.topic 1 Replaces the path entered in the higher one of the edit boxes to the one from the edit box below and closes this dialog box. .topic 2 Discards all changes and closes this dialog box. .topic IDH_HELP_BUTTON Displays help information for this dialog box. .topic IDH_PATHS_LIST The list of the default paths that could be changed to something else. If any path is selected it will appear in the edit box below. .topic IDH_SOURCE_EDIT Specifies the path that will be replaced with the one from the edit box below. .topic IDH_DESTINATION_EDIT Specifies path to which the one from above would be changed. You can enter the path manually or by the '...' button on the right. .topic IDH_BROWSE_BUTTON Browses for a path that will be displayed in the window on the left.