.lock(); m_ullGlobalProcessedSize -= ullModify; m_lock.unlock(); } unsigned long long TTasksGlobalStats::GetGlobalProcessedSize() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_ullGlobalProcessedSize; } void TTasksGlobalStats::IncreaseGlobalProgressData(unsigned long long ullTasksPosition, unsigned long long ullTasksSize) { m_lock.lock(); m_ullGlobalTotalSize += ullTasksSize; m_ullGlobalProcessedSize += ullTasksPosition; m_lock.unlock(); } void TTasksGlobalStats::DecreaseGlobalProgressData(unsigned long long ullTasksPosition, unsigned long long ullTasksSize) { m_lock.lock(); m_ullGlobalTotalSize -= ullTasksSize; m_ullGlobalProcessedSize -= ullTasksPosition; m_lock.unlock(); } int TTasksGlobalStats::GetProgressPercents() const { unsigned long long llPercent = 0; boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_ullGlobalTotalSize != 0) llPercent = m_ullGlobalProcessedSize * 100 / m_ullGlobalTotalSize; return boost::numeric_cast(llPercent); } void TTasksGlobalStats::IncreaseRunningTasks() { m_lock.lock(); ++m_stRunningTasks; m_lock.unlock(); } void TTasksGlobalStats::DecreaseRunningTasks() { m_lock.lock(); --m_stRunningTasks; m_lock.unlock(); } size_t TTasksGlobalStats::GetRunningTasksCount() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_stRunningTasks; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TTasksGlobalStats members TTaskLocalStats::TTaskLocalStats() : m_prtGlobalStats(NULL), m_ullProcessedSize(0), m_ullTotalSize(0), m_bTaskIsRunning(false), m_timeElapsed(0), m_timeLast(-1) { } TTaskLocalStats::~TTaskLocalStats() { DisconnectGlobalStats(); } void TTaskLocalStats::ConnectGlobalStats(TTasksGlobalStats& rtGlobalStats) { DisconnectGlobalStats(); boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_prtGlobalStats = &rtGlobalStats; m_prtGlobalStats->IncreaseGlobalProgressData(m_ullProcessedSize, m_ullTotalSize); if(m_bTaskIsRunning) m_prtGlobalStats->IncreaseRunningTasks(); } void TTaskLocalStats::DisconnectGlobalStats() { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_prtGlobalStats) { m_prtGlobalStats->DecreaseGlobalProgressData(m_ullProcessedSize, m_ullTotalSize); m_prtGlobalStats = NULL; if(m_bTaskIsRunning) m_prtGlobalStats->DecreaseRunningTasks(); } } void TTaskLocalStats::IncreaseProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullAdd) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_prtGlobalStats) m_prtGlobalStats->IncreaseGlobalProcessedSize(ullAdd); m_ullProcessedSize += ullAdd; } void TTaskLocalStats::DecreaseProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullSub) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_prtGlobalStats) m_prtGlobalStats->DecreaseGlobalProcessedSize(ullSub); m_ullProcessedSize -= ullSub; } void TTaskLocalStats::SetProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullSet) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_prtGlobalStats) { if(ullSet < m_ullProcessedSize) m_prtGlobalStats->DecreaseGlobalProcessedSize(m_ullProcessedSize - ullSet); else m_prtGlobalStats->IncreaseGlobalProcessedSize(ullSet - m_ullProcessedSize); } m_ullProcessedSize = ullSet; } unsigned long long TTaskLocalStats::GetProcessedSize() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_ullProcessedSize; } unsigned long long TTaskLocalStats::GetUnProcessedSize() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_ullTotalSize - m_ullProcessedSize; } void TTaskLocalStats::IncreaseTotalSize(unsigned long long ullAdd) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_prtGlobalStats) m_prtGlobalStats->IncreaseGlobalTotalSize(ullAdd); m_ullTotalSize += ullAdd; } void TTaskLocalStats::DecreaseTotalSize(unsigned long long ullSub) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_prtGlobalStats) m_prtGlobalStats->DecreaseGlobalTotalSize(ullSub); m_ullTotalSize -= ullSub; } void TTaskLocalStats::SetTotalSize(unsigned long long ullSet) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_prtGlobalStats) { if(ullSet < m_ullTotalSize) m_prtGlobalStats->DecreaseGlobalTotalSize(m_ullTotalSize - ullSet); else m_prtGlobalStats->IncreaseGlobalTotalSize(ullSet - m_ullTotalSize); } m_ullTotalSize = ullSet; } unsigned long long TTaskLocalStats::GetTotalSize() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_ullTotalSize; } int TTaskLocalStats::GetProgressInPercent() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); unsigned long long ullPercent = 0; if(m_ullTotalSize != 0) ullPercent = m_ullProcessedSize * 100 / m_ullTotalSize; return boost::numeric_cast(ullPercent); } void TTaskLocalStats::MarkTaskAsRunning() { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(!m_bTaskIsRunning) { if(m_prtGlobalStats) m_prtGlobalStats->IncreaseRunningTasks(); m_bTaskIsRunning = true; } } void TTaskLocalStats::MarkTaskAsNotRunning() { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_bTaskIsRunning) { if(m_prtGlobalStats) m_prtGlobalStats->DecreaseRunningTasks(); m_bTaskIsRunning = false; } } bool TTaskLocalStats::IsRunning() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_bTaskIsRunning; } void TTaskLocalStats::SetTimeElapsed(time_t timeElapsed) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_timeElapsed = timeElapsed; } time_t TTaskLocalStats::GetTimeElapsed() { UpdateTime(); boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_timeElapsed; } void TTaskLocalStats::EnableTimeTracking() { boost::upgrade_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_timeLast == -1) { boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock lock_upgraded(lock); m_timeLast = time(NULL); } } void TTaskLocalStats::DisableTimeTracking() { UpdateTime(); boost::upgrade_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_timeLast != -1) { boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock lock_upgraded(lock); m_timeLast = -1; } } void TTaskLocalStats::UpdateTime() { boost::upgrade_lock lock(m_lock); if(m_timeLast != -1) { time_t timeCurrent = time(NULL); boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock lock_upgraded(lock); m_timeElapsed += timeCurrent - m_timeLast; m_timeLast = timeCurrent; } } TTaskProgressInfo::TTaskProgressInfo() : m_stCurrentIndex(0), m_ullCurrentFileProcessedSize(0) { } TTaskProgressInfo::~TTaskProgressInfo() { } void TTaskProgressInfo::SetCurrentIndex(size_t stIndex) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_stCurrentIndex = stIndex; m_ullCurrentFileProcessedSize = 0; } void TTaskProgressInfo::IncreaseCurrentIndex() { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); ++m_stCurrentIndex; m_ullCurrentFileProcessedSize = 0; } size_t TTaskProgressInfo::GetCurrentIndex() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_stCurrentIndex; } void TTaskProgressInfo::SetCurrentFileProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullSize) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_ullCurrentFileProcessedSize = ullSize; } unsigned long long TTaskProgressInfo::GetCurrentFileProcessedSize() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_ullCurrentFileProcessedSize; } void TTaskProgressInfo::IncreaseCurrentFileProcessedSize(unsigned long long ullSizeToAdd) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_ullCurrentFileProcessedSize += ullSizeToAdd; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTask members CTask::CTask(chcore::IFeedbackHandler* piFeedbackHandler, size_t stSessionUniqueID) : m_log(), m_piFeedbackHandler(piFeedbackHandler), m_files(m_clipboard), m_nStatus(ST_NULL_STATUS), m_nPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL), m_bForce(false), m_bContinue(false), m_bSaved(false), m_stSessionUniqueID(stSessionUniqueID), m_localStats() { BOOST_ASSERT(piFeedbackHandler); m_bsSizes.m_uiDefaultSize=65536; m_bsSizes.m_uiOneDiskSize=4194304; m_bsSizes.m_uiTwoDisksSize=262144; m_bsSizes.m_uiCDSize=262144; m_bsSizes.m_uiLANSize=65536; _itot((int)time(NULL), m_strUniqueName.GetBufferSetLength(16), 10); m_strUniqueName.ReleaseBuffer(); } CTask::~CTask() { KillThread(); if(m_piFeedbackHandler) m_piFeedbackHandler->Delete(); } void CTask::OnRegisterTask(TTasksGlobalStats& rtGlobalStats) { m_localStats.ConnectGlobalStats(rtGlobalStats); } void CTask::OnUnregisterTask() { m_localStats.DisconnectGlobalStats(); } // m_clipboard void CTask::AddClipboardData(const CClipboardEntryPtr& spEntry) { m_clipboard.Add(spEntry); } CClipboardEntryPtr CTask::GetClipboardData(size_t stIndex) { return m_clipboard.GetAt(stIndex); } size_t CTask::GetClipboardDataSize() { return m_clipboard.GetSize(); } int CTask::ReplaceClipboardStrings(CString strOld, CString strNew) { return m_clipboard.ReplacePathsPrefix(strOld, strNew); } // m_files int CTask::ScanDirectory(CString strDirName, size_t stSrcIndex, bool bRecurse, bool bIncludeDirs) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; CString strText; // append '\\' at the end of path if needed if(strDirName.Right(1) != _T("\\")) strDirName += _T("\\"); strText = strDirName + _T("*"); // Iterate through dirs & files HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(strText, &wfd); if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if(!