#include "config-test.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "cfg_xml.h" #include "exception.h" #include void ConfigTest::Run() { const ll_t llVal=-23524; const ull_t ullVal=3445; const bool bVal=true; const tchar_t* pszVal=_t("Łąka świeci jak może"); // generate temporary file name tchar_t* pszName=_ttmpnam(NULL); if (!pszName) THROW(_t("Cannot generate the temporary file name"), 0, 0, 0); tstring_t strPath(_t(".")); strPath+=pszName; strPath+=_t("cfg"); // start with testing cfg class /* icpf::xml_cfg cfgXml; icpf::config cfg(&cfgXml); ReportS(_t("Registering properties...\n")); uint_t auiID[4]; auiID[0]=cfg.register_signed_num(_t("test/TestSignedNum00"), 320, -23524, 640); auiID[1]=cfg.register_unsigned_num(_t("test/moo/TestUnsignedNum01"), 0, 0, 9999999); auiID[2]=cfg.register_bool(_t("test/TestBool02"), false); auiID[3]=cfg.register_string(_t("test/TestString03"), _t("none")); ReportS(_t("Setting values...\n")); cfg.set_signed_num(auiID[0], llVal); cfg.set_unsigned_num(auiID[1], ullVal); cfg.set_bool(auiID[2], bVal); cfg.set_string(auiID[3], pszVal); ReportS(_t("Retrieving and comparing values...\n")); if (cfg.get_signed_num(auiID[0]) != llVal) THROW(_t("Comparing signed number values failed"), 0, 0, 0); if (cfg.get_unsigned_num(auiID[1]) != ullVal) THROW(_t("Comparing unsigned number values failed"), 0, 0, 0); if (cfg.get_bool(auiID[2]) != bVal) THROW(_t("Comparing bool values failed"), 0, 0, 0); if (tstring_t(cfg.get_string(auiID[3])) != tstring_t(pszVal)) THROW(_t("Comparing string values failed"), 0, 0, 0); // store values in the file Report(_t("Storing properties in the file '") TSTRFMT _t("'\n"), strPath.c_str()); cfg.write(strPath.c_str()); // read stored values Report(_t("Reading properties from the file '") TSTRFMT _t("'\n"), strPath.c_str()); cfg.read(strPath.c_str()); tstring_t strFile2; pszName=_ttmpnam(NULL); if(!pszName) THROW(_t("Cannot generate the temporary file name"), 0, 0, 0); tstring_t strPath2(_t(".")); strPath2 += pszName; strPath += _t("cfg"); Report(_t("Storing properties in the file '") TSTRFMT _t("'\n"), strPath2.c_str()); cfg.write(strPath2.c_str());*/ ReportS(_t("Test finished.\n")); }