@echo off rem Scripts checks out trunk or specific tag of CH and launches preparation of the packages for the retrieved version. rem Mark the changes as local ones setlocal rem Check input parameter if [%1] == [] ( echo Usage: make_release.bat ^ exit /b 1 ) echo --- Initializing ----------------------------------------------- echo * Reading configuration... call config.bat if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo * Preparing environment... call internal\prepare_env.bat if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) echo --- Retrieving code ---------------------------------- if "%1" == "trunk" ( SET CHRepositoryAddress=%ReposCH%/trunk ) else ( SET CHRepositoryAddress=%ReposCH%/tags/%1 ) echo * Checking out %CHRepositoryAddress%... SET CHTmpDir=%TmpDir%\ch-svn svn co "%CHRepositoryAddress%" "%CHTmpDir%" >"%TmpDir%\command.log" if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR: Could not check out source code. See the log below: type "%TmpDir%\command.log" goto error ) rem call the original version of the script that was used to prepare the version (might not work for versions prior to 1.40) ch %CHTmpDir%\scripts call make_existing_release.bat if errorlevel 1 ( goto error ) goto cleanup :error call internal\clear_env.bat /skip_create exit /b 1 :cleanup call internal\clear_env.bat /skip_create :end exit /b 0