(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { CFileInfoPtr spFileInfo(boost::make_shared()); spFileInfo->SetClipboard(&m_clipboard); // this is the link table (CClipboardArray) spFileInfo->Create(&wfd, strDirName, stSrcIndex); if(m_afFilters.Match(spFileInfo)) m_files.AddFileInfo(spFileInfo); } else if(wfd.cFileName[0] != _T('.') || (wfd.cFileName[1] != _T('\0') && (wfd.cFileName[1] != _T('.') || wfd.cFileName[2] != _T('\0')))) { if(bIncludeDirs) { CFileInfoPtr spFileInfo(boost::make_shared()); spFileInfo->SetClipboard(&m_clipboard); // this is the link table (CClipboardArray) // Add directory itself spFileInfo->Create(&wfd, strDirName, stSrcIndex); m_files.AddFileInfo(spFileInfo); } if(bRecurse) { strText = strDirName + wfd.cFileName + _T("\\"); // Recurse Dirs ScanDirectory(strText, stSrcIndex, bRecurse, bIncludeDirs); } } if(m_workerThread.KillRequested()) break; } while(FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd)); FindClose(hFind); } return 0; } // m_strDestPath - adds '\\' void CTask::SetDestPath(LPCTSTR lpszPath) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_dpDestPath.SetPath(lpszPath); } // guaranteed '\\' const CDestPath& CTask::GetDestPath() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_dpDestPath; } int CTask::GetDestDriveNumber() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_dpDestPath.GetDriveNumber(); } // m_nStatus void CTask::SetStatus(UINT nStatus, UINT nMask) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_nStatus &= ~nMask; m_nStatus |= nStatus; } UINT CTask::GetStatus(UINT nMask) { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_nStatus & nMask; } void CTask::SetTaskState(ETaskCurrentState eTaskState) { // NOTE: we could check some transition rules here boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_eCurrentState = eTaskState; } ETaskCurrentState CTask::GetTaskState() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_eCurrentState; } // m_nBufferSize void CTask::SetBufferSizes(const BUFFERSIZES* bsSizes) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_bsSizes=*bsSizes; m_bSaved=false; } const BUFFERSIZES* CTask::GetBufferSizes() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return &m_bsSizes; } int CTask::GetCurrentBufferIndex() { return m_files.GetBufferIndexAt(m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentIndex(),m_dpDestPath); } // m_pThread // m_nPriority int CTask::GetPriority() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_nPriority; } void CTask::SetPriority(int nPriority) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); SetPriorityNL(nPriority); } void CTask::CalculateTotalSize() { unsigned long long ullTotalSize = 0; boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); size_t nSize = m_files.GetSize(); for(size_t i = 0; i < nSize; i++) { ullTotalSize += m_files.GetAt(i)->GetLength64(); } m_localStats.SetTotalSize(ullTotalSize); } void CTask::CalculateProcessedSize() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); CalculateProcessedSizeNL(); } void CTask::CalculateProcessedSizeNL() { m_localStats.SetProcessedSize(m_files.CalculatePartialSize(m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentIndex())); } // m_strUniqueName CString CTask::GetUniqueName() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_strUniqueName; } void CTask::Load(const CString& strPath, bool bData) { std::ifstream ifs(strPath, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ar(ifs); boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(bData) { m_clipboard.Load(ar, 0, bData); m_files.Load(ar, 0, false); CalculateTotalSizeNL(); ar >> m_dpDestPath; ar >> m_strUniqueName; ar >> m_afFilters; } else { UINT uiData = 0; int iState = eTaskState_None; ar >> m_tTaskProgressInfo; CalculateProcessedSizeNL(); ar >> uiData; m_nStatus = uiData; // load task state, convert "waiting" state to "processing" ar >> iState; if(iState >= eTaskState_None && iState < eTaskState_Max) { if(iState == eTaskState_Waiting) iState = eTaskState_Processing; m_eCurrentState = (ETaskCurrentState)iState; } else { BOOST_ASSERT(false); THROW(_T("Wrong data read from stream"), 0, 0, 0); } ar >> m_bsSizes; ar >> m_nPriority; time_t timeElapsed = 0; ar >> timeElapsed; m_localStats.SetTimeElapsed(timeElapsed); m_clipboard.Load(ar, 0, bData); m_files.Load(ar, 0, true); ar >> m_bSaved; } } void CTask::Store(bool bData) { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_ASSERT(!m_strTaskBasePath.empty()); if(m_strTaskBasePath.empty()) THROW(_t("Missing task path."), 0, 0, 0); if(!bData && m_bSaved) return; if(!bData && !m_bSaved && (m_eCurrentState == eTaskState_Finished || m_eCurrentState == eTaskState_Cancelled || m_nStatus == eTaskState_Paused)) { m_bSaved = true; } CString strPath = m_strTaskBasePath.c_str() + m_strUniqueName + (bData ? _T(".atd") : _T(".atp")); std::ofstream ofs(strPath, ios_base::out | ios_base::binary); boost::archive::binary_oarchive ar(ofs); if(bData) { m_clipboard.Store(ar, 0, bData); if(GetStatusNL(ST_STEP_MASK) > ST_SEARCHING) m_files.Store(ar, 0, false); else { size_t st(0); ar << st; } ar << m_dpDestPath; ar << m_strUniqueName; ar << m_afFilters; } else { ar << m_tTaskProgressInfo; UINT uiStatus = (m_nStatus & ST_WRITE_MASK); ar << uiStatus; // store current state (convert from waiting to processing state before storing) int iState = m_eCurrentState; if(iState == eTaskState_Waiting) iState = eTaskState_Processing; ar << iState; ar << m_bsSizes; ar << m_nPriority; time_t timeElapsed = m_localStats.GetTimeElapsed(); ar << timeElapsed; m_clipboard.Store(ar, 0, bData); if(GetStatusNL(ST_STEP_MASK) > ST_SEARCHING) m_files.Store(ar, 0, true); else { size_t st(0); ar << st; } ar << m_bSaved; } } void CTask::KillThread() { m_workerThread.StopThread(); } void CTask::BeginProcessing() { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_bSaved = false; // save m_workerThread.StartThread(DelegateThreadProc, this, m_nPriority); } void CTask::ResumeProcessing() { // the same as retry but less demanding if(GetTaskState() == eTaskState_Paused) { SetTaskState(eTaskState_Processing); BeginProcessing(); } } bool CTask::RetryProcessing() { // retry used to auto-resume, after loading if(GetTaskState() != eTaskState_Paused && GetTaskState() != eTaskState_Finished && GetTaskState() != eTaskState_Cancelled) { BeginProcessing(); return true; } return false; } void CTask::RestartProcessing() { KillThread(); SetTaskState(eTaskState_None); m_localStats.SetTimeElapsed(0); m_tTaskProgressInfo.SetCurrentIndex(0); BeginProcessing(); } void CTask::PauseProcessing() { if(GetTaskState() != eTaskState_Finished && GetTaskState() != eTaskState_Cancelled) { KillThread(); SetTaskState(eTaskState_Paused); m_bSaved = false; } } void CTask::CancelProcessing() { // change to ST_CANCELLED if(GetTaskState() != eTaskState_Finished) { KillThread(); SetTaskState(eTaskState_Cancelled); m_bSaved=false; } } void CTask::GetMiniSnapshot(TASK_MINI_DISPLAY_DATA *pData) { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); size_t stCurrentIndex = m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentIndex(); if(stCurrentIndex < m_files.GetSize()) pData->m_strPath = m_files.GetAt(stCurrentIndex)->GetFileName(); else { if(m_files.GetSize() > 0) pData->m_strPath = m_files.GetAt(0)->GetFileName(); else { if(m_clipboard.GetSize() > 0) pData->m_strPath = m_clipboard.GetAt(0)->GetFileName(); else pData->m_strPath = GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_NONEINPUTFILE_STRING); } } pData->m_uiStatus = m_nStatus; pData->m_eTaskState = m_eCurrentState; // percents pData->m_nPercent = m_localStats.GetProgressInPercent(); } void CTask::GetSnapshot(TASK_DISPLAY_DATA *pData) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); size_t stCurrentIndex = m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentIndex(); if(stCurrentIndex < m_files.GetSize()) { pData->m_strFullFilePath = m_files.GetAt(stCurrentIndex)->GetFullFilePath(); pData->m_strFileName = m_files.GetAt(stCurrentIndex)->GetFileName(); } else { if(m_files.GetSize() > 0) { pData->m_strFullFilePath = m_files.GetAt(0)->GetFullFilePath(); pData->m_strFileName = m_files.GetAt(0)->GetFileName(); } else { if(m_clipboard.GetSize() > 0) { pData->m_strFullFilePath = m_clipboard.GetAt(0)->GetPath(); pData->m_strFileName = m_clipboard.GetAt(0)->GetFileName(); } else { pData->m_strFullFilePath = GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_NONEINPUTFILE_STRING); pData->m_strFileName = pData->m_strFullFilePath; } } } pData->m_pbsSizes=&m_bsSizes; pData->m_nPriority=m_nPriority; pData->m_pdpDestPath=&m_dpDestPath; pData->m_pafFilters=&m_afFilters; pData->m_uiStatus=m_nStatus; pData->m_eTaskState = m_eCurrentState; pData->m_stIndex = stCurrentIndex; pData->m_ullProcessedSize = m_localStats.GetProcessedSize(); pData->m_stSize=m_files.GetSize(); pData->m_ullSizeAll = m_localStats.GetTotalSize(); pData->m_pstrUniqueName=&m_strUniqueName; if(m_files.GetSize() > 0) pData->m_iCurrentBufferIndex=m_bsSizes.m_bOnlyDefault ? 