// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2001-2015 by Jozef Starosczyk // ixen@copyhandler.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License // (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // ============================================================================ #include "stdafx.h" #include "TFakeFilesystem.h" #include "RoundingFunctions.h" #include "TCoreException.h" #include "ErrorCodes.h" #include "TFakeFilesystemFile.h" #include "TFakeFilesystemFind.h" #include "TPathContainer.h" namespace chcore { TFakeFilesystem::TFakeFilesystem() { } TFakeFilesystem::~TFakeFilesystem() { } bool TFakeFilesystem::PathExist(const TSmartPath& strPath) { for (const TFakeFileDescriptionPtr& spDesc : m_listFilesystemContent) { if (spDesc->GetFileInfo().GetFullFilePath() == strPath) return true; } return false; } bool TFakeFilesystem::GetDynamicFreeSpace(const TSmartPath& path, unsigned long long& rullFree) { // get total size of volume file_size_t fsSize = std::numeric_limits::max(); wchar_t wchDrive = path.GetDriveLetter(); auto iterFind = m_mapVolumeInfo.find(wchDrive); if (iterFind != m_mapVolumeInfo.end()) fsSize = iterFind->second.GetTotalSize(); // decrease by file sizes for (const TFakeFileDescriptionPtr& spDesc : m_listFilesystemContent) { file_size_t fsFileSize(RoundUp(spDesc->GetFileInfo().GetLength64(), (file_size_t)IFilesystemFile::MaxSectorSize)); if (fsFileSize > fsSize) return false; fsSize -= RoundUp(spDesc->GetFileInfo().GetLength64(), (file_size_t)IFilesystemFile::MaxSectorSize); } rullFree = fsSize; return false; } IFilesystem::EPathsRelation TFakeFilesystem::GetPathsRelation(const TSmartPath& pathFirst, const TSmartPath& pathSecond) { UINT uiFirstDriveType = DRIVE_FIXED; UINT uiSecondDriveType = DRIVE_FIXED; auto iterFirst = m_mapVolumeInfo.find(pathFirst.GetDriveLetter()); auto iterSecond = m_mapVolumeInfo.find(pathSecond.GetDriveLetter()); if (iterFirst != m_mapVolumeInfo.end()) uiFirstDriveType = iterFirst->second.GetDriveType(); if (iterSecond != m_mapVolumeInfo.end()) uiSecondDriveType = iterSecond->second.GetDriveType(); // what kind of relation... EPathsRelation eRelation = eRelation_Other; if (uiFirstDriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE || uiSecondDriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE) eRelation = eRelation_Network; else if (uiFirstDriveType == DRIVE_CDROM || uiSecondDriveType == DRIVE_CDROM) eRelation = eRelation_CDRom; else if (uiFirstDriveType == DRIVE_FIXED && uiSecondDriveType == DRIVE_FIXED) { // two hdd's - is this the same physical disk ? wchar_t wchFirstDrive = pathFirst.GetDriveLetter(); wchar_t wchSecondDrive = pathSecond.GetDriveLetter(); if (wchFirstDrive == L'\0' || wchSecondDrive == L'\0') THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_FixedDriveWithoutDriveLetter); if (wchFirstDrive == wchSecondDrive) eRelation = eRelation_SinglePhysicalDisk; else { DWORD dwFirstPhysicalDisk = 0; DWORD dwSecondPhysicalDisk = 1; if (iterFirst != m_mapVolumeInfo.end()) dwFirstPhysicalDisk = iterFirst->second.GetPhysicalDriveNumber(); if (iterSecond != m_mapVolumeInfo.end()) dwSecondPhysicalDisk = iterSecond->second.GetPhysicalDriveNumber(); if (dwFirstPhysicalDisk == std::numeric_limits::max() || dwSecondPhysicalDisk == std::numeric_limits::max()) { // NOTE: disabled throwing an exception here - when testing, it came out that some DRIVE_FIXED // volumes might have problems handling this detection (TrueCrypt volumes for example). // So for now we report it as two different physical disks. //THROW(_T("Problem with physical disk detection"), 0, 0, 0); eRelation = eRelation_TwoPhysicalDisks; } if (dwFirstPhysicalDisk == dwSecondPhysicalDisk) eRelation = eRelation_SinglePhysicalDisk; else eRelation = eRelation_TwoPhysicalDisks; } } return eRelation; } IFilesystemFilePtr TFakeFilesystem::CreateFileObject(const TSmartPath& spFilename, bool bNoBuffering) { IFilesystemFilePtr spFile = std::make_shared(spFilename, bNoBuffering, this); return spFile; } IFilesystemFindPtr TFakeFilesystem::CreateFinderObject(const TSmartPath& pathDir, const TSmartPath& pathMask) { // check if directory exists TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spFileDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathDir); if (!spFileDesc) return nullptr; IFilesystemFindPtr spFind = std::make_shared(pathDir, pathMask, this); return spFind; } bool TFakeFilesystem::FastMove(const TSmartPath& pathSource, const TSmartPath& pathDestination) { TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spFileDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathSource); if (!spFileDesc) return false; // check parent of pathDestination TSmartPath pathParent = pathDestination.GetParent(); if (pathParent.IsEmpty()) return false; TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spParentDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathParent); if (!spParentDesc) return false; spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().SetFilePath(pathDestination); return true; } bool TFakeFilesystem::GetFileInfo(const TSmartPath& pathFile, TFileInfoPtr& rFileInfo, const TBasePathDataPtr& spBasePathData) { TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spFileDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathFile); if (!spFileDesc) { FILETIME fi = { 0, 0 }; rFileInfo->Init(TSmartPath(), (DWORD)-1, 0, fi, fi, fi, 0); return false; } // copy data from W32_F_D