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#include "stdafx.h" |
| |
21 |
#include "CfgProperties.h" |
| |
22 |
| |
23 |
bool RegisterProperties(CConfigManager* pManager) |
| |
24 |
{ |
| |
25 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Enabled clipboard monitoring"), false); |
| |
26 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Monitor scan interval"), 1000); |
| |
27 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Reload after restart"), false); |
| |
28 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Shutdown system after finished"), false); |
| |
29 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Time before shutdown"), 10000); |
| |
30 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Force shutdown"), false); |
| |
31 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Autosave interval"), 30000); |
| |
32 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Process priority class"), NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS); |
| |
33 |
pManager->RegisterStringProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Autosave directory"), _T("<TEMP>\\"), RF_PATH); |
| |
34 |
pManager->RegisterStringProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Plugins directory"), _T("<PROGRAM>\\Plugins\\"), RF_PATH); |
| |
35 |
pManager->RegisterStringProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Help directory"), _T("<PROGRAM>\\Help\\"), RF_PATH); |
| |
36 |
pManager->RegisterStringProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Language"), _T("<PROGRAM>\\Langs\\English.lng")); |
| |
37 |
pManager->RegisterStringProperty(_T("Program"), _T("Languages directory"), _T("<PROGRAM>\\Langs\\"), RF_PATH); |
| |
38 |
| |
39 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Status dialog"), _T("Status refresh interval"), 1000); |
| |
40 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Status dialog"), _T("Show details"), true); |
| |
41 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Status dialog"), _T("Auto remove finished"), false); |
| |
42 |
| |
43 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Folder dialog"), _T("Dialog width"), -1); |
| |
44 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Folder dialog"), _T("Dialog height"), -1); |
| |
45 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Folder dialog"), _T("Shortcut list style"), 1); |
| |
46 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Folder dialog"), _T("Extended view"), true); |
| |
47 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Folder dialog"), _T("Ignore shell dialogs"), false); |
| |
48 |
| |
49 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Mini view"), _T("Show filenames"), true); |
| |
50 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Mini view"), _T("Show single tasks"), true); |
| |
51 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Mini view"), _T("Miniview refresh interval"), 200); |
| |
52 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Mini view"), _T("Autoshow when run"), true); |
| |
53 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Mini view"), _T("Autohide when empty"), true); |
| |
54 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Mini view"), _T("Use smooth progress"), true); |
| |
55 |
| |
56 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Use auto-complete files"), true); |
| |
57 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Always set destination attributes"), true); |
| |
58 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Always set destination time"), true); |
| |
59 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Protect read-only files"), false); |
| |
60 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Limit max operations"), 1); |
| |
61 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Read tasks size before blocking"), true); |
| |
62 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Show visual feedback"), 2); |
| |
63 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Use timed feedback dialogs"), false); |
| |
64 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Feedback time"), 60000); |
| |
65 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Auto retry on error"), true); |
| |
66 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Auto retry interval"), 10000); |
| |
67 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Default priority"), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); |
| |
68 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Disable priority boost"), false); |
| |
69 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Delete files after finished"), true); |
| |
70 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Copying/moving"), _T("Create log file"), true); |
| |
71 |
| |
72 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show 'Copy' command"), true); |
| |
73 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show 'Move' command"), true); |
| |
74 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show 'Copy/move special' command"), true); |
| |
75 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show 'Paste' command"), true); |
| |
76 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show 'Paste special' command"), true); |
| |
77 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show 'Copy to' command"), true); |
| |
78 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show 'Move to' command"), true); |
| |
79 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show 'Copy to/Move to special' command"), true); |
| |
80 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show free space along with shortcut"), true); |
| |
81 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Show shell icons in shortcuts menu"), false); |
| |
82 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Use drag&drop default menu item override"), true); |
| |
83 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Shell"), _T("Default action when dragging"), 3); |
| |
84 |
| |
85 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Buffer"), _T("Use only default buffer"), false); |
| |
86 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Buffer"), _T("Default buffer size"), 2097152); |
| |
87 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Buffer"), _T("One physical disk buffer size"), 4194304); |
| |
88 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Buffer"), _T("Two different hard disks buffer size"), 524288); |
| |
89 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Buffer"), _T("CD buffer size"), 262144); |
| |
90 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Buffer"), _T("LAN buffer size"), 131072); |
| |
91 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Buffer"), _T("Use no buffering for large files"), true); |
| |
92 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Buffer"), _T("Large files lower boundary limit"), 2097152); |
| |
93 |
| |
94 |
pManager->RegisterStringProperty(_T("Log file"), _T("Path to main log file"), _T("<PROGRAM>\\ch.log")); |
| |
95 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Log file"), _T("Enable logging"), true); |
| |
96 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Log file"), _T("Enable log size limitation"), true); |
| |
97 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Log file"), _T("Max log size limit"), 65535); |
| |
98 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Log file"), _T("Precise log size limiting"), false); |
| |
99 |
pManager->RegisterIntProperty(_T("Log file"), _T("Truncation buffer size"), 65535, PDL_PARANOID); |
| |
100 |
| |
101 |
pManager->RegisterBoolProperty(_T("Sounds"), _T("Play sounds"), true); |
| |
102 |
pManager->RegisterStringProperty(_T("Sounds"), _T("Error sound path"), _T("<WINDOWS>\\media\\chord.wav")); |
| |
103 |
pManager->RegisterStringProperty(_T("Sounds"), _T("Finished sound path"), _T("<WINDOWS>\\media\\ding.wav")); |
| |
104 |
| |
105 |
pManager->RegisterStringArrayProperty(_T("Shortcuts")); |
| |
106 |
pManager->RegisterStringArrayProperty(_T("Recent paths")); |
| |
107 |
| |
108 |
return true; |
| |
109 |
} |