0 : m_files.GetAt((stCurrentIndex < m_files.GetSize()) ? stCurrentIndex : 0)->GetBufferIndex(m_dpDestPath); else pData->m_iCurrentBufferIndex=0; // percents pData->m_nPercent = m_localStats.GetProgressInPercent(); // status string // first switch(m_eCurrentState) { case eTaskState_Error: { GetResManager().LoadStringCopy(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+4, pData->m_szStatusText, _MAX_PATH); _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, _T("/")); break; } case eTaskState_Paused: { GetResManager().LoadStringCopy(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+5, pData->m_szStatusText, _MAX_PATH); _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, _T("/")); break; } case eTaskState_Finished: { GetResManager().LoadStringCopy(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+3, pData->m_szStatusText, _MAX_PATH); _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, _T("/")); break; } case eTaskState_Waiting: { GetResManager().LoadStringCopy(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+9, pData->m_szStatusText, _MAX_PATH); _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, _T("/")); break; } case eTaskState_Cancelled: { GetResManager().LoadStringCopy(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+8, pData->m_szStatusText, _MAX_PATH); _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, _T("/")); break; } default: _tcscpy(pData->m_szStatusText, _T("")); } // second part if( (m_nStatus & ST_STEP_MASK) == ST_DELETING ) _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+6)); else if( (m_nStatus & ST_STEP_MASK) == ST_SEARCHING ) _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+0)); else if((m_nStatus & ST_OPERATION_MASK) == ST_COPY ) { _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+1)); if(!m_afFilters.IsEmpty()) _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_FILTERING_STRING)); } else if( (m_nStatus & ST_OPERATION_MASK) == ST_MOVE ) { _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+2)); if(!m_afFilters.IsEmpty()) _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_FILTERING_STRING)); } else _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+7)); // third part if( (m_nStatus & ST_SPECIAL_MASK) & ST_IGNORE_DIRS ) { _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, _T("/")); _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+10)); } if( (m_nStatus & ST_SPECIAL_MASK) & ST_IGNORE_CONTENT ) { _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, _T("/")); _tcscat(pData->m_szStatusText, GetResManager().LoadString(IDS_STATUS0_STRING+11)); } // time pData->m_timeElapsed = m_localStats.GetTimeElapsed(); } void CTask::DeleteProgress(LPCTSTR lpszDirectory) { m_lock.lock_shared(); CString strDel1 = lpszDirectory+m_strUniqueName+_T(".atd"); CString strDel2 = lpszDirectory+m_strUniqueName+_T(".atp"); CString strDel3 = lpszDirectory+m_strUniqueName+_T(".log"); m_lock.unlock_shared(); DeleteFile(strDel1); DeleteFile(strDel2); DeleteFile(strDel3); } void CTask::SetFilters(const CFiltersArray* pFilters) { BOOST_ASSERT(pFilters); if(!pFilters) THROW(_T("Invalid argument"), 0, 0, 0); boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_afFilters = *pFilters; } bool CTask::CanBegin() { bool bRet=true; boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(GetContinueFlagNL() || GetForceFlagNL()) { m_localStats.MarkTaskAsRunning(); SetForceFlagNL(false); SetContinueFlagNL(false); } else bRet = false; return bRet; } bool CTask::GetRequiredFreeSpace(ull_t *pullNeeded, ull_t *pullAvailable) { BOOST_ASSERT(pullNeeded && pullAvailable); if(!pullNeeded || !pullAvailable) THROW(_T("Invalid argument"), 0, 0, 0); *pullNeeded = m_localStats.GetUnProcessedSize(); // it'd be nice to round up to take cluster size into consideration, // but GetDiskFreeSpace returns false values // get free space if(!GetDynamicFreeSpace(GetDestPath().GetPath(), pullAvailable, NULL)) return true; return (*pullNeeded <= *pullAvailable); } void CTask::SetTaskPath(const tchar_t* pszDir) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_strTaskBasePath = pszDir; } const tchar_t* CTask::GetTaskPath() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_strTaskBasePath.c_str(); } void CTask::SetForceFlag(bool bFlag) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_bForce=bFlag; } bool CTask::GetForceFlag() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_bForce; } void CTask::SetContinueFlag(bool bFlag) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_bContinue=bFlag; } bool CTask::GetContinueFlag() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_bContinue; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CTask::SetFileDirectoryTime(LPCTSTR lpszName, const CFileInfoPtr& spFileInfo) { TAutoFileHandle hFile = CreateFile(lpszName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | (spFileInfo->IsDirectory() ? FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS : 0), NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; BOOL bResult = (!SetFileTime(hFile, &spFileInfo->GetCreationTime(), &spFileInfo->GetLastAccessTime(), &spFileInfo->GetLastWriteTime())); if(!hFile.Close()) return false; return bResult != 0; } // m_nStatus void CTask::SetStatusNL(UINT nStatus, UINT nMask) { m_nStatus &= ~nMask; m_nStatus |= nStatus; } UINT CTask::GetStatusNL(UINT nMask) { return m_nStatus & nMask; } // m_nBufferSize void CTask::SetBufferSizesNL(const BUFFERSIZES* bsSizes) { m_bsSizes = *bsSizes; m_bSaved = false; } const BUFFERSIZES* CTask::GetBufferSizesNL() { return &m_bsSizes; } // m_pThread // m_nPriority int CTask::GetPriorityNL() { return m_nPriority; } void CTask::SetPriorityNL(int nPriority) { m_workerThread.ChangePriority(nPriority); m_nPriority = nPriority; m_bSaved = false; } void CTask::CalculateTotalSizeNL() { unsigned long long ullTotalSize = 0; size_t nSize = m_files.GetSize(); for(size_t stIndex = 0; stIndex < nSize; stIndex++) { ullTotalSize += m_files.GetAt(stIndex)->GetLength64(); } m_localStats.SetTotalSize(ullTotalSize); } void CTask::SetForceFlagNL(bool bFlag) { m_bForce=bFlag; } bool CTask::GetForceFlagNL() { return m_bForce; } void CTask::SetContinueFlagNL(bool bFlag) { m_bContinue=bFlag; } bool CTask::GetContinueFlagNL() { return m_bContinue; } // searching for files void CTask::RecurseDirectories() { // log m_log.logi(_T("Searching for files...")); // update status SetStatus(ST_SEARCHING, ST_STEP_MASK); // delete the content of m_files m_files.Clear(); // enter some data to m_files int iDestDrvNumber = GetDestDriveNumber(); bool bIgnoreDirs = (GetStatus(ST_SPECIAL_MASK) & ST_IGNORE_DIRS) != 0; bool bForceDirectories = (GetStatus(ST_SPECIAL_MASK) & ST_FORCE_DIRS) != 0; bool bMove = GetStatus(ST_OPERATION_MASK) == ST_MOVE; // add everything ictranslate::CFormat fmt; bool bRetry = true; bool bSkipInputPath = false; size_t stSize = GetClipboardDataSize(); for(size_t stIndex = 0; stIndex < stSize ; stIndex++) { CFileInfoPtr spFileInfo; bSkipInputPath = false; spFileInfo.reset(new CFileInfo()); spFileInfo->SetClipboard(GetClipboard()); // try to get some info about the input path; let user know if the path does not exist. do { bRetry = false; // read attributes of src file/folder bool bExists = spFileInfo->Create(GetClipboardData(stIndex)->GetPath(), stIndex); if(!bExists) { CString strSrcFile = GetClipboardData(stIndex)->GetPath(); FEEDBACK_FILEERROR ferr = { (PCTSTR)strSrcFile, NULL, eFastMoveError, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &ferr); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: bRetry = true; break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: bSkipInputPath = true; break; // just do nothing default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result throw new CProcessingException(E_ERROR, 0, _t("Unknown feedback result type")); } } } while(bRetry); // if we have chosen to skip the input path then there's nothing to do if(bSkipInputPath) continue; // log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Adding file/folder (clipboard) : %path ...")