rFileInfo->Init(spBasePathData, pathFile, spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().GetAttributes(), spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().GetLength64(), spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().GetCreationTime().GetAsFiletime(), spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().GetLastAccessTime().GetAsFiletime(), spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().GetLastWriteTime().GetAsFiletime(), 0); return true; } bool TFakeFilesystem::DeleteFile(const TSmartPath& pathFile) { // check parent of pathDestination TSmartPath pathParent = pathFile.GetParent(); if (pathParent.IsEmpty()) return false; TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spParentDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathParent); if (!spParentDesc) return false; // similar to FindFileByLocation(), but operating on iterators for (auto iterList = m_listFilesystemContent.begin(); iterList != m_listFilesystemContent.end(); ++iterList) { TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spDesc = (*iterList); if (spDesc->GetFileInfo().GetFullFilePath() == pathFile) { if (spDesc->GetFileInfo().IsDirectory()) return false; m_listFilesystemContent.erase(iterList); return true; } } return false; } bool TFakeFilesystem::RemoveDirectory(const TSmartPath& pathFile) { // check parent of pathDestination TSmartPath pathParent = pathFile.GetParent(); if (pathParent.IsEmpty()) return false; TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spParentDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathParent); if (!spParentDesc) return false; for (auto iterList = m_listFilesystemContent.begin(); iterList != m_listFilesystemContent.end(); ++iterList) { TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spDesc = (*iterList); if (spDesc->GetFileInfo().GetFullFilePath() == pathFile) { if (!spDesc->GetFileInfo().IsDirectory()) return false; m_listFilesystemContent.erase(iterList); return true; } } return false; } bool TFakeFilesystem::CreateDirectory(const TSmartPath& pathDirectory, bool bCreateFullPath) { // check parent of pathDestination TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathDirectory); if (spDesc) return true; if(!bCreateFullPath) { TSmartPath pathParent = pathDirectory.GetParent(); if (pathParent.IsEmpty()) return false; TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spParentDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathParent); if (!spParentDesc) return false; CreateFakeDirectory(pathDirectory); } else CreateFSObjectByLocation(pathDirectory); return true; } bool TFakeFilesystem::SetAttributes(const TSmartPath& pathFileDir, DWORD dwAttributes) { TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spFileDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathFileDir); if (!spFileDesc) return false; if (spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().IsDirectory() && !(dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return false; if (!spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().IsDirectory() && (dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return false; spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().SetAttributes(dwAttributes); return true; } bool TFakeFilesystem::SetFileDirectoryTime(const TSmartPath& pathFileDir, const TFileTime& ftCreationTime, const TFileTime& ftLastAccessTime, const TFileTime& ftLastWriteTime) { TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spFileDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathFileDir); if (!spFileDesc) return false; spFileDesc->GetFileInfo().SetFileTimes(ftCreationTime, ftLastAccessTime, ftLastWriteTime); return true; } void TFakeFilesystem::SetVolumeInfo(wchar_t wchVolumeLetter, file_size_t fsSize, UINT uiDriveType, DWORD dwPhysicalDiskNumber) { if (wchVolumeLetter >= L'a' && wchVolumeLetter <= L'z') wchVolumeLetter = wchVolumeLetter - 'a' + 'A'; else if (wchVolumeLetter < L'A' || wchVolumeLetter > L'Z') THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidArgument); auto iterMap = m_mapVolumeInfo.find(wchVolumeLetter); if (iterMap == m_mapVolumeInfo.end()) m_mapVolumeInfo.emplace(std::make_pair(wchVolumeLetter, TFakeVolumeInfo(fsSize, uiDriveType, dwPhysicalDiskNumber))); else { iterMap->second.SetDriveType(uiDriveType); iterMap->second.SetTotalSize(fsSize); } } TFakeFileDescriptionPtr TFakeFilesystem::FindFileByLocation(const TSmartPath& rPath) { for (TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spFile : m_listFilesystemContent) { if (spFile->GetFileInfo().GetFullFilePath() == rPath) return spFile; } return nullptr; } TFakeFileDescriptionPtr TFakeFilesystem::CreateFSObjectByLocation(const TSmartPath& pathFSObject) { TPathContainer pathParts; pathFSObject.SplitPath(pathParts); TSmartPath pathPartial; TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spFileDesc; for (size_t stIndex = 0; stIndex != pathParts.GetCount(); ++stIndex) { if (stIndex == 0 && (!pathParts.GetAt(stIndex).IsDrive() && !pathParts.GetAt(stIndex).IsServerName())) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidArgument); pathPartial += pathParts.GetAt(stIndex); spFileDesc = FindFileByLocation(pathPartial); if (!spFileDesc) CreateFakeDirectory(pathPartial); } return spFileDesc; } FILETIME TFakeFilesystem::GetCurrentFileTime() { SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); FILETIME ft; SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft); return ft; } TFakeFileDescriptionPtr TFakeFilesystem::CreateFakeDirectory(const TSmartPath& pathDir) { FILETIME ftCurrent = GetCurrentFileTime(); TFakeFileDescriptionPtr spDesc = std::make_shared( TFileInfo(nullptr, pathDir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, 0, ftCurrent, ftCurrent, ftCurrent, 0), TSparseRangeMap() ); m_listFilesystemContent.emplace_back(std::move(spDesc)); return spDesc; } }