@echo off rem Script prepares all packages based on the source code in which this script is placed. rem Mark the changes as local ones setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo --- Initializing ---------------------------------------------------- call config.bat if errorlevel 1 ( exit /b 1 ) echo * Clearing environment... call internal\clear_env.bat if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo * Initializing Visual Studio environment if not exist "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" ( echo ERROR: Can't find the vsvars32.bat file. goto error ) else ( call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" >nul ) set MainProjectDir=%CHRootDir% rem Update the version string in the version.h for trunk echo * Detecting current version information... call internal\detect_internal_version.bat "%MainProjectDir%" if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) if "%CHReleaseType%" == "internal" ( echo * Updating version information in version.h for the internal release... cscript //NoLogo internal\replace_version.vbs "%MainProjectDir%\src\common\version.h.template" "%MainProjectDir%\src\common\version.h" !CHMajorVersion! !CHMinorVersion! !CHSVNVersion! !CHCustomVersion! !CHTextVersion! >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: encountered a problem while updating version information. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) ) echo --- Building solutions ---------------------------------------------- cd "%MainProjectDir%" echo * Building win32 release solution... devenv ch.vc90.sln /rebuild "Release|Win32" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Build process failed. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) echo * Building win64 release solution... devenv ch.vc90.sln /rebuild "Release|x64" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Build process failed. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) echo --- Verifying build ------------------------------------------------- cd %MainProjectDir% if not exist bin\release ( echo ERROR: The bin\release directory does not exist. goto error ) cd %MainProjectDir%\scripts SET FoundWrongManifest=0 for %%v in (%MainProjectDir%\bin\release\*.dll %MainProjectDir%\bin\release\*.exe) do ( echo * Verifying %%~nv%%~xv... call internal\detect_incorrect_manifest.bat "%%v" if errorlevel 1 ( SET FoundWrongManifest=1 ) ) if "!FoundWrongManifest!" == "1" ( echo ERROR: Incorrect manifest detected in one or more executables. goto error ) if NOT "%SKIPCHSIGNING%" == "1" ( echo --- Signing executables --------------------------------------------- signtool sign /t http://time.certum.pl /a "%MainProjectDir%\bin\release\*.dll" "%MainProjectDir%\bin\release\*.exe" 2>"%TmpDir%\command-err.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Cannot sign executables! See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command-err.log" goto error ) ) else ( echo WARNING: Signing executables was disabled. ) echo --- Preparing packages ---------------------------------------------- echo * Create source package for version %CHTextVersion%... rem Export the current working copy to a separate directory to avoid including unnecessary files in the source archive SET CHSrcDir="%TmpDir%\ch-src" svn export "%MainProjectDir%" "%CHSrcDir%" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" 2>"%TmpDir%\command-err.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: encountered a problem while exporting local sources to a separate location. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command-err.log" goto error ) cd %CHSrcDir% "%SEVENZIPEXE%" a "%OutputDir%\chsrc-%CHTextVersion%.zip" -tzip -x^^!"scripts\*.bat" -xr^^!".svn" . >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Preparation of the sources failed. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) echo * Preparing the symbols package... cd %MainProjectDir%\scripts if "%CHCustomVersion%" == "1" ( if "%CHReleaseType%" == "internal" ( echo * WARNING: Skipping embedding source server info in PDB files due to local sources modifications... ) else ( echo * ERROR: Tagged sources contains local modifications - cannot embed source server info in PDB files... goto error ) ) else ( echo * Embedding source server info in PDB files... call internal\embed_srcserver_info.bat "%MainProjectDir%" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: encountered a problem while embedding source server information in debug symbols. goto error ) ) cd %MainProjectDir%\bin\release "%SEVENZIPEXE%" a "%OutputDir%\ch_symbols-%CHTextVersion%.zip" -tzip "*.pdb" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Could not create symbols archive. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) echo * Preparing the installer package... cd %MainProjectDir% if not exist scripts ( echo ERROR: The scripts directory does not exist. goto error ) cd %MainProjectDir%\scripts "%ISCCEXE%" setup.iss /o%OutputDir% >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Preparation of the installer version failed. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) if NOT "%SKIPCHSIGNING%" == "1" ( echo * Signing installer package... signtool sign /t http://time.certum.pl /a "%OutputDir%\*.exe" 2>"%TmpDir%\command-err.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Cannot sign executables! See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command-err.log" goto error ) ) else ( echo WARNING: Signing executables was disabled. ) echo * Preparing zip package... cd %MainProjectDir% rem Prepare files SET Res=0 xcopy "bin\release\ch.exe" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "License.txt" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\chext.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\libicpf32u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\libchcore32u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\libictranslate32u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\ictranslate.exe" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "%VSInstallDirX86%\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\*" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "%VSInstallDirX86%\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.MFC\*" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "%VSInstallDirX64%\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x86\dbghelp.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip32\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy /E /I "bin\release\help" "%TmpDir%\zip32\help" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy /E /I "bin\release\langs" "%TmpDir%\zip32\langs" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\ch64.exe" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "License.txt" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\chext64.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\libicpf64u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\libchcore64u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\libictranslate64u.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "bin\release\ictranslate64.exe" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "%VSInstallDirX86%\VC\redist\amd64\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\*" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "%VSInstallDirX86%\VC\redist\amd64\Microsoft.VC90.MFC\*" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy "%VSInstallDirX64%\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\dbghelp.dll" "%TmpDir%\zip64\" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy /E /I "bin\release\help" "%TmpDir%\zip64\help" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 xcopy /E /I "bin\release\langs" "%TmpDir%\zip64\langs" >>"%TmpDir%\command.log" || SET Res=1 if %Res% NEQ 0 ( echo ERROR: Detected a problem when copying files. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) cd "%TmpDir%\" "%SEVENZIPEXE%" a -tzip "%OutputDir%\ch-%CHTextVersion%.zip" zip32 zip64 >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Could not create win32 zip archive. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) cd "%ScriptDir%" echo * Done... goto cleanup :error echo * Clearing environment... call internal\clear_env.bat /skip_create exit /b 1 :cleanup echo * Clearing environment... call internal\clear_env.bat /skip_create :end exit /b 0