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), GetClipboardData(stIndex)->GetPath()); m_log.logi(fmt); // found file/folder - check if the dest name has been generated if(!GetClipboardData(stIndex)->IsDestinationPathSet()) { // generate something - if dest folder == src folder - search for copy if(GetDestPath().GetPath() == spFileInfo->GetFileRoot()) { CString strSubst; FindFreeSubstituteName(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(), GetDestPath().GetPath(), &strSubst); GetClipboardData(stIndex)->SetDestinationPath(strSubst); } else GetClipboardData(stIndex)->SetDestinationPath(spFileInfo->GetFileName()); } // add if needed if(spFileInfo->IsDirectory()) { // add if folder's aren't ignored if(!bIgnoreDirs && !bForceDirectories) { // add directory info; it is not to be filtered with m_afFilters m_files.AddFileInfo(spFileInfo); // log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Added folder %path")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath()); m_log.logi(fmt); } // don't add folder contents when moving inside one disk boundary if(bIgnoreDirs || !bMove || iDestDrvNumber == -1 || iDestDrvNumber != spFileInfo->GetDriveNumber() || CFileInfo::Exist(spFileInfo->GetDestinationPath(GetDestPath().GetPath(), ((int)bForceDirectories) << 1)) ) { // log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Recursing folder %path")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath()); m_log.logi(fmt); // no movefile possibility - use CustomCopyFile GetClipboardData(stIndex)->SetMove(false); ScanDirectory(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(), stIndex, true, !bIgnoreDirs || bForceDirectories); } // check for kill need if(m_workerThread.KillRequested()) { // log m_log.logi(_T("Kill request while adding data to files array (RecurseDirectories)")); throw new CProcessingException(E_KILL_REQUEST); } } else { if(bMove && iDestDrvNumber != -1 && iDestDrvNumber == spFileInfo->GetDriveNumber() && !CFileInfo::Exist(spFileInfo->GetDestinationPath(GetDestPath().GetPath(), ((int)bForceDirectories) << 1)) ) { // if moving within one partition boundary set the file size to 0 so the overall size will // be ok spFileInfo->SetLength64(0); } else GetClipboardData(stIndex)->SetMove(false); // no MoveFile // add file info if passes filters if(m_afFilters.Match(spFileInfo)) m_files.AddFileInfo(spFileInfo); // log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Added file %path")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath()); m_log.logi(fmt); } } // calc size of all files CalculateTotalSize(); // change state to ST_COPYING - finished searching for files SetStatus(ST_COPYING, ST_STEP_MASK); // save task status Store(true); Store(false); // log m_log.logi(_T("Searching for files finished")); } // delete files - after copying void CTask::DeleteFiles() { // log m_log.logi(_T("Deleting files (DeleteFiles)...")); // current processed path BOOL bSuccess; CFileInfoPtr spFileInfo; ictranslate::CFormat fmt; // index points to 0 or next item to process size_t stIndex = m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentIndex(); while(stIndex < m_files.GetSize()) { // set index in pTask to currently deleted element m_tTaskProgressInfo.SetCurrentIndex(stIndex); // check for kill flag if(m_workerThread.KillRequested()) { // log m_log.logi(_T("Kill request while deleting files (Delete Files)")); throw new CProcessingException(E_KILL_REQUEST); } // current processed element spFileInfo = m_files.GetAt(m_files.GetSize() - stIndex - 1); if(!(spFileInfo->GetFlags() & FIF_PROCESSED)) { ++stIndex; continue; } // delete data if(spFileInfo->IsDirectory()) { if(!GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMPROTECTROFILES)) SetFileAttributes(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); bSuccess=RemoveDirectory(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath()); } else { // set files attributes to normal - it'd slow processing a bit, but it's better. if(!GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMPROTECTROFILES)) SetFileAttributes(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); bSuccess=DeleteFile(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath()); } // operation failed DWORD dwLastError=GetLastError(); if(!bSuccess && dwLastError != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND && dwLastError != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Error #%errno while deleting file/folder %path")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath()); m_log.loge(fmt); CString strFile = spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(); FEEDBACK_FILEERROR ferr = { (PCTSTR)strFile, NULL, eDeleteError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &ferr); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: m_log.logi(_T("Cancel request while deleting file.")); throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: continue; // no stIndex bump, since we are trying again break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: break; // just do nothing default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result throw new CProcessingException(E_ERROR, 0, _t("Unknown feedback result type")); } } ++stIndex; }//while // change status to finished SetTaskState(eTaskState_Finished); // add 1 to current index m_tTaskProgressInfo.IncreaseCurrentIndex(); // log m_log.logi(_T("Deleting files finished")); } HANDLE CTask::OpenSourceFileFB(const CFileInfoPtr& spSrcFileInfo, bool bNoBuffering) { BOOST_ASSERT(spSrcFileInfo); if(!spSrcFileInfo) THROW(_T("Invalid argument"), 0, 0, 0); bool bRetry = false; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CString strPath = spSrcFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(); do { bRetry = false; hFile = CreateFile(strPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN | (bNoBuffering ? FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH : 0), NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); FEEDBACK_FILEERROR feedStruct = { (PCTSTR)strPath, NULL, eCreateError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &feedStruct); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: break; // will return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: { // log ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Cancel request [error %errno] while opening source file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strPath); m_log.loge(fmt); throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); } case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: { // log ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Retrying [error %errno] to open source file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strPath); m_log.loge(fmt); bRetry = true; break; } default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result THROW(_T("Unhandled case"), 0, 0, 0); } } } while(bRetry); return hFile; } HANDLE CTask::OpenDestinationFileFB(const CString& strDstFilePath, bool bNoBuffering, const CFileInfoPtr& spSrcFileInfo, unsigned long long& ullSeekTo, bool& bFreshlyCreated) { bool bRetry = false; TAutoFileHandle hFile; ullSeekTo = 0; bFreshlyCreated = true; do { bRetry = false; hFile = CreateFile(strDstFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN | (bNoBuffering ? FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH : 0), NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); if(dwLastError == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) { bFreshlyCreated = false; // pass it to the specialized method hFile = OpenExistingDestinationFileFB(strDstFilePath, bNoBuffering); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return hFile; // read info about the existing destination file, // NOTE: it is not known which one would be faster - reading file parameters // by using spDstFileInfo->Create() (which uses FindFirstFile()) or by // reading parameters using opened handle; need to be tested in the future CFileInfoPtr spDstFileInfo(boost::make_shared()); if(!spDstFileInfo->Create(strDstFilePath, std::numeric_limits::max())) THROW(_T("Cannot get information about file which has already been opened!"), 0, GetLastError(), 0); // src and dst files are the same FEEDBACK_ALREADYEXISTS feedStruct = { spSrcFileInfo, spDstFileInfo }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileAlreadyExists, &feedStruct); // check for dialog result switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Overwrite: ullSeekTo = 0; break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_CopyRest: ullSeekTo = spDstFileInfo->GetLength64(); break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: { // log ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Cancel request while checking result of dialog before opening source file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strDstFilePath); m_log.logi(fmt); throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); } case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result THROW(_T("Unhandled