/************************************************************************ Copy Handler 1.x - program for copying data in Microsoft Windows systems. Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Ixen Gerthannes (copyhandler@o2.pl) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *************************************************************************/ /** * @doc FILEINFO * @module FileInfo.h 1.3 - Interface for the CFileInfo and CFileInfoArray classes | * The classes contained in this file allow to gather recursively file information * through directories. * * Codeguru & friends * Coded by Antonio Tejada Lacaci. 1999 * atejada@espanet.com * CRC32 code by Floor A.C. Naaijkens * * Updates (aaaa-mm-dd): * MANY CHANGES by Ixen Gerthannes... * 1999-9-23 ATL: Opensource works! Again, Mr. Szucs (rszucs@cygron.hu) gets another bug: * Missing "4-(dwRead & 0x3)" in the same lines as before, when calc'ing the padding mask. * 1999-9-16 ATL: Corrected bug in GetCRC and GetChecksum as suggested by Róbert Szucs (rszucs@cygron.hu): * There was a buffer overflow and checksum and crc for last dword +1 was calc'ed instead * of the ones for last dword. Instead accessing buffer[dwRead +3...] it ought to access * buffer[dwRead...] (shame on me! :'(). * 1999-9-2 ATL: Corrected bug in AddFile(CString, LPARAM) as suggested by Nhycoh (Nhycoh44@yahoo.com): * There was some weird stuff at CFileInfo::Create(strFilePath) * stating strFilePath.GetLength()-nBarPos instead of nBarPos+1 * (I'm quite sure I left my head on my pillow the day I did that %-#). * 1999-6-27 ATL: Updated GetCRC & GetChecksum to avoid some bug cases * 1999-4-7 ATL: Updated source code doc to conform Autoduck 2.0 standard * 1999-4-7 ATL: Corrected bug in AddDir as suggested by Zhuang Yuyao (zhuangyy@koal.com): * bIncludeDirs wasn't used if bRecurse was false. * * Keep this comment if you redistribute this file. And credit where credit's due! */ #ifndef __FILEINFO_H__ #define __FILEINFO_H__ #include #include "afxdisp.h" #include "DestPath.h" void FindFreeSubstituteName(CString strSrcPath, CString strDstPath, CString* pstrResult); extern void GetDriveData(LPCTSTR lpszPath, int *piDrvNum, UINT *puiDrvType); // definitions for comparing sizes and dates #define LT 0 #define LE 1 #define EQ 2 #define GE 3 #define GT 4 // date type defs #define DATE_CREATED 0 #define DATE_MODIFIED 1 #define DATE_LASTACCESSED 2 // CFileInfo flags // flag stating that file has been processed (used to determine if file can be deleted at the end of copying) #define FIF_PROCESSED 0x00000001 class CFileInfo; class CFileFilter { public: CFileFilter(); CFileFilter(const CFileFilter& rFilter); CFileFilter& operator=(const CFileFilter& rFilter); bool Match(const CFileInfo& rInfo) const; CString& GetCombinedMask(CString& pMask) const; void SetCombinedMask(const CString& pMask); CString& GetCombinedExcludeMask(CString& pMask) const; void SetCombinedExcludeMask(const CString& pMask); void Serialize(CArchive& ar); protected: bool MatchMask(LPCTSTR lpszMask, LPCTSTR lpszString) const; bool Scan(LPCTSTR& lpszMask, LPCTSTR& lpszString) const; public: // files mask bool m_bUseMask; CStringArray m_astrMask; // files mask- bool m_bUseExcludeMask; CStringArray m_astrExcludeMask; // size filtering bool m_bUseSize; int m_iSizeType1; unsigned __int64 m_ullSize1; bool m_bUseSize2; int m_iSizeType2; unsigned __int64 m_ullSize2; // date filtering bool m_bUseDate; int m_iDateType; // created/last modified/last accessed int m_iDateType1; // before/after bool m_bDate1; CTime m_tDate1; bool m_bTime1; CTime m_tTime1; bool m_bUseDate2; int m_iDateType2; bool m_bDate2; CTime m_tDate2; bool m_bTime2; CTime m_tTime2; // attribute filtering bool m_bUseAttributes; int m_iArchive; int m_iReadOnly; int m_iHidden; int m_iSystem; int m_iDirectory; }; class CFiltersArray : public CArray { public: bool Match(const CFileInfo& rInfo) const; void Serialize(CArchive& ar); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CClipboardEntry class CClipboardEntry { public: CClipboardEntry() { m_bMove=true; m_iDriveNumber=-1; m_uiDriveType=static_cast(-1); m_iBufferIndex=0; }; CClipboardEntry(const CClipboardEntry& rEntry) { m_strPath=rEntry.m_strPath; m_bMove=rEntry.m_bMove; m_iDriveNumber=rEntry.m_iDriveNumber; m_uiDriveType=rEntry.m_uiDriveType; m_astrDstPaths.Copy(rEntry.m_astrDstPaths); }; void