// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2001-2010 by Jozef Starosczyk // ixen@copyhandler.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License // (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // ============================================================================ /// @file TConfig.h /// @date 2010/09/27 /// @brief Contains declaration of classes related to configuration handling. // ============================================================================ #ifndef __TCONFIG_H__ #define __TCONFIG_H__ #include "libchcore.h" #include "ISerializerContainer.h" BEGIN_CHCORE_NAMESPACE class TConfigArray; class TStringSet; namespace details { struct ConfigNodeContainer; } // class for handling configuration settings class LIBCHCORE_API TConfig { public: TConfig(); TConfig(const TConfig& rSrc); ~TConfig(); TConfig& operator=(const TConfig& rSrc); void Clear(); // read/write void Read(PCTSTR pszFile); void Write(); void SetFilePath(PCTSTR pszPath); void ReadFromString(const TString& strInput); void WriteToString(TString& strOutput); void Store(const ISerializerContainerPtr& spContainer) const; void Load(const ISerializerContainerPtr& spContainer) const; void InitColumns(const ISerializerContainerPtr& spContainer) const; // value setting/retrieval bool GetBool(PCTSTR pszPropName, bool bDefault = false) const; bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, bool& bValue) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, bool bValue); int GetInt(PCTSTR pszPropName, int iDefault = 0) const; bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, int& iValue) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, int iValue); unsigned int GetUInt(PCTSTR pszPropName, unsigned int uiDefault = 0) const; bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, unsigned int& uiValue) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, unsigned int uiValue); long long GetLongLong(PCTSTR pszPropName, long long llDefault = 0) const; bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, long long& llValue) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, long long llValue); unsigned long long GetULongLong(PCTSTR pszPropName, unsigned long long ullDefault = 0) const; bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, unsigned long long& ullValue) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, unsigned long long ullValue); double GetDouble(PCTSTR pszPropName, double dDefault = 0.0) const; bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, double& dValue) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, double dValue); TString GetString(PCTSTR pszPropName, const TString& strDefault = TString()) const; bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, TString& rstrValue) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, const TString& strValue); TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, PCTSTR pszValue); TSmartPath GetPath(PCTSTR pszPropName, const TSmartPath& pathDefault = TSmartPath()) const; bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, TSmartPath& rpathValue) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, const TSmartPath& pathValue); bool GetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, TStringArray& rvValues) const; TConfig& SetValue(PCTSTR pszPropName, const TStringArray& rvValues); void DeleteNode(PCTSTR pszNodeName); // extraction of subtrees bool ExtractSubConfig(PCTSTR pszSubTreeName, TConfig& rSubConfig) const; bool ExtractMultiSubConfigs(PCTSTR pszSubTreeName, TConfigArray& rSubConfigs) const; void PutSubConfig(PCTSTR pszSubTreeName, const TConfig& rSubConfig); void AddSubConfig(PCTSTR pszSubTreeName, const TConfig& rSubConfig); // property change notification void ConnectToNotifier(void (*pfnCallback)(const TStringSet&, void*), void* pParam); void DisconnectFromNotifier(void (*pfnCallback)(const TStringSet&, void*)); void DelayNotifications(); void ResumeNotifications(); protected: void SendNotification(const TStringSet& rsetInfo); void SendNotification(PCTSTR pszInfo); void ClearNL(); private: details::ConfigNodeContainer* GetImpl(); const details::ConfigNodeContainer* GetImpl() const; private: #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4251) details::ConfigNodeContainer* m_pImpl; #pragma warning(pop) }; template inline void SetConfigValue(TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, const Type& rValue) { rConfig.SetValue(pszPropName, rValue); } template inline Type GetConfigValueDef(const TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, const Type& rDefault) { Type tValue; if(!rConfig.GetValue(pszPropName, tValue)) tValue = rDefault; return tValue; } template inline bool GetConfigValue(const TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, Type& rValue) { return rConfig.GetValue(pszPropName, rValue); } #define CONFIG_MEMBER_SERIALIZATION(cls)\ namespace chcore {\ template<>\ inline void SetConfigValue(TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, const cls& rValue)\ {\ rValue.StoreInConfig(rConfig, pszPropName);\ }\ \ template<>\ inline cls GetConfigValueDef(const TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, const cls& rDefault)\ {\ cls tValue;\ if(!tValue.ReadFromConfig(rConfig, pszPropName))\ tValue = rDefault;\ return tValue;\ }\ \ template<>\ inline bool GetConfigValue(const TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, cls& rValue)\ {\ return rValue.ReadFromConfig(rConfig, pszPropName);\ }\ } #define CONFIG_STANDALONE_SERIALIZATION(cls)\ namespace chcore {\ template<>\ inline void SetConfigValue(TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, const cls& rValue)\ {\ StoreInConfig(rValue, rConfig, pszPropName);\ }\ \ template<>\ inline cls GetConfigValueDef(const TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, const cls& rDefault)\ {\ cls tValue;\ if(!ReadFromConfig(tValue, rConfig, pszPropName))\ tValue = rDefault;\ return tValue;\ }\ \ template<>\ inline bool GetConfigValue(const TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszPropName, cls& rValue)\ {\ return ReadFromConfig(rValue, rConfig, pszPropName);\ }\ } END_CHCORE_NAMESPACE #endif