case"), 0, 0, 0); } } else { FEEDBACK_FILEERROR feedStruct = { (PCTSTR)strDstFilePath, NULL, eCreateError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &feedStruct); switch (frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: { // log ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Retrying [error %errno] to open destination file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strDstFilePath); m_log.loge(fmt); bRetry = true; break; } case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: { // log ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Cancel request [error %errno] while opening destination file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strDstFilePath); m_log.loge(fmt); throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); } case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: break; // will return invalid handle value case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result THROW(_T("Unhandled case"), 0, 0, 0); } } } } while(bRetry); return hFile.Detach(); } HANDLE CTask::OpenExistingDestinationFileFB(const CString& strDstFilePath, bool bNoBuffering) { bool bRetry = false; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; do { bRetry = false; hFile = CreateFile(strDstFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN | (bNoBuffering ? FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH : 0), NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); FEEDBACK_FILEERROR feedStruct = { (PCTSTR)strDstFilePath, NULL, eCreateError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &feedStruct); switch (frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: { // log ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Retrying [error %errno] to open destination file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strDstFilePath); m_log.loge(fmt); bRetry = true; break; } case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: { // log ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Cancel request [error %errno] while opening destination file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strDstFilePath); m_log.loge(fmt); throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); } case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: break; // will return invalid handle value case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result THROW(_T("Unhandled case"), 0, 0, 0); } } } while(bRetry); return hFile; } bool CTask::SetFilePointerFB(HANDLE hFile, long long llDistance, const CString& strFilePath) { bool bRetry = false; do { bRetry = false; if(SetFilePointer64(hFile, llDistance, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); // log ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Error %errno while moving file pointer of %path to %pos")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strFilePath); fmt.SetParam(_t("%pos"), llDistance); m_log.loge(fmt); FEEDBACK_FILEERROR ferr = { (PCTSTR)strFilePath, NULL, eSeekError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &ferr); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: bRetry = true; break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: return false; default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result THROW(_T("Unhandled case"), 0, 0, 0); } } } while(bRetry); return true; } bool CTask::SetEndOfFileFB(HANDLE hFile, const CString& strFilePath) { bool bRetry = false; do { if(!SetEndOfFile(hFile)) { // log DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Error %errno while setting size of file %path to 0")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strFilePath); m_log.loge(fmt); FEEDBACK_FILEERROR ferr = { (PCTSTR)strFilePath, NULL, eResizeError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &ferr); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: bRetry = true; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: break; // just do nothing default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result THROW(_T("Unhandled case"), 0, 0, 0); } } } while(bRetry); return true; } bool CTask::ReadFileFB(HANDLE hFile, CDataBuffer& rBuffer, DWORD dwToRead, DWORD& rdwBytesRead, const CString& strFilePath) { bool bRetry = false; do { bRetry = false; if(!ReadFile(hFile, rBuffer, dwToRead, &rdwBytesRead, NULL)) { // log DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Error %errno while trying to read %count bytes from source file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%count"), dwToRead); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strFilePath); m_log.loge(fmt); FEEDBACK_FILEERROR ferr = { (PCTSTR)strFilePath, NULL, eReadError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &ferr); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: bRetry = true; break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: return false; default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result THROW(_T("Unhandled case"), 0, 0, 0); } } } while(bRetry); return true; } bool CTask::WriteFileFB(HANDLE hFile, CDataBuffer& rBuffer, DWORD dwToWrite, DWORD& rdwBytesWritten, const CString& strFilePath) { bool bRetry = false; do { bRetry = false; if(!WriteFile(hFile, rBuffer, dwToWrite, &rdwBytesWritten, NULL) || dwToWrite != rdwBytesWritten) { // log DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Error %errno while trying to write %count bytes to destination file %path (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%count"), dwToWrite); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), strFilePath); m_log.loge(fmt); FEEDBACK_FILEERROR ferr = { (PCTSTR)strFilePath, NULL, eWriteError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &ferr); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: bRetry = true; break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: return false; default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result THROW(_T("Unhandled case"), 0, 0, 0); } } } while(bRetry); return true; } void CTask::CustomCopyFile(CUSTOM_COPY_PARAMS* pData) { TAutoFileHandle hSrc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, hDst = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ictranslate::CFormat fmt; // calculate if we want to disable buffering for file transfer // NOTE: we are using here the file size read when scanning directories for files; it might be // outdated at this point, but at present we don't want to re-read file size since it // will cost additional disk access bool bNoBuffer = (GetConfig().get_bool(PP_BFUSENOBUFFERING) && pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() >= (unsigned long long)GetConfig().get_signed_num(PP_BFBOUNDARYLIMIT)); // first open the source file and handle any failures hSrc = OpenSourceFileFB(pData->spSrcFile, bNoBuffer); if(hSrc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // invalid handle = operation skipped by user m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } // change attributes of a dest file // NOTE: probably should be removed from here and report problems with read-only files // directly to the user (as feedback request) if(!GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMPROTECTROFILES)) SetFileAttributes(pData->strDstFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); // open destination file, handle the failures and possibly existence of the destination file unsigned long long ullSeekTo = 0; bool bDstFileFreshlyCreated = false; if(m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize() == 0) { // open destination file for case, when we start operation on this file (i.e. it is not resume of the // old operation) hDst = OpenDestinationFileFB(pData->strDstFile, bNoBuffer, pData->spSrcFile, ullSeekTo, bDstFileFreshlyCreated); if(hDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } } else { // we are resuming previous operation hDst = OpenExistingDestinationFileFB(pData->strDstFile, bNoBuffer); if(hDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } ullSeekTo = m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize(); } if(!pData->bOnlyCreate) { // seek to the position where copying will start if(ullSeekTo != 0) // src and dst files exists, requested resume at the specified index { // try to move file pointers to the end ULONGLONG ullMove = (bNoBuffer ? ROUNDDOWN(ullSeekTo, MAXSECTORSIZE) : ullSeekTo); if(!SetFilePointerFB(hSrc, ullMove, pData->spSrcFile->GetFullFilePath()) || !SetFilePointerFB(hDst, ullMove, pData->strDstFile)) { // with either first or second seek we got 'skip' answer... m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } m_tTaskProgressInfo.IncreaseCurrentFileProcessedSize(ullMove); m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(ullMove); } // if the destination file already exists - truncate it to the current file position if(!bDstFileFreshlyCreated) { // if destination file was opened (as opposed to newly created) if(!SetEndOfFileFB(hDst, pData->strDstFile)) { pData->bProcessed = false; return; } } // copying unsigned long ulToRead = 0; unsigned long ulRead = 0; unsigned long ulWritten = 0; int iBufferIndex = 0; bool bLastPart = false; do { // kill flag checks if(m_workerThread.KillRequested()) { // log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Kill request while main copying file %srcpath -> %dstpath")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%srcpath"), pData->spSrcFile->GetFullFilePath()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%dstpath"), pData->strDstFile); m_log.logi(fmt); throw new CProcessingException(E_KILL_REQUEST); } // recreate buffer if needed if(!