@echo off call config.bat if errorlevel 1 ( exit /b 1 ) cd "%TmpDir%\.." rem Setup environment if exist "%TmpDir%" ( echo * Removing temporary directory... rmdir /S /Q "%TmpDir%" >nul if exist "%TmpDir%" ( echo ERROR: Deleting the old temporary folder failed. exit /b 1 ) ) if NOT "%1" == "/skip_create" ( if exist "%OutputDir%" ( echo * Removing OutputDirectory... rmdir /S /Q "%OutputDir%" >nul if exist "%OutputDir%" ( echo ERROR: Deleting the old output folder failed. exit /b 1 ) ) mkdir "%TmpDir%" if not exist "%TmpDir%" ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary folder failed. exit /b 1 ) mkdir "%OutputDir%" if not exist "%OutputDir%" ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary folder failed. exit /b 1 ) mkdir "%TmpDir%\zip32" if not exist "%TmpDir%\zip32" ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary zip32 folder failed. goto error ) mkdir "%TmpDir%\zip64" if not exist "%TmpDir%\zip64" ( echo ERROR: Creating temporary zip64 folder failed. goto error ) ) exit /b 0