@echo off SET ReposCH=https://svn.copyhandler.com/svn/copyhandler SET ReposIcpf=https://svn.copyhandler.com/svn/libicpf SET ReposIctranslate=https://svn.copyhandler.com/svn/libictranslate SET CurrentDir=%CD% SET ScriptDir=%CurrentDir% SET CHRootDir=%CurrentDir%\.. SET OutputDir=%CurrentDir%\out SET TmpDir=%CurrentDir%\tmp SET VSInstallDirX64=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 SET ProgramFilesX86=%ProgramFiles% rem NOTE: Strange construct here because of strange behaviour of %ProgramFiles(x86)% which loses last parenthesis otherwise if "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" == "" SET VSInstallDirX86=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 if NOT "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" == "" SET VSInstallDirX86=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 if NOT "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" == "" SET ProgramFilesX86=%ProgramFiles(x86)% if not exist "%ScriptDir%\config.bat" ( echo ERROR: This script needs to be called from its directory. exit /b 1 ) rem Detect 7-zip location SET SEVENZIPEXE= for %%X in (7z.exe) do (set SEVENZIPEXE=%%~$PATH:X) if "%SEVENZIPEXE%" == "" set SEVENZIPEXE=%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe if not exist "%SEVENZIPEXE%" ( echo 7-zip executable is not in the PATH nor at its default location. Please install 7-zip. exit /b 1 ) rem Detect inno setup compiler SET ISCCEXE= for %%X in (iscc.exe) do (set ISCCEXE=%%~$PATH:X) if "%ISCCEXE%" == "" set ISCCEXE=%ProgramFilesX86%\Inno Setup 5\iscc.exe if not exist "%ISCCEXE%" ( echo Inno setup compiler executable is not in the PATH nor at its default location. Please install Inno Setup. exit /b 1 ) SET SVNINDEXCMD= for %%X in (svnindex.cmd) do (set SVNINDEXCMD=%%~$PATH:X) if "%SVNINDEXCMD%" == "" set SVNINDEXCMD=%ProgramFiles%\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)\srcsrv\svnindex.cmd if not exist "%SVNINDEXCMD%" ( echo svnindex.cmd not found in PATH environment variable nor in its default location. Please install Debugging tools for Windows. exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0