(*pData->dbBuffer.GetSizes() == *GetBufferSizes())) { // log const BUFFERSIZES* pbs1 = pData->dbBuffer.GetSizes(); const BUFFERSIZES* pbs2 = GetBufferSizes(); fmt.SetFormat(_T("Changing buffer size from [Def:%defsize, One:%onesize, Two:%twosize, CD:%cdsize, LAN:%lansize] to [Def:%defsize2, One:%onesize2, Two:%twosize2, CD:%cdsize2, LAN:%lansize2] wile copying %srcfile -> %dstfile (CustomCopyFile)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%defsize"), pbs1->m_uiDefaultSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%onesize"), pbs1->m_uiOneDiskSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%twosize"), pbs1->m_uiTwoDisksSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%cdsize"), pbs1->m_uiCDSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%lansize"), pbs1->m_uiLANSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%defsize2"), pbs2->m_uiDefaultSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%onesize2"), pbs2->m_uiOneDiskSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%twosize2"), pbs2->m_uiTwoDisksSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%cdsize2"), pbs2->m_uiCDSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%lansize2"), pbs2->m_uiLANSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%srcfile"), pData->spSrcFile->GetFullFilePath()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%dstfile"), pData->strDstFile); m_log.logi(fmt); SetBufferSizes(pData->dbBuffer.Create(GetBufferSizes())); } // establish count of data to read if(GetBufferSizes()->m_bOnlyDefault) iBufferIndex = BI_DEFAULT; else iBufferIndex = pData->spSrcFile->GetBufferIndex(m_dpDestPath); ulToRead = bNoBuffer ? ROUNDUP(pData->dbBuffer.GetSizes()->m_auiSizes[iBufferIndex], MAXSECTORSIZE) : pData->dbBuffer.GetSizes()->m_auiSizes[iBufferIndex]; // read data from file to buffer if(!ReadFileFB(hSrc, pData->dbBuffer, ulToRead, ulRead, pData->spSrcFile->GetFullFilePath())) { m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } if(ulRead > 0) { // determine if this is the last chunk of data we could get from the source file (EOF condition) bLastPart = (ulToRead != ulRead); // handle not aligned part at the end of file when no buffering is enabled if(bNoBuffer && bLastPart) { // count of data read from the file is less than requested - we're at the end of source file // and this is the operation with system buffering turned off // write as much as possible to the destination file with no buffering // NOTE: as an alternative, we could write more data to the destination file and then truncate the file unsigned long ulDataToWrite = ROUNDDOWN(ulRead, MAXSECTORSIZE); if(ulDataToWrite > 0) { if(!WriteFileFB(hDst, pData->dbBuffer, ulDataToWrite, ulWritten, pData->strDstFile)) { m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } // increase count of processed data m_tTaskProgressInfo.IncreaseCurrentFileProcessedSize(ulWritten); m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(ulWritten); // calculate count of bytes left to be written ulRead -= ulWritten; // now remove part of data from buffer (ulWritten bytes) pData->dbBuffer.CutDataFromBuffer(ulWritten); } // close and re-open the destination file with buffering option for append hDst.Close(); // are there any more data to be written? if(ulRead != 0) { // re-open the destination file, this time with standard buffering to allow writing not aligned part of file data hDst = OpenExistingDestinationFileFB(pData->strDstFile, false); if(hDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } // move file pointer to the end of destination file if(!SetFilePointerFB(hDst, m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize(), pData->strDstFile)) { // with either first or second seek we got 'skip' answer... m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } } } // write if(ulRead != 0) { if(!WriteFileFB(hDst, pData->dbBuffer, ulRead, ulWritten, pData->strDstFile)) { m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); pData->bProcessed = false; return; } // increase count of processed data m_tTaskProgressInfo.IncreaseCurrentFileProcessedSize(ulRead); m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(ulRead); } } } while(ulRead != 0 && !bLastPart); } else { // we don't copy contents, but need to increase processed size m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(pData->spSrcFile->GetLength64() - m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentFileProcessedSize()); } pData->bProcessed = true; m_tTaskProgressInfo.SetCurrentFileProcessedSize(0); } // function processes files/folders void CTask::ProcessFiles() { // log m_log.logi(_T("Processing files/folders (ProcessFiles)")); // count how much has been done (updates also a member in CTaskArray) CalculateProcessedSize(); // begin at index which wasn't processed previously size_t stSize = m_files.GetSize(); bool bIgnoreFolders = (GetStatus(ST_SPECIAL_MASK) & ST_IGNORE_DIRS) != 0; bool bForceDirectories = (GetStatus(ST_SPECIAL_MASK) & ST_FORCE_DIRS) != 0; const CDestPath& dpDestPath = GetDestPath(); // create a buffer of size m_nBufferSize CUSTOM_COPY_PARAMS ccp; ccp.bProcessed = false; ccp.bOnlyCreate=(GetStatus(ST_SPECIAL_MASK) & ST_IGNORE_CONTENT) != 0; ccp.dbBuffer.Create(GetBufferSizes()); ccp.pDestPath = &dpDestPath; // helpers DWORD dwLastError = 0; // log const BUFFERSIZES* pbs = ccp.dbBuffer.GetSizes(); ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Processing files/folders (ProcessFiles):\r\n\tOnlyCreate: %create\r\n\tBufferSize: [Def:%defsize, One:%onesize, Two:%twosize, CD:%cdsize, LAN:%lansize]\r\n\tFiles/folders count: %filecount\r\n\tIgnore Folders: %ignorefolders\r\n\tDest path: %dstpath\r\n\tCurrent index (0-based): %currindex")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%create"), ccp.bOnlyCreate); fmt.SetParam(_t("%defsize"), pbs->m_uiDefaultSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%onesize"), pbs->m_uiOneDiskSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%twosize"), pbs->m_uiTwoDisksSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%cdsize"), pbs->m_uiCDSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%lansize"), pbs->m_uiLANSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%filecount"), stSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%ignorefolders"), bIgnoreFolders); fmt.SetParam(_t("%dstpath"), dpDestPath.GetPath()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%currindex"), m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentIndex()); m_log.logi(fmt); for(size_t stIndex = m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentIndex(); stIndex < stSize; stIndex++) { // should we kill ? if(m_workerThread.KillRequested()) { // log m_log.logi(_T("Kill request while processing file in ProcessFiles")); throw new CProcessingException(E_KILL_REQUEST); } // update m_stCurrentIndex, getting current CFileInfo CFileInfoPtr spFileInfo = m_files.GetAt(m_tTaskProgressInfo.GetCurrentIndex()); // set dest path with filename ccp.strDstFile = spFileInfo->GetDestinationPath(dpDestPath.GetPath(), ((int)bForceDirectories) << 1 | (int)bIgnoreFolders); // are the files/folders lie on the same partition ? bool bMove=GetStatus(ST_OPERATION_MASK) == ST_MOVE; if(bMove && dpDestPath.GetDriveNumber() != -1 && dpDestPath.GetDriveNumber() == spFileInfo->GetDriveNumber() && spFileInfo->GetMove()) { bool bRetry = true; if(bRetry && !MoveFile(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(), ccp.strDstFile)) { dwLastError=GetLastError(); //log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Error %errno while calling MoveFile %srcpath -> %dstpath (ProcessFiles)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%srcpath"), spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%dstpath"), ccp.strDstFile); m_log.loge(fmt); CString strSrcFile = spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(); CString strDstFile = ccp.strDstFile; FEEDBACK_FILEERROR ferr = { (PCTSTR)strSrcFile, (PCTSTR)strDstFile, eFastMoveError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &ferr); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: continue; break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: bRetry = false; break; // just do nothing default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result throw new CProcessingException(E_ERROR, 0, _t("Unknown feedback result type")); } } else spFileInfo->SetFlags(FIF_PROCESSED, FIF_PROCESSED); } else { // if folder - create it if(spFileInfo->IsDirectory()) { bool bRetry = true; if(bRetry && !CreateDirectory(ccp.strDstFile, NULL) && (dwLastError=GetLastError()) != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { // log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Error %errno while calling CreateDirectory %path (ProcessFiles)")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), dwLastError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%path"), ccp.strDstFile); m_log.loge(fmt); CString strFile = ccp.strDstFile; FEEDBACK_FILEERROR ferr = { (PCTSTR)strFile, NULL, eCreateError, dwLastError }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_FileError, &ferr); switch(frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: continue; break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Pause: throw new CProcessingException(E_PAUSE); break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: bRetry = false; break; // just do nothing default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result throw new CProcessingException(E_ERROR, 0, _t("Unknown feedback result type")); } } m_localStats.IncreaseProcessedSize(spFileInfo->GetLength64()); spFileInfo->SetFlags(FIF_PROCESSED, FIF_PROCESSED); } else { // start copying/moving file ccp.spSrcFile = spFileInfo; ccp.bProcessed = false; // kopiuj dane CustomCopyFile(&ccp); spFileInfo->SetFlags(ccp.bProcessed ? FIF_PROCESSED : 0, FIF_PROCESSED); // if moving - delete file (only if config flag is set) if(bMove && spFileInfo->GetFlags() & FIF_PROCESSED && !GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMDELETEAFTERFINISHED)) { if(!GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMPROTECTROFILES)) SetFileAttributes(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(spFileInfo->GetFullFilePath()); // there will be another try later, so I don't check // if succeeded } } // set a time if(GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMSETDESTDATE)) SetFileDirectoryTime(ccp.strDstFile, spFileInfo); // no error checking (but most probably it should be checked) // attributes if(GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMSETDESTATTRIBUTES)) SetFileAttributes(ccp.strDstFile, spFileInfo->GetAttributes()); // as above } m_tTaskProgressInfo.SetCurrentIndex(stIndex + 1); } // delete buffer - it's not needed ccp.dbBuffer.Delete(); // change status if(GetStatus(ST_OPERATION_MASK) == ST_MOVE) { SetStatus(ST_DELETING, ST_STEP_MASK); // set the index to 0 before deleting m_tTaskProgressInfo.SetCurrentIndex(0); } else { SetTaskState(eTaskState_Finished); // to look better - increase current index by 1 m_tTaskProgressInfo.SetCurrentIndex(stSize); } // log m_log.logi(_T("Finished processing in ProcessFiles")); } void CTask::CheckForWaitState() { // limiting operation count SetTaskState(eTaskState_Waiting); bool bContinue = false; while(!bContinue) { if(CanBegin()) { SetTaskState(eTaskState_Processing); bContinue = true; m_log.logi(_T("Finished waiting for begin permission")); // return; // skips sleep and kill flag checking } Sleep(50); // not to make it too hard for processor if(m_workerThread.KillRequested()) { // log m_log.logi(_T("Kill request while waiting for begin permission (wait state)")); throw new CProcessingException(E_KILL_REQUEST); } } } DWORD WINAPI CTask::DelegateThreadProc(LPVOID pParam) { BOOST_ASSERT(pParam); if(!pParam) return 1; CTask* pTask = (CTask*)pParam; return pTask->ThrdProc(); } DWORD CTask::ThrdProc() { tstring_t strPath = GetTaskPath(); strPath += GetUniqueName()+_T(".log"); m_log.init(strPath.c_str(), 262144, icpf::log_file::level_debug, false, false); OnBeginOperation(); // set thread boost HANDLE hThread=GetCurrentThread(); ::SetThreadPriorityBoost(hThread, GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMDISABLEPRIORITYBOOST)); ictranslate::CFormat fmt; try { // to make the value stable bool bReadTasksSize = GetConfig().get_bool(PP_CMREADSIZEBEFOREBLOCKING); if(!bReadTasksSize) CheckForWaitState(); // operation limiting // start tracking time m_localStats.EnableTimeTracking(); // search for files if needed if((GetStatus(ST_STEP_MASK) == ST_NULL_STATUS || GetStatus(ST_STEP_MASK) == ST_SEARCHING)) { // get rid of info about processed sizes m_localStats.SetProcessedSize(0); m_localStats.SetTotalSize(0); // start searching RecurseDirectories(); } // check for free space ull_t ullNeededSize = 0, ullAvailableSize = 0; bool bRetry = false; do { bRetry = false; m_log.logi(_T("Checking for free space on destination disk...")); if(!GetRequiredFreeSpace(&ullNeededSize, &ullAvailableSize)) { fmt.SetFormat(_T("Not enough free space on disk - needed %needsize bytes for data, available: %availablesize bytes.")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%needsize"), ullNeededSize); fmt.SetParam(_t("%availablesize"), ullAvailableSize); m_log.logw(fmt); if(GetClipboardDataSize() > 0) { CString strSrcPath = GetClipboardData(0)->GetPath(); CString strDstPath = GetDestPath().GetPath(); FEEDBACK_NOTENOUGHSPACE feedStruct = { ullNeededSize, (PCTSTR)strSrcPath, (PCTSTR)strDstPath }; CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult frResult = (CFeedbackHandler::EFeedbackResult)m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_NotEnoughSpace, &feedStruct); // default switch (frResult) { case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Cancel: { m_log.logi(_T("Cancel request while checking for free space on disk.")); throw new CProcessingException(E_CANCEL); break; } case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Retry: m_log.logi(_T("Retrying to read drive's free space...")); bRetry = true; break; case CFeedbackHandler::eResult_Skip: m_log.logi(_T("Ignored warning about not enough place on disk to copy data.")); break; default: BOOST_ASSERT(FALSE); // unknown result throw new CProcessingException(E_ERROR, 0, _t("Unknown feedback result type")); break; } } } } while(bRetry); if(bReadTasksSize) { m_localStats.DisableTimeTracking(); CheckForWaitState(); m_localStats.EnableTimeTracking(); } // Phase II - copying/moving if(GetStatus(ST_STEP_MASK) == ST_COPYING) { // decrease processed in ctaskarray - the rest will be done in ProcessFiles //m_rtGlobalStats.DecreaseGlobalProcessedSize(GetProcessedSize()); ProcessFiles(); } // deleting data - III phase if(GetStatus(ST_STEP_MASK) == ST_DELETING) DeleteFiles(); // refresh time m_localStats.DisableTimeTracking(); // save progress before killed Store(false); // we are ending m_localStats.MarkTaskAsNotRunning(); // play sound m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_OperationFinished, NULL); OnEndOperation(); } catch(CProcessingException* e) { // refresh time m_localStats.DisableTimeTracking(); // log fmt.SetFormat(_T("Caught exception in ThrdProc [last error: %errno, type: %type]")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%errno"), e->m_dwError); fmt.SetParam(_t("%type"), e->m_iType); m_log.loge(fmt); if(e->m_iType == E_ERROR) m_piFeedbackHandler->RequestFeedback(CFeedbackHandler::eFT_OperationError, NULL); // perform some adjustments depending on exception type switch(e->m_iType) { case E_ERROR: SetTaskState(eTaskState_Error); break; case E_CANCEL: SetTaskState(eTaskState_Cancelled); break; case E_PAUSE: SetTaskState(eTaskState_Paused); break; case E_KILL_REQUEST: { // the only operation if(GetTaskState() == eTaskState_Waiting) SetTaskState(eTaskState_Processing); } default: BOOST_ASSERT(false); // unhandled case } // change flags and calls cleanup for a task switch(GetStatus(ST_STEP_MASK)) { case ST_NULL_STATUS: case ST_SEARCHING: // get rid of m_files contents m_files.Clear(); // save state of a task Store(true); Store(false); break; case ST_COPYING: case ST_DELETING: Store(false); break; } m_localStats.MarkTaskAsNotRunning(); SetContinueFlag(false); SetForceFlag(false); OnEndOperation(); delete e; return 0xffffffff; // almost like -1 } return 0; } void CTask::OnBeginOperation() { CTime tm=CTime::GetCurrentTime(); ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("\r\n# COPYING THREAD STARTED #\r\nBegan processing data (dd:mm:yyyy) %day.%month.%year at %hour:%minute.