SetPath(const CString& strPath); void CalcBufferIndex(const CDestPath& dpDestPath); const CString& GetPath() const { return m_strPath; }; void SetMove(bool bValue) { m_bMove=bValue; }; bool GetMove() { return m_bMove; }; int GetDriveNumber() const { return m_iDriveNumber; }; UINT GetDriveType() const { return m_uiDriveType; }; int GetBufferIndex() const { return m_iBufferIndex; }; void Serialize(CArchive& ar, bool bData); private: CString m_strPath; // path (ie. c:\\windows\\) - always with ending '\\' bool m_bMove; // specifies if we can use MoveFile (if will be moved) int m_iDriveNumber; // disk number (-1 - none) UINT m_uiDriveType; // path type int m_iBufferIndex; // buffer number, with which we'll copy this data public: CStringArray m_astrDstPaths; // dest paths table for this group of paths }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CClipboardArray class CClipboardArray : public CArray { public: ~CClipboardArray() { RemoveAll(); }; void Serialize(CArchive& ar, bool bData); void SetAt(int nIndex, CClipboardEntry* pEntry) { delete [] GetAt(nIndex); SetAt(nIndex, pEntry); }; void RemoveAt(int nIndex, int nCount = 1) { while (nCount--) { delete GetAt(nIndex); static_cast*>(this)->RemoveAt(nIndex, 1); } }; void RemoveAll() { for (int i=0;i*>(this)->RemoveAll(); }; }; class CFileInfo { public: CFileInfo(); CFileInfo(const CFileInfo& finf); ~CFileInfo(); // static member static bool Exist(CString strPath); // check for file or folder existence void Create(const WIN32_FIND_DATA* pwfd, LPCTSTR pszFilePath, int iSrcIndex); bool Create(CString strFilePath, int iSrcIndex); DWORD GetLength(void) const { return (DWORD) m_uhFileSize; }; ULONGLONG GetLength64(void) const { return m_uhFileSize; }; void SetLength64(ULONGLONG uhSize) { m_uhFileSize=uhSize; }; // disk - path and disk number (-1 if none - ie. net disk) CString GetFileDrive(void) const; // returns string with src disk int GetDriveNumber() const; // disk number A - 0, b-1, c-2, ... UINT GetDriveType() const; // drive type CString GetFileDir(void) const; // @rdesc Returns \WINDOWS\ for C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI CString GetFileTitle(void) const; // @cmember returns WIN for C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI CString GetFileExt(void) const; /** @cmember returns INI for C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI */ CString GetFileRoot(void) const; /** @cmember returns C:\WINDOWS\ for C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI */ CString GetFileName(void) const; /** @cmember returns WIN.INI for C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI */ const CString& GetFilePath(void) const { return m_strFilePath; } // returns path with m_strFilePath (probably not full) CString GetFullFilePath() const; /** @cmember returns C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI for C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI */ void SetFilePath(LPCTSTR lpszPath) { m_strFilePath=lpszPath; }; /* Get File times info (equivalent to CFindFile members) */ const COleDateTime& GetCreationTime(void) const { return m_timCreation; }; /** @cmember returns creation time */ const COleDateTime& GetLastAccessTime(void) const { return m_timLastAccess; }; /** @cmember returns last access time */ const COleDateTime& GetLastWriteTime(void) const { return m_timLastWrite; }; /** @cmember returns las write time */ /* Get File attributes info (equivalent to CFindFile members) */ DWORD GetAttributes(void) const { return m_dwAttributes; }; /** @cmember returns file attributes */ bool IsDirectory(void) const { return (m_dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; }; /** @cmember returns TRUE if the file is a directory */ bool IsArchived(void) const { return (m_dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) != 0; }; /** @cmember Returns TRUE if the file has archive bit set */ bool IsReadOnly(void) const { return (m_dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) != 0; }; /** @cmember Returns TRUE if the file is read-only */ bool IsCompressed(void) const { return (m_dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) != 0; }; /** @cmember Returns TRUE if the file is compressed */ bool IsSystem(void) const { return (m_dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) != 