@echo off rem Mark the changes as local ones setlocal if [%1] == [] ( echo Usage: svntag.bat TextVersion exit /b 1 ) SET TextVersion=%1 rem Include config call config.bat if errorlevel 1 ( exit /b 1 ) call internal\clear_env.bat if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Problem with preparing environment. goto error ) echo * Tagging projects... call internal\svntag_single.bat "%ReposIcpf%" %TextVersion% if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) call internal\svntag_single.bat "%ReposIctranslate%" %TextVersion% if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) call internal\svntag_single.bat "%ReposCH%" %TextVersion% if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo * Checking out the tagged ch repository... svn --ignore-externals co "%ReposCH%/tags/%TextVersion%" "%MainProjectDir%" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: encountered a problem while checking out copyhandler project. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) echo * Creating new svn:externals definition... echo src/libicpf %ReposIcpf%/tags/%TextVersion%/src/libicpf >"%TmpDir%\externals.txt" echo src/libictranslate %ReposIctranslate%/tags/%TextVersion%/src/libictranslate >>"%TmpDir%\externals.txt" echo src/rc2lng %ReposIctranslate%/tags/%TextVersion%/src/rc2lng >>"%TmpDir%\externals.txt" echo src/ictranslate %ReposIctranslate%/tags/%TextVersion%/src/ictranslate >>"%TmpDir%\externals.txt" svn propedit --editor-cmd "type %TmpDir%\externals.txt >" svn:externals "%MainProjectDir%" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: encountered a problem while checking out copyhandler project. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) echo * Updating version information... cscript //NoLogo internal\replace_version.vbs "%MainProjectDir%\src\common\version.h.template" "%MainProjectDir%\src\common\version.h" %MajorVersion% %MinorVersion% %SVNVersion% %CustomVersion% %TextVersion% >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: encountered a problem while checking out copyhandler project. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) echo * Performing commit of the updated svn:externals... svn commit -m "Updated svn:externals definition" "%MainProjectDir%" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: encountered a problem while committing changes to repository. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) goto cleanup :error call internal\clear_env.bat /skip_create exit /b 1 :cleanup echo * Cleaning up the temporary files... call internal\clear_env.bat /skip_create :end exit /b 0