/************************************************************************ Copy Handler 1.x - program for copying data in Microsoft Windows systems. Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Ixen Gerthannes (ixen@interia.pl) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "LogFile.h" #include "stdio.h" #pragma warning( disable : 4127 ) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructs this log file (sets members to initial state) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CLogFile::CLogFile() : CFileEx() { // nullify filename, set std data m_szFilename[0]=_T('\0'); m_bSizeLimit=true; m_dwSizeLimit=64UL*1024UL; m_bPreciseLimiting=false; m_dwTruncateBufferSize=64UL*1024UL; m_bEnabled=true; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initializes this log file. Remembers pathname and sets // enabled/disabled state. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CLogFile::Init(LPCTSTR pszPath, CResourceManager* pManager, bool bEnable) { // set filename _tcscpy(m_szFilename, pszPath); m_bEnabled=bEnable; m_pResManager=pManager; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Allows to set maximum size of this log file. When adding // next line of text to this file and when this option is // enabled - the file will be truncated (truncation of data // that lies at the beginning of file) before text is added. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CLogFile::SetSizeLimit(bool bEnable, DWORD dwSizeLimit) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); m_bSizeLimit=bEnable; m_dwSizeLimit=dwSizeLimit; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieves size limit and enabled limit status of this file. // Look @ SetSizeLimit. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CLogFile::GetSizeLimit(DWORD* pdwSizeLimit) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); bool bEnabled=m_bSizeLimit; if (pdwSizeLimit) *pdwSizeLimit=m_dwSizeLimit; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); return bEnabled; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Allows to enable/disable precise size limiting. Normally // when file needs truncation (look @SetSizeLimit) this class // truncates about 1/3 of the file. When this option is enabled // truncation will take much less data (but this will cause // that truncation will be needed more frequently) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CLogFile::SetPreciseLimiting(bool bEnable) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); m_bPreciseLimiting=bEnable; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Returns state of precise limiting (look@SetPreciseLimiting) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CLogFile::GetPreciseLimiting() { return m_bPreciseLimiting; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sets size of the buffer that will be used when truncating // this file. Truncation is done by copying data from end of // a file to the beginning and truncating a file. This buffer // size specifies amount of data that will be read/write at // once. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CLogFile::SetTruncateBufferSize(DWORD dwSize) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); m_dwTruncateBufferSize=dwSize; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieve current size of the truncation buffer. (see // SetTruncateBufferSize). // Ret Value [out] - size of the truncation buffer /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD CLogFile::GetTruncateBufferSize() { return m_dwTruncateBufferSize; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Enables (or disables) log functionality of this class. // Disabling logging allows to "transparently" use of this // class when we do not want to log any data. // bEnable [in] - enables logging (true) or disables (false) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CLogFile::EnableLogging(bool bEnable) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); m_bEnabled=bEnable; LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Returns current state of the logging (see EnableLogging) // Ret Value [out] - if logging is enabled (true) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CLogFile::IsLoggingEnabled() { return m_bEnabled; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logs string with a given va_list. // pszText [in] - text to log (it'll be expanded with data from // va_list. // arglist [in] - contains data that'll be used to expand // pszText // Ret Value [out] - if the text has been successfully written /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CLogFile::LogV(LPCTSTR pszText, va_list arglist) { // logging disabled - so we succeeded in processing if (!m_bEnabled) return true; EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); try { // open the file Open(m_szFilename, FA_APPEND); // process string int iSize=_vstprintf(m_szText, pszText, arglist); va_end(arglist); // trace it TRACE("[Log file] %s\n", m_szText); // call the callbacks for (vector::iterator it=m_vCallbacks.begin();it != m_vCallbacks.end();it++) { (*it->pfn)(it->pParam, m_szText); } // check if log file isn't too large if (m_bSizeLimit) { LONGLONG llCurrentSize=GetSize(); if (llCurrentSize+iSize+2 > m_dwSizeLimit) // limit check { // need to make this file shorter // find end of line at about 1/3 file size LONGLONG llNewSize=llCurrentSize-llCurrentSize/3; if (m_bPreciseLimiting || m_dwSizeLimit-llNewSize < iSize+2) { // more place needed llNewSize=(LONGLONG)m_dwSizeLimit-(iSize+2); if (llNewSize < 0) llNewSize=0; } // truncate this file LimitSize((DWORD)llNewSize); } } // now write data to file - append "\r\n" WriteLine(m_szText); // Close Close(); } catch (CFileException* e) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); delete e; return false; } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logs string. Ellipsis param. // pszText [in] - text to log (it'll be expanded with data from // va_list. // ... [in] - data that'll be used to expand pszText // Ret Value [out] - if the text has been successfully written /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CLogFile::Log(LPCTSTR pszText, ...) { if (!m_bEnabled) return true; va_list marker; va_start(marker, pszText); return LogV(pszText, marker); } bool CLogFile::Log(UINT uiStrID, ...) { if (!m_bEnabled) return true; // load string _ASSERT(m_pResManager); va_list marker; va_start(marker, uiStrID); return LogV(m_pResManager->LoadString(uiStrID), marker); } bool CLogFile::LogError(UINT uiStrID, DWORD dwError, ...) { if (!m_bEnabled) return true; TCHAR szBuffer[_MAX_PATH]; const TCHAR* pszText=m_pResManager->LoadString(uiStrID); // find the first %lu in the string TCHAR* pszPos=_tcsstr(pszText, _T("%lu")); if (pszPos == NULL) return false; _tcsncpy(m_szBuffer, pszText, pszPos-pszText); m_szBuffer[pszPos-pszText]=_T('\0'); // append error number _itot(dwError, szBuffer, 10); _tcscat(m_szBuffer, szBuffer); // format error FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, 0, szBuffer, _MAX_PATH, NULL); while (szBuffer[_tcslen(szBuffer)-1] == _T('\n') || szBuffer[_tcslen(szBuffer)-1] == _T('\r')) szBuffer[_tcslen(szBuffer)-1] = _T('\0'); // now find the first %s in a string pszPos+=3; TCHAR *pszPos2=_tcsstr(pszPos, _T("%s")); int iSize=(int)_tcslen(m_szBuffer); _tcsncpy(m_szBuffer+iSize, pszPos, pszPos2-pszPos); m_szBuffer[iSize+pszPos2-pszPos]=_T('\0'); // paste the string (error desc) _tcscat(m_szBuffer, szBuffer); // copy rest of the string _tcscat(m_szBuffer, pszPos2+2); va_list marker; va_start(marker, dwError); return LogV(m_szBuffer, marker); } void CLogFile::RegisterCallback(PFNLOGCALLBACK pfn, PVOID pParam) { LOGCALLBACKENTRY lce; lce.pfn=pfn; lce.pParam=pParam; m_vCallbacks.push_back(lce); } void CLogFile::UnregisterCallback(PFNLOGCALLBACK pfn) { // find the callback with the given address and remove it for (vector::iterator it=m_vCallbacks.begin();it != m_vCallbacks.end();it++) { if (it->pfn == pfn) { m_vCallbacks.erase(it); return; } } TRACE("Warning: Unregister callback function in CLogFile::UnregisterCallback failed. No function found.\n"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // (Internal) Limits size of the file. Causes to find the // nearest eol sign in file, and move all further data to // beginning of the file. // dwNewSize [in] - specifies new maximum file size needed /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CLogFile::LimitSize(DWORD dwNewSize) { BYTE* pszBuffer=NULL; try { // seek to end of file-dwNewSize Seek(-(LONG)dwNewSize, FILE_END); // establish end of line after that position pszBuffer=new BYTE[m_dwTruncateBufferSize]; // buffer for other data ReadLine((TCHAR*)pszBuffer, 1); // read line to the end - doesn't matter what it is Flush(); // flush buffer (if used) - sets file pointer to proper pos. // now move data from that position to the beginning DWORD dwDst=0, dwSrc=(DWORD)GetPos(); // buffer for data DWORD dwRD, dwWR; // switch file to unbuffered mode (faster) SwitchToUnbuffered(); // move while(true) { // seek to src Seek(dwSrc, FILE_BEGIN); // read data if ((dwRD=ReadBuffer(pszBuffer, m_dwTruncateBufferSize)) == 0) { Seek(dwDst, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile(); // leaves file ptr at the end of file break; } else { Seek(dwDst, FILE_BEGIN); dwWR=WriteBuffer(pszBuffer, dwRD); // update pos dwDst+=dwWR; dwSrc+=dwRD; } } } catch(...) { // something happened (shouldn't) // restore file state RestoreState(); delete [] pszBuffer; throw; } // free buffer RestoreState(); delete [] pszBuffer; }