0; }; /** @cmember Returns TRUE if the file is a system file */ bool IsHidden(void) const { return (m_dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0; }; /** @cmember Returns TRUE if the file is hidden */ bool IsTemporary(void) const { return (m_dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY) != 0; }; /** @cmember Returns TRUE if the file is temporary */ bool IsNormal(void) const { return m_dwAttributes == 0; }; /** @cmember Returns TRUE if the file is a normal file */ uint_t GetFlags() const { return m_uiFlags; } void SetFlags(uint_t uiFlags, uint_t uiMask = 0xffffffff) { m_uiFlags = (m_uiFlags & ~(uiFlags & uiMask)) | (uiFlags & uiMask); } // operations void SetClipboard(CClipboardArray *pClipboard) { m_pClipboard=pClipboard; }; CString GetDestinationPath(CString strPath, unsigned char ucCopyNumber, int iFlags); void SetSrcIndex(int iIndex) { m_iSrcIndex=iIndex; }; int GetSrcIndex() const { return m_iSrcIndex; }; bool GetMove() { if (m_iSrcIndex != -1) return m_pClipboard->GetAt(m_iSrcIndex)->GetMove(); else return true; }; int GetBufferIndex() const; // operators bool operator==(const CFileInfo& rInfo); // (re)/store data void Store(CArchive& ar); void Load(CArchive& ar); private: CString m_strFilePath; // contains relative path (first path is in CClipboardArray) int m_iSrcIndex; // index in CClipboardArray table (which contains the first part of the path) DWORD m_dwAttributes; // attributes ULONGLONG m_uhFileSize; /** @cmember File of size. (COM states LONGLONG as hyper, so "uh" means unsigned hyper) */ COleDateTime m_timCreation; /** @cmember Creation time */ COleDateTime m_timLastAccess; /** @cmember Last Access time */ COleDateTime m_timLastWrite; /** @cmember Last write time */ uint_t m_uiFlags; // ptrs to elements providing data CClipboardArray *m_pClipboard; }; /** * @class Allows to retrieve s from files/directories in a directory */ class CFileInfoArray : public CArray { public: /** @access Public members */ /** * @cmember Default constructor */ CFileInfoArray() { m_pClipboard=NULL; SetSize(0, 5000); }; void Init(CClipboardArray* pClipboard) { m_pClipboard=pClipboard; }; /** * @cmember Adds a file or all contained in a directory to the CFileInfoArray * Only "static" data for CFileInfo is filled (by default CRC and checksum are NOT * calculated when inserting CFileInfos). Returns the number of s added to the array * @parm Name of the directory, ended in backslash. * @parm Mask of files to add in case that strDirName is a directory * @parm Wether to recurse or not subdirectories * @parmopt Parameter to pass to protected member function AddFileInfo * @parmopt Wether to add or not CFileInfos for directories * @parmopt Pointer to a variable to signal abort of directory retrieval * (multithreaded apps). * @parmopt pulCount Pointer to a variable incremented each time a CFileInfo is added to the * array (multithreaded apps). * @xref */ void AddDir(CString strDirName, const CFiltersArray* pFilters, int iSrcIndex, const bool bRecurse, const bool bIncludeDirs, const volatile bool* pbAbort=NULL); /** * @cmember Adds a single file or directory to the CFileInfoArray. In case of directory, files * contained in the directory are NOT added to the array. * Returns the position in the array where the was added (-1 if * wasn't added) * @parm Name of the file or directory to add. NOT ended with backslash. * @parm Parameter to pass to protected member function AddFileInfo. * @xref */ int AddFile(CString strFilePath, int iSrcIndex); // store/restore void Store(CArchive& ar, bool bOnlyFlags) { INT_PTR iSize = GetSize(); ar << iSize; for (INT_PTR i=0;i>iSize; SetSize(iSize, 5000); CFileInfo fi; fi.SetClipboard(m_pClipboard); uint_t uiFlags = 0; for (INT_PTR i=0;i> uiFlags; rInfo.SetFlags(uiFlags); } else { fi.Load(ar); SetAt(i, fi); } } } protected: CClipboardArray* m_pClipboard; }; /** @ex This code adds all files in root directory and its subdirectories (but not directories themselves) to the array and TRACEs them: | CFileInfoArray fia; fia.AddDir( "C:\\", // Directory "*.*", // Filemask (all files) TRUE, // Recurse subdirs fia::AP_SORTBYNAME | fia::AP_SORTASCENDING, // Sort by name and ascending FALSE // Do not add array entries for directories (only for files) ); TRACE("Dumping directory contents\n"); for (int i=0;i