%second")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%year"), tm.GetYear()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%month"), tm.GetMonth()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%day"), tm.GetDay()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%hour"), tm.GetHour()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%minute"), tm.GetMinute()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%second"), tm.GetSecond()); m_log.logi(fmt); } void CTask::OnEndOperation() { CTime tm=CTime::GetCurrentTime(); ictranslate::CFormat fmt; fmt.SetFormat(_T("Finished processing data (dd:mm:yyyy) %day.%month.%year at %hour:%minute.%second")); fmt.SetParam(_t("%year"), tm.GetYear()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%month"), tm.GetMonth()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%day"), tm.GetDay()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%hour"), tm.GetHour()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%minute"), tm.GetMinute()); fmt.SetParam(_t("%second"), tm.GetSecond()); m_log.logi(fmt); } void CTask::RequestStopThread() { m_workerThread.SignalThreadToStop(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTaskArray members CTaskArray::CTaskArray() : m_piFeedbackFactory(NULL), m_stNextSessionUniqueID(NO_TASK_SESSION_UNIQUE_ID + 1) { } CTaskArray::~CTaskArray() { // NOTE: do not delete the feedback factory, since we are not responsible for releasing it } void CTaskArray::Create(chcore::IFeedbackHandlerFactory* piFeedbackHandlerFactory) { BOOST_ASSERT(piFeedbackHandlerFactory); m_piFeedbackFactory = piFeedbackHandlerFactory; } CTaskPtr CTaskArray::CreateTask() { BOOST_ASSERT(m_piFeedbackFactory); if(!m_piFeedbackFactory) return CTaskPtr(); chcore::IFeedbackHandler* piHandler = m_piFeedbackFactory->Create(); if(!piHandler) return CTaskPtr(); BOOST_ASSERT(m_stNextSessionUniqueID != NO_TASK_SESSION_UNIQUE_ID); CTaskPtr spTask(boost::make_shared(piHandler, m_stNextSessionUniqueID++)); // NO_TASK_SESSION_UNIQUE_ID is a special value so it should not be used to identify tasks if(m_stNextSessionUniqueID == NO_TASK_SESSION_UNIQUE_ID) ++m_stNextSessionUniqueID; return spTask; } size_t CTaskArray::GetSize() const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); return m_vTasks.size(); } CTaskPtr CTaskArray::GetAt(size_t nIndex) const { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); _ASSERTE(nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < m_vTasks.size()); if(nIndex >= m_vTasks.size()) THROW(_t("Invalid argument"), 0, 0, 0); return m_vTasks.at(nIndex); } CTaskPtr CTaskArray::GetTaskBySessionUniqueID(size_t stSessionUniqueID) const { if(stSessionUniqueID == NO_TASK_SESSION_UNIQUE_ID) return CTaskPtr(); CTaskPtr spFoundTask; boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(const CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { if(spTask->GetSessionUniqueID() == stSessionUniqueID) { spFoundTask = spTask; break; } } return spFoundTask; } size_t CTaskArray::Add(const CTaskPtr& spNewTask) { if(!spNewTask) THROW(_t("Invalid argument"), 0, 0, 0); boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); // here we know load succeeded spNewTask->SetTaskPath(m_strTasksDir.c_str()); m_vTasks.push_back(spNewTask); spNewTask->OnRegisterTask(m_globalStats); return m_vTasks.size() - 1; } void CTaskArray::RemoveAt(size_t stIndex, size_t stCount) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); _ASSERTE(stIndex >= m_vTasks.size() || stIndex + stCount > m_vTasks.size()); if(stIndex >= m_vTasks.size() || stIndex + stCount > m_vTasks.size()) THROW(_t("Invalid argument"), 0, 0, 0); for(std::vector::iterator iterTask = m_vTasks.begin() + stIndex; iterTask != m_vTasks.begin() + stIndex + stCount; ++iterTask) { CTaskPtr& spTask = *iterTask; // kill task if needed spTask->KillThread(); spTask->OnUnregisterTask(); } // remove elements from array m_vTasks.erase(m_vTasks.begin() + stIndex, m_vTasks.begin() + stIndex + stCount); } void CTaskArray::RemoveAll() { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); StopAllTasksNL(); m_vTasks.clear(); } void CTaskArray::RemoveAllFinished() { std::vector vTasksToRemove; m_lock.lock(); size_t stIndex = m_vTasks.size(); while(stIndex--) { CTaskPtr spTask = m_vTasks.at(stIndex); // delete only when the thread is finished if((spTask->GetTaskState() == eTaskState_Finished || spTask->GetTaskState() == eTaskState_Cancelled)) { spTask->OnUnregisterTask(); vTasksToRemove.push_back(spTask); m_vTasks.erase(m_vTasks.begin() + stIndex); } } m_lock.unlock(); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, vTasksToRemove) { // delete associated files spTask->DeleteProgress(m_strTasksDir.c_str()); } } void CTaskArray::RemoveFinished(const CTaskPtr& spSelTask) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); // this might be optimized by copying tasks to a local table in critical section, and then deleting progress files outside of the critical section for(std::vector::iterator iterTask = m_vTasks.begin(); iterTask != m_vTasks.end(); ++iterTask) { CTaskPtr& spTask = *iterTask; if(spTask == spSelTask && (spTask->GetTaskState() == eTaskState_Finished || spTask->GetTaskState() == eTaskState_Cancelled)) { // kill task if needed spTask->KillThread(); spTask->OnUnregisterTask(); // delete associated files spTask->DeleteProgress(m_strTasksDir.c_str()); m_vTasks.erase(iterTask); return; } } } void CTaskArray::StopAllTasks() { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); StopAllTasksNL(); } void CTaskArray::ResumeWaitingTasks(size_t stMaxRunningTasks) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); if(stMaxRunningTasks == 0 || m_globalStats.GetRunningTasksCount() < stMaxRunningTasks) { BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { // turn on some thread - find something with wait state if(spTask->GetTaskState() == eTaskState_Waiting && (stMaxRunningTasks == 0 || m_globalStats.GetRunningTasksCount() < stMaxRunningTasks)) { spTask->m_localStats.MarkTaskAsRunning(); spTask->SetContinueFlagNL(true); } } } } void CTaskArray::SaveData() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->Store(true); } } void CTaskArray::SaveProgress() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->Store(false); } } void CTaskArray::LoadDataProgress() { CFileFind finder; CTaskPtr spTask; CString strPath; BOOL bWorking=finder.FindFile(CString(m_strTasksDir.c_str())+_T("*.atd")); while(bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); // load data spTask = CreateTask(); try { strPath = finder.GetFilePath(); spTask->Load(strPath, true); strPath = strPath.Left(strPath.GetLength() - 4); strPath += _T(".atp"); spTask->Load(strPath, false); // add read task to array Add(spTask); } catch(std::exception& e) { CString strFmt; strFmt.Format(_T("Cannot load task data: %s (reason: %S)"), strPath, e.what()); LOG_ERROR(strFmt); } catch(icpf::exception& e) { tchar_t szBuffer[65536]; e.get_info(szBuffer, 65536); szBuffer[65535] = _T('\0'); CString strFmt; strFmt.Format(_T("Cannot load task data: %s (reason: %s)"), strPath, szBuffer); LOG_ERROR(strFmt); } } finder.Close(); } void CTaskArray::TasksBeginProcessing() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->BeginProcessing(); } } void CTaskArray::TasksPauseProcessing() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->PauseProcessing(); } } void CTaskArray::TasksResumeProcessing() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->ResumeProcessing(); } } void CTaskArray::TasksRestartProcessing() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->RestartProcessing(); } } bool CTaskArray::TasksRetryProcessing() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); bool bChanged=false; BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { if(spTask->RetryProcessing()) bChanged = true; } return bChanged; } void CTaskArray::TasksCancelProcessing() { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->CancelProcessing(); } } ull_t CTaskArray::GetPosition() { return m_globalStats.GetGlobalProcessedSize(); } ull_t CTaskArray::GetRange() { return m_globalStats.GetGlobalTotalSize(); } int CTaskArray::GetPercent() { return m_globalStats.GetProgressPercents(); } bool CTaskArray::AreAllFinished() { bool bFlag=true; if(m_globalStats.GetRunningTasksCount() != 0) bFlag = false; else { boost::shared_lock lock(m_lock); BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { ETaskCurrentState eState = spTask->GetTaskState(); bFlag = (eState == eTaskState_Finished || eState == eTaskState_Cancelled || eState == eTaskState_Paused || eState == eTaskState_Error); if(!bFlag) break; } } return bFlag; } void CTaskArray::SetTasksDir(const tchar_t* pszPath) { boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); m_strTasksDir = pszPath; } void CTaskArray::StopAllTasksNL() { // kill all unfinished tasks - send kill request BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->RequestStopThread(); } // wait for finishing BOOST_FOREACH(CTaskPtr& spTask, m_vTasks) { spTask->KillThread(); } }