// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2001-2013 by Jozef Starosczyk // ixen@copyhandler.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License // (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // ============================================================================ #include "stdafx.h" #include "TSQLiteSerializerRowData.h" #include "TSQLiteStatement.h" #include BEGIN_CHCORE_NAMESPACE namespace { struct SQLiteBindValueVisitor : public boost::static_visitor<> { private: SQLiteBindValueVisitor& operator=(const SQLiteBindValueVisitor&); public: SQLiteBindValueVisitor(sqlite::TSQLiteStatement& rStatement, int& rColumn) : m_rStatement(rStatement), m_rColumn(rColumn) {} void operator()(bool value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(short value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(unsigned short value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(int value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(unsigned int value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(long value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(unsigned long value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(long long value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(unsigned long long value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(double value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(const TString& value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } void operator()(const TSmartPath& value) const { m_rStatement.BindValue(m_rColumn++, value); } int& m_rColumn; sqlite::TSQLiteStatement& m_rStatement; }; } TSQLiteSerializerRowData::TSQLiteSerializerRowData(size_t stRowID, const TSQLiteColumnDefinitionPtr& spColumnDefinition, bool bAdded) : m_stRowID(stRowID), m_spColumns(spColumnDefinition), m_bAdded(bAdded) { } TSQLiteSerializerRowData::~TSQLiteSerializerRowData() { } ISerializerRowData& TSQLiteSerializerRowData::operator%(const TRowData& rData) { size_t stColumn = m_spColumns->GetColumnIndex(rData.m_strColName); std::map::iterator iterFnd = m_mapValues.find(stColumn); if(iterFnd == m_mapValues.end()) m_mapValues.insert(std::make_pair(stColumn, rData.m_varValue)); else (*iterFnd).second = rData.m_varValue; return *this; } ISerializerRowData& TSQLiteSerializerRowData::SetValue(const TRowData& rData) { size_t stColumn = m_spColumns->GetColumnIndex(rData.m_strColName); std::map::iterator iterFnd = m_mapValues.find(stColumn); if(iterFnd == m_mapValues.end()) m_mapValues.insert(std::make_pair(stColumn, rData.m_varValue)); else (*iterFnd).second = rData.m_varValue; return *this; } void TSQLiteSerializerRowData::Flush(const sqlite::TSQLiteDatabasePtr& spDatabase, const TString& strContainerName) { using namespace sqlite; TSQLiteStatement tStatement(spDatabase); if(m_bAdded) { // prepare insert query TString strQuery = boost::str(boost::wformat(L"INSERT INTO %1%(") % strContainerName).c_str(); TString strParams; for(MapVariants::iterator iterVariant = m_mapValues.begin(); iterVariant != m_mapValues.end(); ++iterVariant) { strQuery += boost::str(boost::wformat(_T("%1%,")) % m_spColumns->GetColumnName(iterVariant->first)).c_str(); strParams += _T("?,"); } strQuery.TrimRightSelf(_T(",")); strQuery += _T(") VALUES("); strParams.TrimRightSelf(_T(",")); strQuery += strParams; strQuery += _T(")"); // exec query int iColumn = 1; tStatement.Prepare(strQuery); for(MapVariants::iterator iterVariant = m_mapValues.begin(); iterVariant != m_mapValues.end(); ++iterVariant) { boost::apply_visitor(SQLiteBindValueVisitor(tStatement, iColumn), iterVariant->second); } tStatement.Step(); } else { // prepare update query TString strQuery = boost::str(boost::wformat(L"UPDATE %1% SET ") % strContainerName).c_str(); for(MapVariants::iterator iterVariant = m_mapValues.begin(); iterVariant != m_mapValues.end(); ++iterVariant) { strQuery += boost::str(boost::wformat(_T("%1%=?,")) % m_spColumns->GetColumnName(iterVariant->first)).c_str(); } strQuery.TrimRightSelf(_T(",")); strQuery += _T(" WHERE id=?"); int iColumn = 1; tStatement.Prepare(strQuery); for(MapVariants::iterator iterVariant = m_mapValues.begin(); iterVariant != m_mapValues.end(); ++iterVariant) { boost::apply_visitor(SQLiteBindValueVisitor(tStatement, iColumn), iterVariant->second); } tStatement.BindValue(iColumn++, m_stRowID); tStatement.Step(); } } END_CHCORE_NAMESPACE