@echo off rem Mark the changes as local ones setlocal rem --------------------------------------------------- rem Remember the current path set CurrentDir=%CD% set OutputDir=%CurrentDir%\out set TmpDir=%CurrentDir%\tmp set MainProjectDir=%TmpDir%\copyhandler rem --------------------------------------------------- rem Setup environment echo Initializing... if exist %TmpDir% ( rmdir /S /Q %TmpDir% if exist %TmpDir% ( echo ERROR: Deleting the old temporary folder failed. goto end ) ) mkdir %TmpDir% if not exist %TmpDir% ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary folder failed. goto end ) if exist %OutputDir% ( rmdir /S /Q %OutputDir% if exist %OutputDir% ( echo ERROR: Deleting the old output folder failed. goto end ) ) mkdir %OutputDir% if not exist %OutputDir% ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary folder failed. goto end ) mkdir %TmpDir%\zip32 if not exist %TmpDir% ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary zip32 folder failed. goto end ) mkdir %TmpDir%\zip64 if not exist %TmpDir% ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary zip64 folder failed. goto end ) rem enter the temporary directory cd %TmpDir% rem --------------------------------------------------- echo Exporting copyhandler from the repository... svn export https://copyhandler.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/copyhandler/trunk copyhandler if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: encountered a problem while exporting sources from repository. goto cleanup ) cd %MainProjectDir% rem ---------------------------------------------------- echo Retrieving current version number set _ver_cmd=type "src\common\version.h" for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('%_ver_cmd% ^|find "define PRODUCT_VERSION "') do set CHVER=%%~a if "%CHVER%" == "" ( echo Can't get the svn version. goto cleanup ) echo Preparing the %CHVER% version of Copy Handler rem ---------------------------------------------------- echo Preparing the source package 7z a "%OutputDir%\chsrc-%CHVER%.zip" -tzip -x!!"scripts\*.bat" . if errorlevel 1 ( echo Preparation of the sources failed. goto cleanup ) rem ---------------------------------------------------- echo Initializing Visual Studio environment variables... if not exist "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" ( echo Can't find the vsvars32.bat file. goto cleanup ) else ( call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" ) rem --------------------------------------------------- echo Building the solution (Win32) devenv ch.vc90.sln /rebuild "Release-Unicode|Win32" if errorlevel 1 ( echo Build process failed. goto cleanup ) echo Preparing the zip packages (Win32) if not exist bin\release ( echo The bin\release directory does not exist. goto cleanup ) cd %MainProjectDir%\bin\release 7z a "%OutputDir%\ch_symbols-%CHVER%.zip" -tzip "*.pdb" if errorlevel 1 ( echo Could not create symbols archive. goto cleanup ) echo Preparing the installer package cd %MainProjectDir% if not exist scripts ( echo The scripts directory does not exist. goto cleanup ) cd %MainProjectDir%\scripts iscc setup32.iss /o%OutputDir% if errorlevel 1 ( echo Preparation of the installer version failed. goto cleanup ) cd %MainProjectDir% rem --------------------------------------------------- echo Building the solution (x64) devenv ch.vc90.sln /rebuild "Release-Unicode|x64" if errorlevel 1 ( echo Build process failed. goto cleanup ) echo Preparing the zip packages (x64) if not exist bin\release ( echo The bin\release directory does not exist. goto cleanup ) cd %MainProjectDir%\bin\release 7z a "%OutputDir%\ch_symbols64-%CHVER%.zip" -tzip "*64*.pdb" if errorlevel 1 ( echo Could not create symbols archive. goto cleanup ) echo Preparing the installer package cd %MainProjectDir% if not exist scripts ( echo The scripts directory does not exist. goto cleanup ) cd %MainProjectDir%\scripts iscc setup64.iss /o%OutputDir% if errorlevel 1 ( echo Preparation of the installer version failed. goto cleanup ) rem ------------- rem We are in scripts/ and going up cd %MainProjectDir% rem Prepare files xcopy "bin\release\ch.exe" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "License.txt" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "bin\release\chext.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "bin\release\libicpf32u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "bin\release\libchcore32u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "bin\release\libictranslate32u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "bin\release\ictranslate.exe" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\*" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.MFC\*" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x86\dbghelp.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" xcopy /E /I "bin\release\help" "%TmpDir%\zip32\help" xcopy /E /I "bin\release\langs" "%TmpDir%\zip32\langs" cd "%TmpDir%\zip32\" 7z a "%OutputDir%\ch32-%CHVER%.zip" -tzip . if errorlevel 1 ( echo Could not create win32 zip archive. goto cleanup ) rem ---------------------------------------------- cd %MainProjectDir% xcopy "bin\release\ch64.exe" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "License.txt" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "bin\release\chext64.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "bin\release\libicpf64u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "bin\release\libchcore64u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "bin\release\libictranslate64u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "bin\release\ictranslate64.exe" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\*" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\amd64\Microsoft.VC90.MFC\*" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\dbghelp.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" xcopy /E /I "bin\release\help" "%TmpDir%\zip64\help" xcopy /E /I "bin\release\langs" "%TmpDir%\zip64\langs" cd "%TmpDir%\zip64\" 7z a "%OutputDir%\ch64-%CHVER%.zip" -tzip . if errorlevel 1 ( echo Could not create win64 zip archive. goto cleanup ) :cleanup echo Cleaning up the temporary files... cd "%TmpDir%" cd .. rmdir /S /Q "%TmpDir%" goto end :end