// ============================================================================ // Copyright (C) 2001-2011 by Jozef Starosczyk // ixen@copyhandler.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License // (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the // Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // ============================================================================ /// @file TDateTime.cpp /// @date 2011/10/26 /// @brief Contains implementation of date&time handling class. // ============================================================================ #include "stdafx.h" #include "TDateTime.h" #include "TCoreWin32Exception.h" #include "ErrorCodes.h" namespace chcore { TDateTime::TDateTime() : m_tTime(0) { } TDateTime::TDateTime(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay, int iHour, int iMinute, int iSecond) { if (iYear < 1900) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidArgument); tm tTime; tTime.tm_sec = iSecond; tTime.tm_min = iMinute; tTime.tm_hour = iHour; tTime.tm_mday = iDay; tTime.tm_mon = iMonth - 1; tTime.tm_year = iYear - 1900; tTime.tm_isdst = -1; m_tTime = _mktime64(&tTime); if (m_tTime == -1) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION_WIN32(eErr_InvalidArgument, GetLastError()); } TDateTime::TDateTime(FILETIME ftDateTime) { operator=(ftDateTime); } TDateTime::TDateTime(SYSTEMTIME sysDateTime) { operator=(sysDateTime); } TDateTime::TDateTime(time_t tDateTime) : m_tTime(tDateTime) { } TDateTime& TDateTime::operator=(FILETIME ftDateTime) { // convert and process as system time FILETIME tLocalFileTime; if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ftDateTime, &tLocalFileTime)) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION_WIN32(eErr_InvalidArgument, GetLastError()); SYSTEMTIME sysTime; if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&tLocalFileTime, &sysTime)) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION_WIN32(eErr_InvalidArgument, GetLastError()); return operator=(sysTime); } TDateTime& TDateTime::operator=(SYSTEMTIME sysDateTime) { if (sysDateTime.wYear < 1900) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidArgument); tm tTime; tTime.tm_sec = sysDateTime.wSecond; tTime.tm_min = sysDateTime.wMinute; tTime.tm_hour = sysDateTime.wHour; tTime.tm_mday = sysDateTime.wDay; tTime.tm_mon = sysDateTime.wMonth - 1; tTime.tm_year = sysDateTime.wYear - 1900; tTime.tm_isdst = -1; m_tTime = _mktime64(&tTime); if (m_tTime == -1) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION_WIN32(eErr_InvalidArgument, GetLastError()); return *this; } TDateTime& TDateTime::operator=(time_t tDateTime) { m_tTime = tDateTime; return *this; } void TDateTime::Clear() { m_tTime = 0; } void TDateTime::SetCurrentDateTime() { m_tTime = _time64(NULL); } void TDateTime::GetAsSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME& tSystemTime) const { tm tThisTimeInfo; errno_t err = _localtime64_s(&tThisTimeInfo, &m_tTime); if (err != 0) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidData); tSystemTime.wYear = (WORD)(tThisTimeInfo.tm_year + 1900); tSystemTime.wMonth = (WORD)(tThisTimeInfo.tm_mon + 1); tSystemTime.wDayOfWeek = (WORD)tThisTimeInfo.tm_wday; tSystemTime.wDay = (WORD)tThisTimeInfo.tm_mday; tSystemTime.wHour = (WORD)tThisTimeInfo.tm_hour; tSystemTime.wMinute = (WORD)tThisTimeInfo.tm_min; tSystemTime.wSecond = (WORD)tThisTimeInfo.tm_sec; tSystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0; } TString TDateTime::Format(bool bUseDate, bool bUseTime) const { if (!bUseDate && !bUseTime) return TString(); TString strTmp; const size_t stMaxBufSize = 1024; wchar_t* pszBuffer = strTmp.GetBuffer(stMaxBufSize); PCTSTR pszFmt = NULL; if (bUseDate && bUseTime) pszFmt = _T("%x %X"); else if (bUseDate) pszFmt = _T("%x"); else if (bUseTime) pszFmt = _T("%X"); tm tThisTimeInfo; errno_t err = _localtime64_s(&tThisTimeInfo, &m_tTime); if (err != 0) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidData); if (!_tcsftime(pszBuffer, stMaxBufSize, pszFmt, &tThisTimeInfo)) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidData); strTmp.ReleaseBuffer(); return strTmp; } time_t TDateTime::Compare(const TDateTime& rOtherDateTime, bool bCompareDate, bool bCompareTime) const { if (!bCompareDate && !bCompareTime) return 0; tm tThisTimeInfo; tm tOtherTimeInfo; errno_t err = _localtime64_s(&tThisTimeInfo, &m_tTime); if (err != 0) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidData); err = _localtime64_s(&tOtherTimeInfo, &rOtherDateTime.m_tTime); if (err != 0) THROW_CORE_EXCEPTION(eErr_InvalidData); time_t tDiffDateTime = 0; if (bCompareDate) { time_t tThisCompoundDate = (tThisTimeInfo.tm_year - 1900) * 32140800 + tThisTimeInfo.tm_mon * 2678400 + tThisTimeInfo.tm_mday * 86400; time_t tOtherCompoundDate = (tOtherTimeInfo.tm_year - 1900) * 32140800 + tOtherTimeInfo.tm_mon * 2678400 + tOtherTimeInfo.tm_mday * 86400; // <0 means that this date is less than other date, 0 means they are equal, >0 means that other date is less than this date tDiffDateTime = tOtherCompoundDate - tThisCompoundDate; // at this point we can return only if this date differs from other date; if they are equal, process time comparison if needed if (tDiffDateTime != 0) return tDiffDateTime; } if (bCompareTime) { time_t tThisCompoundTime = tThisTimeInfo.tm_hour * 3600 + tThisTimeInfo.tm_min * 60 + tThisTimeInfo.tm_sec; time_t tOtherCompoundTime = tOtherTimeInfo.tm_hour * 3600 + tOtherTimeInfo.tm_min * 60 + tOtherTimeInfo.tm_sec; tDiffDateTime = tOtherCompoundTime - tThisCompoundTime; } return tDiffDateTime; } void TDateTime::StoreInConfig(TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszNodeName) const { rConfig.SetValue(pszNodeName, m_tTime); } bool TDateTime::ReadFromConfig(const TConfig& rConfig, PCTSTR pszNodeName) { return rConfig.GetValue(pszNodeName, m_tTime); } time_t TDateTime::GetAsTimeT() const { return m_tTime; } bool TDateTime::operator==(const TDateTime& rSrc) const { return m_tTime == rSrc.m_tTime; } bool TDateTime::operator!=(const TDateTime& rSrc) const { return m_tTime != rSrc.m_tTime; } }